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I Love Discussions!


Glass half Panda'd
WELL, I'm happy to be somewhere where the topics of religion arent necissarily "anything other than Christianity is Satan" or any other ignorant statements that annoy me to no end. It's really difficult expressing an opinion when you know you're going to be persecuted for anything other than what they percieve as true. The downsides of going to a christian school. Amazingly enough, the Episcopal school that i attended before this was better than this non-denominational crap that im in now.
Non-denominaitonals ARE their own denomination... DUR, its just a ploy to get more people interested in the church by saying "anyone believes what they want and listens to christian rock music and if you dont jump up and down when u pray you dont believe in god!" *deep breath* yeah... well, my background (if anyone cares) is Episcopalian. I was baptised, raised, and confirmed in the church. I really enjoy old churches where you can sense a feeling of overwhelming awe, rather than the places people go to worship these days. (the non-denom church in my neighborhood looks like a giant onion... i hate it...) So when i moved out here, from where i was before, we had no episcopal church, and we started going to the Non-denom church. I eventually got disgusted that i was going to worship and everyone else just wanted to leave the room to get high. SO i stopped going. I havent been to church regularily since. People can say "well, then u should find a new church" but since the time that i found out that people were using religon to gain their own power, i decided to find my own answers instead of just taking it up the *** for what other people think.
I found out that my best friend was pagan, and she and i talked about religion all the time, finding our own answers and gaining a better understanding of people in general. I have many friends who are of other religons (or cults, depending on how one sees it) like Mormonism, Islam, and Judaism. (im sorry if i've spelled it wrong) And religon doesnt make one a bad person, the only reason people even have religon is to not be afraid when thinking of mortality and purpose. But then again, it depends on who you ask. Some believe strictly so "they arent wrong" which isnt believing at all, its just a safety net. (which i find in Christianity ALL the time)
I stumbled on a book of Philosophy that acturatley discussed for me the feelings i had when it came to seeing life behind things, and gaining deeper understandings. The author was Jacob Needleman, and from that point on i looked for his books. I found a book that he had not written, but had written the forward to. I picked it up and discovered that there were missing scriptures to the Bible itself, letters from Thomas, Mary, and others who had never been recognized. I asked myself, "if people wanted a better understanding of Jesus, (Yeshua) then why arent they reading this too?" And that spurred my interest into Gnostics. The way things appear behind what we understand sensably. Not just the literalist crap that people dont have to look hard to see...
I'd say that's enough... and no one is prolly gonna read this... but at least i wrote it i suppose. Sorry for those who did, its long and drawn out...and rambling...


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
hi gnosis_777,

And welcome to RF.

If you love discussions, you're definitely in the right place.

I see you term yourself a "Gnostic Christian"; that interests me.

I Look forwards to reading your posts.:)


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Welcome, always nice to have another Gnostic, I think that brings the total now to 4 or so. Oh well, not everyone is ready for the Gnosis.

I see you term yourself a "Gnostic Christian"; that interests me.
Michel, most Gnostics believe that Jesus is a Messanger of Light (that is a messanger of the True God), Gnostic Christians believe he is the princaple salvation figure (the Soter).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Welcome gnosis!

So tell me, have you always enjoyed discussion? Are you involved in formal debate in any way?

Let's discuss this.... :jiggy:


Mischevious One
Hi, gnosis_777. Welcome to Religious Forums. We're happy to have you with us and hope you enjoy your stay. :jiggy:


A fool
Heya gnosis, its always nice to meet an open minded person :). I think you'll find a lot of people at RF reflect your beliefs fairly accurately. Have a great time here!
