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I got a question or more


New Member
Okay, please understand a few things before you keep reading this. so first of all I'm not religious in any way, but I do have a lot of respect for religious people. and second of all, I don't write this to be a jerk, but because I have a huge essay about religion and third I have read alot of the bible, but there is very much there I don't understand because of all the stories told in the church NOT written in the bible. So I have a few questions I hope you guys can answer for me.

first question. They say Adam and Eve was the start of all humans, but as far as I know, they are not even mentioned in the bible. How come if they are the start of all human, as far as I can see, that should be a very important part of it all. And also, if they had children, how did they get children themselves ? Did they have children with their brothers and sisters ?

And question number two. The bible says that there is no such thing as the devil, and I know a lot of Christians who says that the devil isn't even mentioned in the bible. But I know he is, not by the name, but as "the beast" it's says here: Rev. 13:17-18

My third question goes like this. They say Jesus sacrificed himself so humans forever would not be judged for what they did and they all would go to heaven when they died, short, HE took all the blame. How come then, that I know people who almost died, and actually were dead a few seconds, have told stories about how it was in hell, and how it looked there and such like that. And how come that people and priests says "if you do this, or do that, you WILL go to hell, no matter what" And yet they deny that hell excist.

My fourth question is something like this. One of the 10 bids says "thou shall not kill" But the bible accept murders. Example: God ordered 70.000 innocent people killed, because David ordered a census of the people. After that God ordered 60 cities destroyed, so the Israelites could live there. All in all God ordered more than 2 million people killed for no particular sensible reason. And the bible also allows Rape, animal abuse, child abuse, selling your own daughter as a sex-slave, rape, slavery and stealing, even tho one of the other bids says "thou shall not steal" or something like that. Where does this make sense ?

And my fifth and final question for now is: Why do all the religious people I've ever talk to say they have read the whole bible, when they have only read the parts that say nothing about how this really is. And have never read, or have read, but pretend to never have read the parts that encourage these evil things.

As I said before I started this, this is just for an essay I have at school. But if I get enough information, it might be a book later as well. I'm very interessed in how people think, and how peoples mind works. It's really not to make any drama or anything here.
I hope someone please can answer my question : )


Defender of the Truth
Adam and Eve were never meant to be taken as individuals. They are taken from the Aramaic "adaam" and "yev" which are translated as "mankind" and "womankind"

Also be careful when you use the term "religious people" as there are more religions than those that follow the Bible.


New Member
Either way how they are supposed to be taken, they obviously have children, and they are obviously a very important part of all this, so I still don't see why they are not mentioned in the bible


New Member
Not well enough obviously. I'm sorry. I have honestly been looking for this but never found anything. So I apologize about that one. And thanks alot :)


Well-Known Member

1) Genesis 1-5? Personally I don't feel this story should be taken literally. But then again i'm not a christian anymore, so what do I know :p

2) Again, I don't think that the devil is supposed to be taken as a literal entity. But i'm a Satanist... So I wouldn't...

3) I would imagine it depends on what denomination you ask. Some denominations think everyone is going to heaven (LDS), some think some people have no chance of EVER going to heaven (Jehovah's Witness)... and will only go to hell. From my interpretation of the bible (Even though, as i've said, I don't believe it to be holy) is that Hell isn't a place like some people say. A lot of revelation is a very powerful metaphor. Very powerful...

4) I have 3 potential answers (Apart from my own actual answer which is that God doesn't exist)
1. The theological equivilent of 'Do as I say, not as I do'
2. The stories are not meant to be literal history
3. God felt that these acts were necessary or morally 'good'. I think one example of this is called Zionism...

5) I've read the whole bible... And i'm not even a christian. Although I am religious :) Guess 'Thou shalt not lie' was one they missed out?



New Member
Thanks alot for the help : )

But as an answer to your answer number 4 pt. 3. As I understood (and it litterally said innocent) He killed them for no particular reason, except for those 60 cities that the Israelites needed.

But really, thanks alot for the help : )

And I think it's awesome that you have read the whole bible, even tho you are a satanist : )

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
The bible says that there is no such thing as the devil
That isn't true at all... Strictly by what the Bible says, read Job... read the story of Jesus's temptation by the devil...

My third question goes like this. They say Jesus sacrificed himself so humans forever would not be judged for what they did and they all would go to heaven when they died, short, HE took all the blame. How come then, that I know people who almost died, and actually were dead a few seconds, have told stories about how it was in hell, and how it looked there and such like that. And how come that people and priests says "if you do this, or do that, you WILL go to hell, no matter what" And yet they deny that hell excist.
Who are these people who both say you will go to hell for doing something and that hell does not exist?

Hell is never equated with the lake of fire in the Bible, which is what most people think of when they say the word...

The Bible says the accepting Jesus, and repenting, comes before salvation...

Where does this make sense ?
It could be interpreted as "Thou shalt not murder", and nothing God commands is murder...

And my fifth and final question for now is: Why do all the religious people I've ever talk to say they have read the whole bible, when they have only read the parts that say nothing about how this really is. And have never read, or have read, but pretend to never have read the parts that encourage these evil things.
People forget? Or ignore or rationalize things...


Well-Known Member
But as an answer to your answer number 4 pt. 3. As I understood (and it litterally said innocent) He killed them for no particular reason, except for those 60 cities that the Israelites needed.
Would you mind giving me a particular example? :)

But really, thanks alot for the help : )
You're welcome.

And I think it's awesome that you have read the whole bible, even tho you are a satanist : )
I was a baptist for a while.



Defender of the Truth
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Hell. They believe that everyone outside the 144,000 will stay on an idillic earth.


New Member
I believe they ignore the dark sides of the bible. The bible says Animal- and child abuse is okay. and also a lot more things like that.

And I have talked to a lot of christians, even priests that deny hell and says it's not mentioned in the bible.

And the people saying bith "you will go to hell" and deny it at the same time, are people I know, and people I have talked to before about it.


New Member
Would you mind giving me a particular example? :)

God kills 70,000 innocent people because David ordered a census of the people

Aha, I see. I still think it's awesome, tho :)


Defender of the Truth
The Bible says "Thou shalt not Kill" period. Though most Christians still seem to think war and eating meat is ok. Just because war and eating meat occur in the Bible doesnt mean that they are acceptable, only that these practices exist (kind of like slavery).


New Member
War is obviously accepted if it's something called "holy war" And eating meat is accepted because if we didn't, we would first of all die young, because we wouldn't get enough of something we need to survive, and animals would also proabably become so many after a while, that they would take control over the world because they became to many. I don't say I kill animals myself, but I see both sides of the case of it.


Well-Known Member
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Hell. They believe that everyone outside the 144,000 will stay on an idillic earth.
Yeah, they believe that everyone outside the 144,000 that are going to heaven will be instantly annihilated along with everything else by a fire from heaven :yes:



Well-Known Member
God kills 70,000 innocent people because David ordered a census of the people
The problem we have here is which quote you're using. This story is told in 2 Samuel, where God makes David order a census... But in 1 Chronicles (Somewhere around the middle...) , it says that Satan incited David to take the census. Even so, I don't know exactly how a christian would reconcile this...

As early as Genesis, God is killing innocent people and animals. I personally don't take the bible as literal. I think it's almost ALL metaphorical.

But... I'm not a christian.

Aha, I see. I still think it's awesome, tho :)
Well assuming that you can read... You can do it too. Then you can be awesome like me :D

How come then, that I know people who almost died, and actually were dead a few seconds, have told stories about how it was in hell, and how it looked there and such like that.

research DMT. a neuro-chemical produced by the pineal gland involved in dreaming a trauma. all of your afterlife questions will begin to unfold there. particularly the stories about people who claim to have been to heaven or hell.