Self-appointed Lunatic
I have no personal experience with drug use, so I'm not going to try and advocate we all smoke crack and snort heroin (although I do know for a fact that marijuana is safe, or at least not anywhere near as dangerous as it's claimed to be). But be aware, nothing that you just said about drugs affecting spiritual health is ANYWHERE in the Bible.Why would God the Son want people to kill their souls with drug use? You think he would approve of smoking crack or even snorting heroin? I do not think so. These drugs are more the extremely dangerous to the physical self, but also to the spiritual self. If you do not think so, Id suggest go meeting with a few addicts. Its why we need more ministries for these people.
See, that's just what I was getting at - "downhill of society" could mean anything. I can tell just from these two posts from you that your idea of a "good" society would be morally and logically repulsive to me and many others.And Decadence, as in the downhill of society, I do believe Christ would be against. The acceptance of things that would have been viewed as distasteful(at the lest) are now gaining support. Pornography,abortion, homosexual marriage, support of violence,Atheism, etc. All of these things have sent our society down hill.
Pornography's existed for about as long as photography has, if not longer (and prostitution is often called "the world's oldest profession"), abortion is a better choice than having an unloved/unsupportable child be brought into the world, homosexual marriage is of no threat to society (and certainly didn't do the ancient Greeks any harm, by the looks of it), violent atheism is virtually nonexistent, and none of those things are what's sending our society downhill.
You're focusing on only two issues, and ignoring that democrats aren't unanimously anti-bigotry and pro-choice (Democrats are much less unified than Republicans).That is silly democrat propaganda. Almost all "Catholics" and other Christians who are democrats support gay marriage and abortion. How exactly is this traditional? I am not all for "radical Christianity", but I am for sticking to my beliefs, and what they mean in the modern context. I am against the restriction of Freedom of Religion, or any freedom at that matter. But I will not sit by and vote for a supposed Catholic who supports Abortion or the degradation of a holy sacrament.
You're free to vote how you like, but I must remind you that your claims are illogical. If you outlaw abortion, it will happen anyway, and in a much less safe environment (just like what's happened with the phony "war on drugs"). And for the love of Government, you don't own marriage! Marriage is not a "holy sacrament," it is an economic contract that bears emotional value for some reason. If marriage WAS a "holy sacrament," the government should have no part in it, and thus the entire argument over homosexual marriage becomes null.