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I feel sorry for America's President!


Veteran Member
No dude. The guy is an idiot.
I’m not American so I have no dog in this race, all I know is Tucker is a “low IQ” moron. His word choice isn’t even that impressive.
(No offence to any Fox News fans.)
Well, the only other time I watched him talk at length, he was talking about something someone said 8 years ago, and his choice of words, the intensity and passion of which he spoke, and his vocabulary, it gave me the impression he had a higher than average IQ.

But maybe he was having a good day, quoting other people, and appeared more impressive than usual then.

I really don't know enough about him, but if you say he's an idiot , I'm assuming you have basis for saying so, and will try to some what give you the benefit of the doubt, since you clearly know more about him than I do. ;)

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
This popped up while I was listening to music, so I watched it, and thought it was sad.
Joe Biden is seen being shunned in his own house, by his own party, he even puts his hand on Obama at one point, and Obama brushes him off and ignores him.

He seems like an alone, foresaken, elderly person people don't respect or like, yet he heads the greatest superpower on earth.

I can only imagine what goes on in his head. :(

Carlson is a prolific liar, and he can't be trusted to tell the truth, and Fox News' attorneys confirmed this in court. A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after its attorneys argued that no "reasonable viewer" takes Tucker Carlson seriously. Read the articles and you'll see what they said. So, take my advice and don't fall for the deceptive Fox News propaganda about Biden.

You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers

Fox News won a court case by 'persuasively' arguing that no 'reasonable viewer' takes Tucker Carlson seriously


Well-Known Member
No dude. The guy is an idiot.
I’m not American so I have no dog in this race, all I know is Tucker is a “low IQ” moron. His word choice isn’t even that impressive.
(No offence to any Fox News fans.)

You tell us much about yourself.

You obviously haven’t watched him.

You may not agree, but he’s clearly extremely intelligent.


Well-Known Member
I will be honest @Spiderman I am not a fan of yours, neither here nor on another forum of which we are both members. Neither do I have much interest in U.S. politics. However, I thought your post was an extremely nice and decent gesture, quite heartwarming to be honest. All the more as I know that you are not one of his supporters.

For what it is worth, I would like to say how much you have gone up in my estimation. Thank you for bringing a little bit of humanity to the world.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, the only other time I watched him talk at length, he was talking about something someone said 8 years ago, and his choice of words, the intensity and passion of which he spoke, and his vocabulary, it gave me the impression he had a higher than average IQ.

But maybe he was having a good day, quoting other people, and appeared more impressive than usual then.

I really don't know enough about him, but if you say he's an idiot , I'm assuming you have basis for saying so, and will try to some what give you the benefit of the doubt, since you clearly know more about him than I do. ;)
Fox News and indeed Tucker Carlson have been somewhat of a laughing stock for literally years.
At least internationally. Fox News is seen more as a talk show rather than “real” journalists.

I’m just the messenger here. Like I said, I have no real dog in this race.
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Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
You tell us much about yourself.

You obviously haven’t watched him.

You may not agree, but he’s clearly extremely intelligent.
I have watched him for years, actually.

Perhaps he is intelligent, irl. I’ll admit that I don’t know the man outside of his public persona. He’s just not that impressive to me, that’s all
Though I suppose to be fair, I mostly grew up around teachers and educators. So maybe I’m not the best gauge for something like that.
And trust me when I say, people who’s job it is to teach you crap would often put on their learned “academic airs” so my stupid self is more likely to be impressed with someone like Oscar Wilde or Shakespeare or insert big name academic guy/gal here. You know? Those pretentious verbose jerks. Rather than an admittedly well spoken journo.

I’ll freely admit that our journos are a bunch of idiots, regardless of political views.
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"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I honestly don't know much about Tucker Carlson.

He seems like he has a high IQ according to how he talks, his choice of words, but IQ does not mean good morals or honesty.

I honestly don't know enough about the man to make a call, because this is only the second time I have watched him speak in the last year, and I don't know what else I have seen of him, so confess that I really have very limited knowledge of the man.
There have been geniuses of very high IQ who have been criminal masterminds. Intelligence has little to do with ethics.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
These posts are so desperate. Tucker is very accurate and effective. Thanks for your support.(accidental)
Anything but -- Carlson is a liar of the first order. And what makes it worse -- he knows it, and does it anyway. So much for his Christian morality, too.


Veteran Member
I will be honest @Spiderman I am not a fan of yours, neither here nor on another forum of which we are both members. Neither do I have much interest in U.S. politics. However, I thought your post was an extremely nice and decent gesture, quite heartwarming to be honest. All the more as I know that you are not one of his supporters.

For what it is worth, I would like to say how much you have gone up in my estimation. Thank you for bringing a little bit of humanity to the world.
Thank you.

I am not a fan of this president at all, and I didn't vote in last election, but my heart and mind truly does hurt for him.

I don't want to see anyone treated the way he is, and I certainly know what it is like to be shunned, bullied, and mocked.

I'm very delighted, that despite your having a low opinion of me, you would have something positive to say. :)

I was hoping people could pick up on the fact that, just because I am not pleased with who we have as a president, it still really hurts me to see a man who will soon be turning 80, whose son died not all that long ago, being mocked and made fun of, to this extent, and the mockery from right wingers while he was running, also said something to me about a lack of empathy and maturity (coming from people who defended some of the faith and morals I cherished), causing me to question my faith, morals, and political views.

It has simply gone way to far! :(

I actually was waiting for a post like yours, to essentially acknowledge that some one understands my reason for creating this thread.

Honestly, you made my day, :D because you have taught me that empathy doesn't go unnoticed, even by people who dislike our views!

And that is a lesson to cherish and take with me for this brief journey on earth.:heart:

There was a time I was as disrespectful towards leftists and liberals , as figures like Donald Trump, especially when I was drunk or on drugs, but I met too many good leftists, even atheists, whose example meant more to me, and strikes me as being more loving, virtuous, and higher moral standards, than most Christians.

I honestly don't know if I am a right wing conservative anymore, and it's posts like yours, or good examples online and off, from liberals with integrity, charity, humility, and empathy, that made that revolutionizing change in me.

(I'm not calling you a liberal, just speaking in general)

So, thank you. :)

If I stay sober, I'll keep growing. Wish me luck, or if you have faith in something greater, a short blessing or prayer on my behalf is appreciated! :)

For people like you, I will strive to be good to all people, including those of religions and political parties I am opposed to!:greenheart:
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Veteran Member
Translation: PureX disagrees with Tucker Carlson. Which is fine I guess, it's PureX's opinion. I feel no obligation to agree with it.

As for my own opinion, I like Tucker Carlson and agree with him most of the time. He's very good at pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.

Biden seems to be doing a great job of that himself.

I think that the point of this thread is that even his defenders and supporters are starting to distance themselves from him and look for a 2024 replacement. That has nothing to do with Tucker Carlson, it's the democrats doing it, because they fear that Biden's growing unpopularity will drag down the whole party and all of its congressional candidates and state races.

The attempts in this thread to change the subject from Joe Biden to Tucker Carlson won't change the democrats' growing concern about their chances with Biden.

I'll pay attention to whoever I choose. That's non-negotiable.

Tucker is partisan, that's true. He does spin events in ways that devotees of the democratic party don't like.

But his bias and partisanship are no worse than the bias and partisanship of pretty much everyone on CNN or MSNBC whenever the subject was/is President Trump.

That's how new political "journalism" is practiced these days.
Typical right wing-nut logic: "our liar is righteous because your liars aren't!" "Our bias is justified by your bias!" "But momma, he did it first!"

This is the level of moral credibility we're dealing with, here.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Anything but -- Carlson is a liar of the first order. And what makes it worse -- he knows it, and does it anyway. So much for his Christian morality, too.

Frankly, whatever morality credibility the Right had before Trump was willingly tossed to the wayside in order for the Republicans to gain political power and influence in the federal government through him. And now the Republicans who support Trump don't have any moral credibility left to judge Biden or any other Democratic politician. I've met a lot of Republicans (particularly evangelicals) who believe, and brag, that they're more morally righteous than Democrats, but they're not because if morality was a genuine issue for them than they never would have supported Trump in the first place. I think it just goes to show that they're willing to abandon their moral convictions for political gain, and that's no different from the Democratic politicians who are guilty of the same.
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Veteran Member
This popped up while I was listening to music, so I watched it, and thought it was sad.
Joe Biden is seen being shunned in his own house, by his own party, he even puts his hand on Obama at one point, and Obama brushes him off and ignores him.

He seems like an alone, foresaken, elderly person people don't respect or like, yet he heads the greatest superpower on earth.

I can only imagine what goes on in his head. :(
Well, that's Tucker Carlson's spin on it, anyway.


Veteran Member
I honestly don't know much about Tucker Carlson.

He seems like he has a high IQ according to how he talks, his choice of words, but IQ does not mean good morals or honesty.

I honestly don't know enough about the man to make a call, because this is only the second time I have watched him speak in the last year, and I don't know what else I have seen of him, so confess that I really have very limited knowledge of the man.
He's a liar and a conman.


Veteran Member
Translation: PureX disagrees with Tucker Carlson. Which is fine I guess, it's PureX's opinion. I feel no obligation to agree with it.

As for my own opinion, I like Tucker Carlson and agree with him most of the time. He's very good at pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.

Biden seems to be doing a great job of that himself.

I think that the point of this thread is that even his defenders and supporters are starting to distance themselves from him and look for a 2024 replacement. That has nothing to do with Tucker Carlson, it's the democrats doing it, because they fear that Biden's growing unpopularity will drag down the whole party and all of its congressional candidates and state races.

The attempts in this thread to change the subject from Joe Biden to Tucker Carlson won't change the democrats' growing concern about their chances with Biden.

I'll pay attention to whoever I choose. That's non-negotiable.

Tucker is partisan, that's true. He does spin events in ways that devotees of the democratic party don't like.

But his bias and partisanship are no worse than the bias and partisanship of pretty much everyone on CNN or MSNBC whenever the subject was/is President Trump.

That's how new political "journalism" is practiced these days.
Uh the topic of the thread is what Tucker Carlson is spouting. :shrug:


Veteran Member
Well, the only other time I watched him talk at length, he was talking about something someone said 8 years ago, and his choice of words, the intensity and passion of which he spoke, and his vocabulary, it gave me the impression he had a higher than average IQ.

But maybe he was having a good day, quoting other people, and appeared more impressive than usual then.

I really don't know enough about him, but if you say he's an idiot , I'm assuming you have basis for saying so, and will try to some what give you the benefit of the doubt, since you clearly know more about him than I do. ;)
Tucker Carlson's own lawyers argued in court that "no reasonable viewer" would take what he says seriously.