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I envy actors


Active Member
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.
Actually, most of the actors in the world are not cool, nor are they rich and most people don't know who the heck they are. Stop and think about it -- in every decent-sized city in the world, there are a few to dozens of shows going on all the time. That means tens of thousands of actors are on stage every single day. Same thing with movies -- there are over 2,500 released every year -- again, tens of thousands of actors.

And how many of them have you heard of? Frankly, most of them supplement their living by waiting in restaurants.

I know -- I was one.


Active Member
Actually, most of the actors in the world are not cool, nor are they rich and most people don't know who the heck they are. Stop and think about it -- in every decent-sized city in the world, there are a few to dozens of shows going on all the time. That means tens of thousands of actors are on stage every single day. Same thing with movies -- there are over 2,500 released every year -- again, tens of thousands of actors.

And how many of them have you heard of? Frankly, most of them supplement their living by waiting in restaurants.

I know -- I was one.
I still envy actors and yes I know not all actors are successful but I'm obviously taking about the ones who are super successful the ones that you always see in movies and tv shows making billions of dollars.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.
I suspect life is not all roses for actors, and especially as to trying to have a private life - for themselves and/or their families - and it often only takes a few wrong words to get the media switching to hate mode. But some actors seem to make it through and appear to be universally loved and appreciated for their work throughout their lives - although perhaps the lucky ones.



अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.
Then maybe become an actor?

It's easy (and foolhardy) to be envious of someone unless you've walked a mile in their shoes.
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.

I have a couple of actor friends, definitely not rich. Not sure you'd call a 69 year old reprobate cool. Mostly they either do mundane work or are unemployed.

True story time.
The younger guy landed a job on one of the ghost hunt programs. He believed in ghosts and so was over the moon at the prospect of actually seeing one

He arrived at the haunted castle, received his script then settled down to learn his few lines.

It was then he realised that the ghosts were also scripted. He walked to the director, handed him the script and left. His belief in ghosts shattered.

Acting can be very disappointing


Veteran Member
I still envy actors and yes I know not all actors are successful but I'm obviously taking about the ones who are super successful the ones that you always see in movies and tv shows making billions of dollars.
So, you don't really envy actors, you envy their success. You could also envy athletes. It's the same, there are millions of them and only a very few, very talented, very hard-working, are rich and famous. There are more professions like that, high risk, high reward, with a field of less fortunate who barely scrape by.
Nobody envies clerks. There's no fame and no insane amount of money in it. But they usually don't have to live in their cars (as some famous actors had to, before they became famous). You have to weigh security against the potential of high rewards - and utter failure.
So, you don't really envy actors, you envy their success. You could also envy athletes. It's the same, there are millions of them and only a very few, very talented, very hard-working, are rich and famous. There are more professions like that, high risk, high reward, with a field of less fortunate who barely scrape by.
Nobody envies clerks. There's no fame and no insane amount of money in it. But they usually don't have to live in their cars (as some famous actors had to, before they became famous). You have to weigh security against the potential of high rewards - and utter failure.
I think it is better to choose a secure, stable career or take a risk in a field with potential for fame and fortune, despite the chance of failure.


Veteran Member
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.
The huge majority of actors are anonymous, broke, and held in contempt by the society they live in.

And this is true of pretty much anyone that tries to engage in any form of art; writers, musicians, actors, singer, dancers, painters, sculptors, and so on. Because our culture is wildly ignorant when it comes to art, and is far to obsessed with accumulating wealth to support any human endeavor that doesn't turn a profit. And since art is not about creating a commodity for profit, it is considered pointless and useless. As it can only be commodified as frivolous entertainment.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I suspect life is not all roses for actors, and especially as to trying to have a private life - for themselves and/or their families - and it often only takes a few wrong words to get the media switching to hate mode. But some actors seem to make it through and appear to be universally loved and appreciated for their work throughout their lives - although perhaps the lucky ones.

I love Father Ted.


N. Germanic Descent
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.
Man do I ever hold a contrasting view to your own. Put me in the shadows and dim down the light. I can excel, shine my own, and help illuminate without the spotlighted stage. I might enjoy cosplay, though. Even living life playing a role doesn't sound bad. I hear life is a fantasy, anyway. I once played as if, but nowadays I'm far too busy trying to "get through it" to live a life I can't back up.

Anyway, when it comes to the spotlighted beautiful one's...You can't judge a book by its cover and being a private man myself, I can't imagine the life to be anything remotely enjoyable, aside from the greater presumed luxuries, which I honestly can't imagine being possible without being bound to specific, if not intrusive terms.

It's a type of socialism where you're bought and sold and obligated by contract and ongoing risk of losing the luxury if you don't "play ball". I sympathize or maybe it's empathy. My heart goes out the many of them. Truly, they are bound for us (the onlookers) and I can't imagine it to be all that enjoyable. Thorns, thistles, and sacrifice for people like us. If I said I love them for this, would you believe me?

I think they love us, too. I think they may hate us sometimes, also.

I feel torn sometimes, too.

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Well-Known Member
I don't love them. I don't know them & they don't know me, and they get paid for pretending to be someone and something that they're not.

If I knew one of them personally, that would be different, and it wouldn't be because they're an actor.

If they're famous or popular enough, I also don't envy them, because the have no privacy and probably get pestered by media and fans nonstop.

I'd pity them for their privacy deficiency if it weren't for the huge amounts of compensation they get for being famous.

If I had to choose from being rich or not rich, and being famous or not famous, I'd choose in this order:
1. rich and not famous
2. not rich and not famous (this is where I am now, so I would only have to get rich to elevate to #1)
3. rich and famous (having money and being famous are a burdensome combination)
4. not rich and famous (No way I'd want to be in this category! LOL)

BTW One of my pet peeves is celebrities being presented as subject matter experts, by media and big crony capitalist corporations, in scientific and political fields that they have no academic background, such as global warming, nuclear power plants, economic issues, and foreign policy issues.


Veteran Member
Because they are cool and rich and people love them you couldn't get a better job or existence besides that unless you are a dictator.
I think being rich and famous is heavily overrated.
Ask yourself why so many of them seem so lost with drug and alcohol problems.

They have exactly the same problems as every one of us - and then some. They have the additional problem of being "famous". I wonder why people dream about being famous. It sounds absolutely horrible.

These people can't go anywhere without an escort of body guards. They can't simply take their family out to the movies, a restaurant, a supermarket. They have to deal with crazy fans, stalkers, paparazzi, etc. All day, every day.

Why envy such a life? Sounds horrible in every single way.