@Estro Felino I don't know why I'm responding to this. I've never seen any of your posts before, or even your name. It looks like something I would want to distance myself from as far as possible. Maybe the reason I'm responding to it is because the whole reason that I started posting in these forums again was to discuss some ideas for promoting better online behavior. As I understand it, some things that people have been saying look to you like saying that you're wicked. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to think that someone looks wicked, and to say so. Aren't there people who look wicked to you? From what you've said, it looks to me like you do have feelings like that about some people. If not anyone in these forums, then some people somewhere, who look wicked to you. Don't you think you could possibly be wrong about some of them? You also seem to think that it's okay for you to say whatever you think, regardless of how it might make other people feel. So from your own words and actions, even if there are people saying that you're wicked, I don't see why you would object to that. I know it's against the rules, and for that reason I think it would be wrong, and you might be wrong not to report it, but I don't see why you would object to it yourself, personally.
Personally, I don't like to see people maligning and scolding each other, for any reason, no matter how wicked they might be. Not only because I think it poisons all of us and all of society, and I see no need for it for any good purpose, but because I see much better things that we could all be doing with our time in Internet discussions. The reason for people posting in Internet discussions might be mostly for social interaction, and one popular way of doing that might be endless, aimless, fruitless, acrimonious debating. That might even be a way for people to get to know each other better and eventually be friends if they aren't already, but I think we could all be doing all of that in ways that would do all of us, and all other people everywhere, a lot more good. I've started two threads for that purpose. I'm not sure that would interest you, but I'm not sure it wouldn't. Let me know if it does.
I've learned some things from writing this post, about myself, and about what I want to do on the Internet and how I might do it, which might help explain why I responded to it.