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I have questions.

The Grey Wolf

ehT daM s'doG daM goD
I hve a few questions about Satanism. The first and most resounding is the most, well, unfreindly, which is; What would drive some one to worship the embodiement of all that is "Evil" in this world? Now, I know how that sounds but it has to be asked. Another question I have is how do you see Satan? Is he nice in your mind, or is he all the Christians make him out to be or what. That sounds strange but I dont know how else to put it.


Well-Known Member
The Grey Wolf said:
I hve a few questions about Satanism. The first and most resounding is the most, well, unfreindly, which is; What would drive some one to worship the embodiement of all that is "Evil" in this world? Now, I know how that sounds but it has to be asked. Another question I have is how do you see Satan? Is he nice in your mind, or is he all the Christians make him out to be or what. That sounds strange but I dont know how else to put it.
It honestly depends on which Satanist you ask. Some Satanists don't even believe Satan is a real entity, much less worship him. Satanists don't usually see the world as simple enough...black and white enough...to look at things as either good or evil. You can't understand Satanism from a Christian pespective because they just aren't the same. It's kind of like Republicans and Democrats. If you're a Republic, then you obviously think that Republicans know what is right and Democrats are wrong. If you're a Democrat, you think the Democrats are right and the Republicans don't know what their talking about. Religion works the same way. Satanists do not worship the embodiment of all the is "evil" in this world because they don't see Satan as evil. I suppose the simplest way to answer your second question is this: Satanists generally think that Satan is not evil and that Christians are spreading negative propaganda about Satan because it suits their purposes to scare people into Christianity.

Now, I want you to understand that I am not speaking for all Satanists here. I'm not even speaking for myself. I'm just trying to give you one possible answer from a Satanic perspective. Perhaps a practicing Satanist should answer this for you. I went on my own path (Luciferian) a few years ago and I might not fully be in touch with current Satanic views.


Well-Known Member
No offense is intended by this...honestly, but have you tried reading the threads here in the Satanism section?

The Grey Wolf

ehT daM s'doG daM goD
<ETH>anisty said:
No offense is intended by this...honestly, but have you tried reading the threads here in the Satanism section?

No, actually. I find asking someone directions gets you there a lot faster than going around in circle for three hours. And yes, I would like two lumps in my tea.

The Grey Wolf

ehT daM s'doG daM goD
<ETH>anisty said:
I just read the thing on the Luc.. Well I am tired of typing so Ill just say I am surprised you gave that link cuz the jist of it was that that guy had no idea at all what the hell it was either. He said it was an "umbrella" term. Well gee, That narrows it down... What exactly do you believe in? What is the religion to you? Personally, I dont care what he thinks. I care what you think... at least for the time being.


Well-Known Member
The Grey Wolf said:
I just read the thing on the Luc.. Well I am tired of typing so Ill just say I am surprised you gave that link cuz the jist of it was that that guy had no idea at all what the hell it was either. He said it was an "umbrella" term. Well gee, That narrows it down... What exactly do you believe in? What is the religion to you? Personally, I dont care what he thinks. I care what you think... at least for the time being.
I can see you didnt' read the whole thread. Look, if you don't care enough to look it up and ask some specific questions, why should I take the time? I'm seriously not going out of my way to be rude to you here, but I'm a busy person. If there's something you want to know, take the time and investigate it. Here's another thread I posted in.



Resident Ball of Fluff
In actuality, there are almost no religions in the modern world that literally worship a figure they see as "evil": i.e. The Devil. As I have mentioned previously, the Yzedis are one of the few that do: and they do so on rational which tends to make them logical (when viewed within their own beliefs, otherwise they are as foolish as any other diestic religion).

From the Satanist community, someone who identifies themself as a "Satanist" is more or less in alignment with LaVey's views, which are of course, Athiestic. There are people who DO worship a literal Satan: usually out of attention seeking or rebellion. Why anyone would choose to worship what they believe to be the bane of humanity is beyond me, but I digress.

So to answer your question, Satanists do not worship Satan. They use the model of him as a breaker of conformity, and it ends there.


Satan is the Freedom Fighter
The Lord Of The Earth
The Lord who broke the chains.
Paradise is His Wine and Hell is His heat of scorching wind
Satan the Braveheart
Just Judge and Ruler of the Earth
Satan is he that spread over the heavens their height



Virus of the Mind
I have just read both of your links Danisty , and I'm still confused . :)

I have read the Satanic Bible , so have some idea about LeVey's views . What brought me here tonight was an interest in if there is a difference between what the other Satanist believe and in Satanism as an off shoot of Christianity . I mean no offence to anyone , but to distinguish the difference in the two , I will call the worship of Christianity's Satan " Devilworship " untill some one sets me start . Or perhaps I don't have to go there at all to ask my questions ?

I'm confused by everyone saying that Satan and Lucifer are not the same entity as the Christain version , however so many talk of the " Fall " as if they are the same ? Why is that ?

And my second question is on the concept of Lucifer being " Light ". The way I understand LeVey's views is that Satan empowers a worshipper . Is the reference to " Light " meant in the same way ? An empowering enlightment ?

That's it for now .
There is one thing I would like to ask all Satanists out there, and I do not wish to sound rude or sarcastic in saying that, and that is... what do you call Wicca? I am Wiccan myself and I know that most Christians believe that Wicca is "devilworship", trying to scare everyone into the idea that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit is the one person you HAVE to go to.

So, what do you think Wicca is to you? Do you recon it is "devil-worship" like the lying Christians, or do you think we are just another Clan that believe in a God and Goddess.

I know Wicca follows many guidelines of Christianity, with a God n' all... but I would like to hear YOUR views on the matter. It is very interesting to talk to Satanists, for they give you whole different feel to matters. In a good way, that is.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a Satanist but I'll answer your question anyway since Luciferianism is considered part of the Left Hand Path.

Wicca is wicca...lol. The unfortunate fact is that pagan gods were assimilated by Christianity and turned into devils. To a Christian, it can be hard to understand how worship of those gods isn't worship of the Christian devil. Nevertheless, it's entirely different. The Christian version is the corrupt version. Some Christians will accept what you say, but if they are insistent, there isn't much point in wasting your time on it. I say ignore those people, you won't be able to educate them anyway.

The funny thing is that while Wiccans have to try very hard to disassociate themselves from Satanists, we also have to try just as hard to disassociate ourselves from the Christian concepts. Wicca isn't the same thing as Satanism, but neither are properly understood by Christians. We're in the same boat.


In actuality, there are almost no religions in the modern world that literally worship a figure they see as "evil": i.e. The Devil. As I have mentioned previously, the Yzedis are one of the few that do: and they do so on rational which tends to make them logical (when viewed within their own beliefs, otherwise they are as foolish as any other diestic religion).

From the Satanist community, someone who identifies themself as a "Satanist" is more or less in alignment with LaVey's views, which are of course, Athiestic. There are people who DO worship a literal Satan: usually out of attention seeking or rebellion. Why anyone would choose to worship what they believe to be the bane of humanity is beyond me, but I digress.

So to answer your question, Satanists do not worship Satan. They use the model of him as a breaker of conformity, and it ends there.

I would add to this, that the view mentioned in the post I have quoted here is the LaVeyan view, which is actually only one small denomination of Satanism(although the most well-known and visible one). There are many denominations of Satanism, and there are just as many beliefs as to who/What Satan is. I would suggest googling it, and doing some research on your own, because, in reality, there are as many types of Satanism as there are Satanists.


Left Hand Path
I hve a few questions about Satanism. The first and most resounding is the most, well, unfreindly, which is; What would drive some one to worship the embodiement of all that is "Evil" in this world?

Simply because etiquette imposed upon us is as fragile as the hand that writes it :D

Now, I know how that sounds but it has to be asked. Another question I have is how do you see Satan? Is he nice in your mind, or is he all the Christians make him out to be or what. That sounds strange but I dont know how else to put it.

Satan can be taken into anyway, though some may not sound as "practical" as others, they are nonetheless.

Though most people have an extremely venimous tongue towards our type, many of us learn to recognize our own and even...let's say...conform to "benefit" social standards.

Simply, for one to understand Satanism, one must be a Satanist. Outside perspectives clearly lack any real foundation of what it is to be a Satanists, assuming most people have a negative reacation as to what it means.

It's nothing like Christianity or Atheism where it claims to be something it isn't, it's that scapegoating is as easy as licking your lips, and everyone wants an enemy, whether it's "implicit" or "explicit".

It's just that we, by meaning we, I mean Satanists, keep our friends close, and our enemies closer. The Art of War and the Devil's Notebook are good references.

The baphomet is a highly revered Satanic symbol, wherein the components of "baph", and, "omet" lies the trasnlation of, "absorption of knowledge".

You see, the Satanic mind has extradordinary influence on the world within him, which leads to a vision of life. This vision may influence those around him, most often occuring in subtle ways, but commonly observed in direct ways as well.

I know this may sound a bit deluded, but it's just a common sensicle idea that, people in general are stupid. As harsh as it is, that's what Satanism is. Sure it's generalized, there is the select few that have an ounce of intellect, but the truth of the matter is...so what? It takes a million of them to solve an issue, when they just so happen to undermine each other with separate belief standards, and then, oh this is better than that. They don't give a damn what you think, it's always what your doing, and exploiting your irrelevance and breathing right down your neck, but you know, that's public schooling for you. It bothers me to observe such contingencies and see that this is what our leaders will be like. But you know, who the hell am I?

Though, moreover, Satan literally means Opposition, or Adversary and can be very well applied to philsophical and practical and metaphorical devices.

Over the years I gained a sense that labels are applied to distinguish Opposition.

But you know, there is always more than one angle to a belief.



Left Hand Path
Ok... So whats a Luciferian? I know who Lucifer is but Ive never heard of Luciferianism.

Luciferianism is much like modern Satanism or Theistic Satanism and can be taken metaphorically or literally in many aspects.

Lucifer was originally the Roman God of light, who's concepts followed the path that Lucifer was imminent, the bring of light and knowledge. Lucifer was said to have consisted everywhere even in the darkest forms.

Science has come to terms that biophotons, or light actually exists within every molecule, which means the Romans weren't far off at all!