My dad said that
Ecclesiastes 12:7 and
2 Corinthians 5:6-9 point to the idea that the soul survives bodily death.What should I say to him?
.Because my dad likes the christian religion.And I like the jehovah's witness religion.
Your dad is right. God made us in His image. God is a Trinity, so we are.
I post this in another thread,
God gives everyone a spirit to carry what is necessary for a human to live an earthly life, including one's conscience. The spirit will return to God upon your death. Your soul represents the real you which lasts for an eternity in order to stand a continuous witnessing. If you are discontinued along with the decay of your body, no one (except for God) knows whether the you is still the same you before the resurrection. You are the same you as can be witnessed by the angels and chosen saints only when you have a soul to represent the real you, such that an open and legitimate Final Judgment can be facilitated after the resurrection. Or else no witness can tell whether the you is the same you to stand trial after the resurrection. A close analogy is, you committed a murder but died in a car incident, someone with scientific ability has clone another you, the same you in terms of DNA, to stand trial. Is it legitimate? The answer is no, even when he's with the same DNA as you are, he's still an innocent. He's not the real you in terms of legitimacy to stand trial for a crime not committed by him.
In a similar manner, only God knows is not a legitimate witnessing generally speaking, though God Himself can stand valid witnessing as God is a Trinity. However if "only God knows" applies to each one's judgment then no one can tell whether the judgment is a fair judgment and God is a fair God as only He Himself knows without another valid witness. In order for others besides God to tell whether a judgment is open and fair, your soul is required to be witnessed (by the angels and chosen saints who have the ability to reckon a soul) in order for such a Final Judgment to be carried out legitmately.
Since a human is designed to go through different stages (earthly stage and heavenly stage at least), your spirit is needed to carry something specific to a stage. Say, your earthly emotions only remain in your earthly stage. After your death you no longer have the same affection for your parents or your children. They are more or less like your ex-girl friends or boy friends. You can still remember them but your love for them are gone. This cannot be achieved without a spirit. With the spirit "storing" your emotions. Your love for your parents and kids only remains here on earth. After death your spirit returns back to God as said. It's gone with your love for your parents and kids. In Heaven then, you will be given a new body perhaps with a new spirit which "stores" only the love for your brothers and sisters in Heaven.