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I have so many questions...

Lately I feel that I am lost in touch with myself spiritually and I feel I want to worship my Lord and Savior in a way I see fit... so I have a handful of questions to ask you guys and for your opinions...

I have started to study other religions during my college years (for one of my classes was a Theology class and it was required for me to learn of other religions that are not my own).

Although my major was not in Theology (but in Graphic Design), I became fascinated in studying other religions, namely Paganism and Wicca.

Now I do NOT intend on practicing these beliefs or convert myself to another religion since I believe in God and Jesus Christ. But is it right for me to be fascinating in Paganism and Wicca and study these religions?

Is it even right to use some of the practices they do but use them for God's purposes? I do not want be condemned by God if this is not right... I am confused and I asked God for guidance on this and I believe He told me that it is okay to study the religions, watch videos on their rituals and practices and whatnot as long as I do not practice it. But is it right to make up my own rituals (not witchcraft but like communions, for Easter, Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, etc.) and put God in it?

And is it also okay to have a small home altar of my own so I can perform communion when I am unavailable to go to church (due to working).

Also, can I (or a Christian in general) have their own rituals based off of Wiccan/Pagan practices (lighting candles - one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Spirit, praying to God and Jesus for guidance, wisdom, etc., burning incense (just for the sake of the smell at most cases), having the Bible in hand reading scriptures, having figures of Jesus and/or Mary, cross(es), etc.) as their own personal way of having their own walk/relationship with God, or is that considered "witchcraft" or strictly Wiccan/Pagan practices only? I am not worshiping other Gods, I will not worship those figures, for that is idolatry, and I only believe in God and Jesus to be the truth in my life (i however do respect everyone else's beliefs/religions and I do not judge their beliefs as being wrong or incorrect, for I study Theology and other religions in the meantime). I just want to know if doing these things is right or not because I have been thinking of doing that myself.

Sorry for all the text. I just want to know from other people whether this is ok or not. Thanks. <3

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Aside from self-communion, all the things you mentioned are parts of Christian practice already. As a Catholic, we light candles and incense, use icons, holy cards and statues of Jesus and the Saints, etc. Wicca didn't invent any of those things. Wicca's only existed since the mid-20th century.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe you can get the answers you seek by going to the Bible. The Bible itself says that "All Scripture is inspired of God, and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, *so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." ( 2 Timothy 3:16,17) Help to understand the Bible is also available from those practicing true Christianity. (Acts 8:26-35)


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Lately I feel that I am lost in touch with myself spiritually and I feel I want to worship my Lord and Savior in a way I see fit... so I have a handful of questions to ask you guys and for your opinions...

I have started to study other religions during my college years (for one of my classes was a Theology class and it was required for me to learn of other religions that are not my own).

Although my major was not in Theology (but in Graphic Design), I became fascinated in studying other religions, namely Paganism and Wicca.

Now I do NOT intend on practicing these beliefs or convert myself to another religion since I believe in God and Jesus Christ. But is it right for me to be fascinating in Paganism and Wicca and study these religions?

Is it even right to use some of the practices they do but use them for God's purposes? I do not want be condemned by God if this is not right... I am confused and I asked God for guidance on this and I believe He told me that it is okay to study the religions, watch videos on their rituals and practices and whatnot as long as I do not practice it. But is it right to make up my own rituals (not witchcraft but like communions, for Easter, Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, etc.) and put God in it?
Frankly, there is absolutely no need to borrow practices from other religions--the Apostolic Churches (Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox) all have their own rituals and spiritual practices, such as lighting candles during prayer, using incense, venerating icons(not worshipping, venerating, there is a difference), drinking holy water, making the sign of the cross, various forms of meditation and contemplation, singing and chanting psalms and hymns, etc. Instead of trying to scrounge things from other religions and attempting to awkwardly fit them into a Christian context, I highly encourage you to explore what already lies within the realm of Christian spirituality.

And is it also okay to have a small home altar of my own so I can perform communion when I am unavailable to go to church (due to working).
And, unless you go through seminary and become a priest, you should not try and perform the Eucharist yourself. If you have to skip church once in a while, that's fine--just read the Bible or say an akathist or some prayers instead.

Also, can I (or a Christian in general) have their own rituals based off of Wiccan/Pagan practices (lighting candles - one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Spirit, praying to God and Jesus for guidance, wisdom, etc., burning incense (just for the sake of the smell at most cases), having the Bible in hand reading scriptures, having figures of Jesus and/or Mary, cross(es), etc.) as their own personal way of having their own walk/relationship with God, or is that considered "witchcraft" or strictly Wiccan/Pagan practices only? I am not worshiping other Gods, I will not worship those figures, for that is idolatry, and I only believe in God and Jesus to be the truth in my life (i however do respect everyone else's beliefs/religions and I do not judge their beliefs as being wrong or incorrect, for I study Theology and other religions in the meantime). I just want to know if doing these things is right or not because I have been thinking of doing that myself.
First, I want to congratulate you for being mature and secure enough in your faith to not be tempted into abandoning Christ, but instead trying to find ways that you can deepen your relationship with Him and enrich the spiritual life that you already have. That takes a lot of maturity and a well-grounded mind. :)

To answer your question, many Orthodox Christians have icon corners in their homes--places where they pray before icons of Christ, Mary and the Saints, where they keep their incense burners, their candles, holy water, chotkis, vigil lamps, prayer books and the Bible. I think you would benefit by using these as a model, instead of trying to pattern things off of pagan home altars.

Here are a few Orthodox Christian icon corners:




If you'd like more information about icon corners or authentic Christian spiritual practices, I and others here would be glad to give you some starters! :)

Sorry for all the text. I just want to know from other people whether this is ok or not. Thanks. <3
No need to apologize. We're happy to help!
Last edited:


Jehovah our God is One
Lately I feel that I am lost in touch with myself spiritually and I feel I want to worship my Lord and Savior in a way I see fit... so I have a handful of questions to ask you guys and for your opinions...

I have started to study other religions during my college years (for one of my classes was a Theology class and it was required for me to learn of other religions that are not my own).

Although my major was not in Theology (but in Graphic Design), I became fascinated in studying other religions, namely Paganism and Wicca.

Now I do NOT intend on practicing these beliefs or convert myself to another religion since I believe in God and Jesus Christ. But is it right for me to be fascinating in Paganism and Wicca and study these religions?

its certainly not wrong to learn about other religions and know what their practices were and why they practiced them. That can help us to understand people better.

Is it even right to use some of the practices they do but use them for God's purposes? I do not want be condemned by God if this is not right... I am confused and I asked God for guidance on this and I believe He told me that it is okay to study the religions, watch videos on their rituals and practices and whatnot as long as I do not practice it. But is it right to make up my own rituals (not witchcraft but like communions, for Easter, Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, etc.) and put God in it?

God has given us all the guidance we need in order to know how to please him. Thru the bible he tells us what is good and what is bad in his eyes. There is also a written record of the history of Isreal to whom God had direct dealings....that record can teach us a lot because the very issues that we face today were faced by the Isrealites too. This question you have here was answered a long time ago when the Isrealites entered the promised land.

There they found many nations with false religious practices and idols etc. When they took over the land, there were some things God allowed them to take as 'spoils' and other things which were to be 'devoted to destruction'

The things God wanted devoted to destruction was anything involved in the religious practices of the people. Some of those items would have been very valuable because they may have been covered in precious metals... but this is what God told them :
Joshua 6:18 As for YOU people, only keep away from the thing devoted to destruction, for fear YOU may get a desire and YOU do take some of the thing devoted to destruction and do constitute the camp of Israel a thing devoted to destruction and bring ostracism upon it.

Deut 7:25*The graven images of their gods you should burn in the fire. You must not desire the silver and the gold upon them, nor indeed take it for yourself, for fear you may be ensnared by it; for it is a thing detestable to Jehovah your God. 26*And you must not bring a detestable thing into your house and actually become a thing devoted to destruction like it. You should thoroughly loathe it and absolutely detest it, because it is something devoted to destruction.

If this is how God feels about false religious 'items'... how do you think he feels about false religious practices and customs that go along with them???

And is it also okay to have a small home altar of my own so I can perform communion when I am unavailable to go to church (due to working).

if you feel its okay to perform the role of a priest, then you probably could do that. But whether it is recognized by God is another question.

Also, can I (or a Christian in general) have their own rituals based off of Wiccan/Pagan practices (lighting candles - one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Spirit, praying to God and Jesus for guidance, wisdom, etc., burning incense (just for the sake of the smell at most cases), having the Bible in hand reading scriptures, having figures of Jesus and/or Mary, cross(es), etc.) as their own personal way of having their own walk/relationship with God, or is that considered "witchcraft" or strictly Wiccan/Pagan practices only?

Exodus 20:4*“You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. 5*You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them...

Also, what does Isaiah 42:8 tell you about how God feels about images and idols being used in worship?

I am not worshiping other Gods, I will not worship those figures, for that is idolatry, and I only believe in God and Jesus to be the truth in my life (i however do respect everyone else's beliefs/religions and I do not judge their beliefs as being wrong or incorrect, for I study Theology and other religions in the meantime). I just want to know if doing these things is right or not because I have been thinking of doing that myself.

Sorry for all the text. I just want to know from other people whether this is ok or not. Thanks. <3

While you may not feel you are worshipping those figures and images, there is a greater issue in why you need physical things to worship a spiritual God.

If those things could actually draw us closer to God, then surely he would not have banned their use. So its really worth considering what the bible says in this regard:
Jesus said:
John 4:24*God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

Paul counselled: 2Cor 4:18*while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.

2Cor 5;7*for we are walking by faith, not by sight.

from these verses, it would appear that faith and spirit are the opposite to physical things that we can see and touch. To really get close to God, we must rise above our 'physical' nature and get in touch with the 'spirit'

You can't get in touch with spirit except by spirit. And this is why physical things cannot bring us closer to God. Rather it is the 'spirit' which brings us close to God as Paul says: “The spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God.”—1*COR. 2:10. So the use of physical things cannot help us...we need to search within heart and mind for our worship to be meaningful.

James tells us: “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”—JAMES 4:8 Drawing close to someone requires that we get to know them...thats what God wants us to do, but man made idols and images do not help us to get to know God because he cannot be accurately pictured by such things. And ask yourself this, if you filled your house with pictures of someone, does that mean you really 'know' that person? Can you have intimate acquaintance through pictures of them??

What do you think you really need to do in order to get to know someone personally?


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
I'm so jealous of the Orthodox sometimes! Such beauty! I would like to make an icon corner.
Hey, go for it--as a Catholic, you have a right to breathe with your Eastern lung, so to speak :D Find some good, quality Byzantine icons--oftentimes parish gift shops will have them (I know of a great Byzantine Catholic Church in the Columbus area, and I love those people to death :) ), and there are also icon stores online.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hey, go for it--as a Catholic, you have a right to breathe with your Eastern lung, so to speak :D Find some good, quality Byzantine icons--oftentimes parish gift shops will have them (I know of a great Byzantine Catholic Church in the Columbus area, and I love those people to death :) ), and there are also icon stores online.

Very true. :) I've been to the Greek Orthodox cathedral here and bought a triptych, some holy cards and a lovely fabric bookmark from the gift shop. I would love to go back.

Yes, we have a few Byzantine Catholic parishes here. :) I should visit one sometime. I think I will make an icon corner eventually, when I move because I don't plan on living in my current apartment for much longer.
Shiranui, you gave one awesome answer. Thanks so much (as well as everyone else) for answering in a detailed manner! Remind me to show you guys a picture of my altar when I am able to finish it!