Empirical Curmudgeon
sure, the a bomb for one...
and just because science has revealed opportunities doesn't necessarily mean we should take them.
for example, the invention of the automobile that depends on oil
with regards to the green house effect
It is important to separate knowledge from the application of knowledge, which are two distinct matters.
Just because I know how to kill someone does not mean that I should or would do so.
And similarly, just because we know how to turn cities into rubble in seconds, does not mean that we should do so.
In our quest to understand the world around us it is inevitable that we will discover things that we could potentially use to harm each other, but whether we choose to do so is up to us.
In other words, this argument against scientific enquiry (which, granted, I am not sure that you are making) simply does not work because it addresses something completely different than what it poses as: that being human malignancy and stupidity rather than the effectiveness of the scientific method.
Knowledge is neutral.
The use of it is not.