You are new to Buddhism correct?
@Buddha Dharma 's doubts are really about (I think, correct me if I am wrong) is on the question on the foundations of "Being-sense-awareness" and how it connects to the suffering-extinguishing or liberating "Root-existence awareness". Buddhism typically goes by the negative root, not saying much about foundations, and instead trying to cut through the processes and false clinging that cause suffering to arise. But he is thinking that more positive assertative formulation may be possible, and helpful to him in his path from suffering to unfettered existence.
Yep, I understand. Im not familar with Hindu terminology. The Buddha Dharma taught that we dont have a fixed soul. So, who we are is not a good question to understand a fixed soul. The Buddha was concerned about our deeds, what we do. The whole Dharma is about attachment. The idea is that when we attach to anything and any idea we develop an illusion of a fixed self. That absence of a fixed self is anatta. We are so conditioned to define ourselves by our gods, culture, sex, and so forth that according to The Dharma is distracting away from the goal to end suffering. Its why monks and nuns go into monastary. Its to rid of all outside attachments and focus on deeds and education of The Dharma to laymen.
Nichiren Dishonin, a Ten Tai Buddhist monk, taught we all have a buddha-nature. We all have a nature (not soul) to be enlightened in this time period. Mahayana teaches more we can realize our enlightenment by opening our awareness to not attach. Where as, if I remember in the Pali Suttas, the goal of Theravada is to become an arahant before one is enlightened.
Tibetan Kadampa (the temple I go to) talks more about the role of death. Outside of those two, Im not familar with other Buddhist lineages.
buddha dharma mentioned he was having trouble with anatta. Its a hard concept because in my view you literally are seperating yourself from yourself in order to live a well being not suffering oriented life. Which means, basicslly, one is empty of what it means to be human.
As for its connection with Hinduism, I dont know. buddha dharma mentioned he was interested in hinduism so his words are most likly foreign to me especislly the role of consciousness. The closest I idea I can find in The Dharma is Samadhi. But I have no teacher only temple and sutta and sutra knowledge.