This is a true story about why I feel like I am Julia Robert's father. I know it sounds weird but when I was about seventeen I had to fly out to Los Angeles, and when I landed I swear I saw Julia in the airport waiting for a plane. (I call her 'My Julia'.) Now, as a superstar she probably hates being in the tabloids, but it was the tabloids which complicated my connection with her. You see I am not a famous actor as some of you seem to suspect but a typical American with no ties to the film industry, and one day as I was going through the line at the supermarket I noticed that a tabloid (and no I would never pay for a tabloid) announced loudly that Julia was childless and really wanted to have a baby. Well! Since I had seen her in that Los Angeles airport I felt very connected, and so I prayed for her to have twins; and despite the fact that I payed almost no attention to tabloids while I was in the checkout line at the supermarket (specifically at Food Lion) and even avoided looking at girls in bikinis while in the checkout line (as if my mother were there with me telling me not to look as she used to do). I prayed for my Julia to have twins, and you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT? One day as I was going through the checkout and trying to avoid looking at bikinis you know what happened? Yes. I found out the my Julia was having twins! And thus I feel that I am like her father figure. She is my Julia though she does not know me, and I am thankful for her twins. True story.