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I had my first visit by Jehovah's Witnesses!


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
That's right. I'd only been approached by Evangelicals from local churches and most prominently and delightfully by LDS missionaries. But today was the first day I had two lovely Jehovah's Witness ladies knock on my door to share their faith. :)

And for proof, I've got my own copy of the Watchtower that I'll peruse later on in the next couple of days.

I surprised myself with how enthusiastic I was when they pulled their Watchtowers out and mentioned they were from the local chapter! I opened the door, and a beautiful young lady asked if I had a moment to hear God's word. I said, "SURE!" and she pulled out her literature. I nearly jumped out of my sandals while she opened her Bible to the Book of Matthew.

The only question she asked me was if I owned my own copy of the Bible and if I ever read it...........OK, technically that's two questions. But anyway, there never was any kind of pressure or asking me if I would accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Just if she could leave the literature and asked permission to come back to get my feedback.

OK, so call me crazy, but I was very pleased with their visit. I smiled and tried to wish them well in return since they were both so sweet. I know that we have very few active JW's on board here, but the visit today urged me to think of all of you (most notably May).

Anyhoo, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)



Sweet n Spicy
There is a JW guy who passes around from time to time. He doesn't push anything on me either. He even said that he read the Bhagvad Gita! :p However, I never take their literature because I don't even have time to read my own literature. I always tell them that I'm a Hindu and I believe in Christ...we all pray to the same God anyway. Seriously, in our Temple, you will sometimes hear people singing the names of Christ and Allah, of course along with Krishna, Rama, Sita, Hanuman etc. :D


Working-Class W*nch.
Congratulations! :D We have a young man and his sister who come to our door from time to time (our 'no soliciting' sign blew away. lol), and they're really nice folks.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
I feel like such a clod. Although I have yet to get such a visit, my instinctive impulse would be to get into an argument. I appreciate seeing all the more gentle replies here. Maybe I can learn from them.


Veteran Member
I don't get anyone! Not even LDS missionaries! :) Then again, I'm in a college town, and the college is owned by the LDS Church....so. :)


Well-Known Member
I've had two visits at my current address. The first time, there was a lady slightly past her best-before date, and cowering behind her a girl who could have looked quite nice if a stylist had gotten hold of her. After some discussion, they left. The next time, there were two guys. One of them really knew his things. We had a fairly long and interesting discussion, each party admitting that the other one had some good points worth looking into. They must have marked me as hopeless, though, because that was three years ago. I don't miss them.


Not your average Mormon
The JW's occasionally come to my door. When they do, they're always very pleasant. They usually want to give me a Watchtower or other literature and I always take what I'm offered. They've never actually tried proselytizing. I guess my response would depend upon their approach. Whenever they come, though, I always stop and think about how I would want people to respond to the LDS missionaries -- and it definitely wouldn't be to slam the door in their faces or to start an argument. Then I try to respond that same way to the JW's. So far, I've never had any reason to wish I'd done any differently.


I have had a few visits, and usually they are ok, and I appreciate the bible verse they choose to read to me, etc. On the days when I think I am not as receptive, I just don't answer the door, there is no point in putting us both through a negative experience. I have read the Watchtowers, etc. They are usually pretty happy to hear I'm ordained, so, I guess they think they don't have to spend too long saving me. I appreciate their kindness and they are always very pleasant and sincere.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
I miss the JW's. I always enjoyed their visits when I lived in Utah. Unfortunately, we haven't had any come by in Alabama... I love talking religion so I am excited when I get a couple of people who want to talk with me.


New Member
Noticed that a couple of you mentioned that you miss the Witnesses. If you want more information or visits from them, you can visit their site at watchtower.org, or you can write to the main branch office in New York at 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.


They haven't come knocking since my husband told them we were atheists. They seemed surprised that such strange creatures actually exist outside of myth, but were quite pleasant about it just the same.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I got a few visits, but I'm not sure if they were JW or not.
Allthough I never got to offering a beer, I did run alot of them through a Socratic method-type of questioning. That was a quick way to sort those who knew what they were talking about and those that didn't.
It's funny how if you make it seem you know what you're talking about, you can make someone who doesn't believe what you want them to by simply interpretation twisting.


Oldest Heretic
I had a whole family come Just before Christmas...
we had a pleasant chat. I wished them happy Christmas and they went next door.....

Though thinking about it I don't think they are much into Christmas.


Well-Known Member
well, at least you guys got the nice and receptive JW's ....ok....well the local chapter here would be nice and receptive to me, if I hadn't of run em off the first time they visit. long story short, bad day, first moments to relax and finally eat something, door knock, frozen chicken, screaming, running, more screaming, stumbling, yelling, fast bikes, my car, more screaming, cursing, then finally going home.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
That's right. I'd only been approached by Evangelicals from local churches and most prominently and delightfully by LDS missionaries. But today was the first day I had two lovely Jehovah's Witness ladies knock on my door to share their faith. :)

And for proof, I've got my own copy of the Watchtower that I'll peruse later on in the next couple of days.

I surprised myself with how enthusiastic I was when they pulled their Watchtowers out and mentioned they were from the local chapter! I opened the door, and a beautiful young lady asked if I had a moment to hear God's word. I said, "SURE!" and she pulled out her literature. I nearly jumped out of my sandals while she opened her Bible to the Book of Matthew.

The only question she asked me was if I owned my own copy of the Bible and if I ever read it...........OK, technically that's two questions. But anyway, there never was any kind of pressure or asking me if I would accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Just if she could leave the literature and asked permission to come back to get my feedback.

OK, so call me crazy, but I was very pleased with their visit. I smiled and tried to wish them well in return since they were both so sweet. I know that we have very few active JW's on board here, but the visit today urged me to think of all of you (most notably May).

Anyhoo, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)


We had (a couple of years ago) a young man and girl come round..............

As soon as I detected a French accent, they were in, stayed about two hours, had coffee...talked in both French and Spanish........I think they were glad to escape from my trying to ram R.F down their throats.........:cover: