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I love sex....But I blame it on Satan

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
Why the big focus on sex? Why not sky diving? Shooting yourself out of a cannon? Skiing backwards down diamond slopes? Rollerskating on the freeway?

There are SO MANY wonderful and risky things one can do!

(Seems to remember reading/hearing that car accidents, and falls on the stairs and in the shower are amongst the most common causes of death. Maybe EVERYONE is a satanist. :shrug:)

The subject of sex is random. Besides sex is the most common act above sky diving, shooting onself out of a cannon, or skiing downslope backwards.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
Well you said you were trying to poke a hole in Satanic philosophy, while implying that you haven't been able to do so, so I'm not sure what the real point is :shrug:



If you actually read I used keywords (from what I know) see first entry...I know, I know. You overlooked that. How about posting what I overlooked.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
What use is living your life is you kill yourself for your own stupidity? You are missing all the really important subtle bits and other ideas. Also not all Satanists are following the idea of what you said, some think that while that is an important element, it doesn't need to be the main focus as focusing too much on being your own god inflates the ego. There really doesn't need to be much said about individualism or enjoying your life, as it's pretty straight-forward. Same goes with it as a focus.

Also LaVeyans in particular like to point out about personal responsibility, admitting to your mistakes and living with the consequences, not blaming anything or anyone else other than yourself. This includes Satan, which they do not believe in, or any other group person or idea for your own stupidity. As I said before, one of their "Satanic Sins" is Stupidity.

You might understand that Satanism has hedonism as an element, but you fail to understand the other parts. As I said before, there is a difference between indulging and being a mindless animal.

They know the calculated risks even if they did everything on their end. If they die, that's something they were aware of. While I wouldn't attribute their deaths to being "their fault" directly as they took precautions, I would make the point that they engaged in potentially deadly activities. Then again driving is dangerous too, but I wouldn't blame them for what they did if the risk was rather low but something still went wrong. If they did the activity knowing that in that instance the risk was relatively high, I probably would of then.

Ok so their are variations within Satanist philosophy. However you said there is a difference between indulgence and mindless acts.

How is parachuting out of a plane not mindless but risky sex is? Those who engage in both know the risk but decide to do it anyway?


Left Hand Path
If you actually read I used keywords (from what I know) see first entry...I know, I know. You overlooked that. How about posting what I overlooked.

I didn't overlook anything, you didn't make anything clear until later on in our posts, and by then you had already dug yourself into a fashionable hole.

If you feel you had made a noteworthy point you should bring it up.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
I didn't overlook anything, you didn't make anything clear until later on in our posts, and by then you had already dug yourself into a fashionable hole.

If you feel you had made a noteworthy point you should bring it up.

I'm done with you. If you feel that this thread is useless feel free to not respond. I will respond to others who wish to discuss further viewpoints but my views that are clear are so elusive to you that me recapping is just a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Ok so their are variations within Satanist philosophy. However you said there is a difference between indulgence and mindless acts.

How is parachuting out of a plane not mindless but risky sex is? Those who engage in both know the risk but decide to do it anyway?

Because they have a parachute that will stop them from getting hurt?


Left Hand Path
I'm done with you. If you feel that this thread is useless feel free to not respond. I will respond to others who wish to discuss further viewpoints but my views that are clear are so elusive to you that me recapping is just a waste of time.

What views?

This is the second time I've asked you reiterate but you've failed, what flaws do you see in Satanist philosophy pertaining to your matter?

Seriously, I've obliged and done all I could but you don't even seem to know what you're doing.



Well-Known Member
What views?

This is the second time I've asked you reiterate but you've failed, what flaws do you see in Satanist philosophy pertaining to your matter?

Seriously, I've obliged and done all I could but you don't even seem to know what you're doing.

He obviously doesn't get Satanic philosophies as he hears "hedonistic" and then his own pre-conceptions cloud his ability to realize it's not a one-dimensional religion, nor do I think he actually understands the term, nor the term indulgence because he thinks it to be the same as compulsion.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
Because they have a parachute that will stop them from getting hurt?

I just listed the risk as to why parachuting is risky. Having a parachute doesn't.necessarily make you safe from dying other factors can occur.

Ultimately here is my position.....As LaVey would have it, Satanist viewpoints on sexuality as I understand is that, it is for a lack of a better word an "advasary" to what is perceived as sexual repression in the Abrahamic faiths. From the material I read its a "religion of the flesh" its about engaging in carnal pleasures. Although it does state that one must refrain from engaging in sexual acts to a non-consenting adult. Of course cautioning against rape is a given. However my point in the thread regarding the title "I love sex....but I blame it on Satan" was a satirical title to demonstrate that sexual appetites although natural are not necessarily good. As I mentioned, as I indulge in my sexual appetites I am engaging those natural urges and even if we take risk out of the equation, there are too many factors as to why engaging in carnal pleasures is not good. Psychological/emotional attachment. I am under the impression Satanist have some sort of sexual ritualistic orgies not sure if that is true but I am welcomed to be corrected. Take for a moment that I engage in these acts and I develop an affinity of having sex more often (I took out addiction on purpose) isn't this problematic? I am looking at the psychological aspects of engaging in those kinds of sexual pleasures as inherently dangerous.

If you have literature that can point me to the right direction I am open


Left Hand Path
He obviously doesn't get Satanic philosophies as he hears "hedonistic" and then his own pre-conceptions cloud his ability to realize it's not a one-dimensional religion, nor do I think he actually understands the term, nor the term indulgence because he thinks it to be the same as compulsion.

This could be, but if you look at his first response to my post he asks if we are against porn, as if that had anything to do with my first post directing the matter.

Also if I might add, my first post sums up the Satanic position fairly well.

I don't want to say that he's looking to confuse us and then say "gotchya", but who knows at this point :shrug:

Like I said, I've asked him to reiterate any point he believes pokes holes in our philosophy and he has failed to do so. Though he clearly remembers the five D's of dodgeball, dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

Since he seems keen on bringing up examples of "riskyness" that stray from his main point about sex, I'd say he's on his heels at this point :shrug:
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Well-Known Member
I am engaging those natural urges and even if we take risk out of the equation, there are too many factors as to why engaging in carnal pleasures is not good. Psychological/emotional attachment. I am under the impression Satanist have some sort of sexual ritualistic orgies not sure if that is true but I am welcomed to be corrected. Take for a moment that I engage in these acts and I develop an affinity of having sex more often (I took out addiction on purpose) isn't this problematic? I am looking at the psychological aspects of engaging in those kinds of sexual pleasures as inherently dangerous.

If you have literature that can point me to the right direction I am open

you claimed to have read LaVey's stuff, but you obviously then have only read a tiny bit. First of all, it's not just about sexual henonism in LaVeyan Satanism if you could realize that. It's about whatever brings you happiness and joy. The Satanic Bible says many times "physical, emotional, or mental gratification", which covers pretty much ******* anything under the sun. Not just sex, but food, poetry, music, science, ect ect.

Also he addressed orgies in The Satanic Bible as well, another part you did not read. Also I seriously think you misunderstand psychology and your objections were likewise refuted in The Satanic Bible as well.

Though I do agree with a good bit of the following, I am not a LaVeyan and do not accept The Satanic Bible as something that stands for my beliefs.

The Satanic Bible
(Anton LaVey, 1969)

The Book of Lucifer

Satanic Sex

"MUCH controversy has arisen over the Satanic views on "free love". It is often
assumed that sexual activity is the most important factor of the Satanic religion, and
that willingness to participate in sex-orgies is a prerequisite for becoming a Satanist.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! In fact, opportunists who have no deeper
interest in Satanism than merely the sexual aspects are emphatically discouraged.
Satanism does advocate sexual freedom, but only in the true sense of the word. Free
love, in the Satanic concept, means exactly that - freedom to either be faithful to one
person or to indulge your sexual desires with as many others as you feel is necessary to satisfy your particular needs."


"Another misconception is the idea that ability to engage in group sexual activity is the indicative of sexual freedom."


"The Satanist realizes that if he is to be a sexual connoiseur (and truly free from all sexual guilt) he cannot be stifled by the so-called sexual revolutionists any more than he can by the prudery of his guilt-ridden society. These free-sex clubs miss the whole point of sexual freedom. Unless sexual activity can be expressed on an individual basis (which includes personal fetishes), there is absolutely no purpose in belonging to a sexual freedom organization. Satanism condones any type of sexual activity which properly satisfies your individual desires - be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or even asexual, if you choose. Satanism also sanctions any fetish or deviation which will enhance your sex-life, so long as it involves no one who does not wish to be involved."

The Book of Lucifer
Induglence... Not Compulsion"SATANISM encourages its followers to indulge in their natural desires. Only by doing so can you be a completely satisfied person with no frustrations which can be harmful to yourself and others around you. Therefore, the most simplified description of the Satanic belief is:


People often mistake compulsion for indulgence, but there is a world of difference between the two. A compulsion is never created by indulging, but by not being able to indulge. By making something taboo, it only serves to intensify the desire. Everyone likes to do the things they have been told not to. "Forbidden fruits are sweetest.""


"It has been clearly established that the majority of all illnesses are of a psychosomatic nature, and that psychosomatic illnesses are a direct result of frustration. It has been said that "the good die young". The good, by Christian standards, do die young. It is the frustration of our natural instincts which leads to the deterioration of our minds and bodies."


"The true Satanist is not mastered by sex any more than he is mastered by any of his other desires. As with all other pleasurable things, the Satanist is master of, rather than mastered by sex. He is not the perverted fiend who is just waiting for the opportunity to deflower every young virgin, nor is he the skulking degenerate who furtively hangs around in the "dirty" bookstores, slavering over the "nasty" pictures. If pornography fills his needs for the moment, he unashamedly buys some "choice items" and guiltlessly peruses them at his leisure."


"The watchword of Satanism is INDULGENCE instead of "abstinence" . . . BUT - it is not “compulsion“."

The Nine Satanic Statements

1. Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!


8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or
emotional gratification!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But isn't that what its all about? Living on the edge? So-called living your life as you see fit? Being your own god?
Yes, but you won't find many Satanists playing Russian Roulette because it's just a dumb idea. And for the same reason protection and caution should be used during sex as to not is just a dumb idea. And if you enjoy doing something why not take precautions that will increase your chances of being able to do it again? Or even if it's not something you enjoy doing, but if it will help improve your survival rate, then why not? I don't particularly like wearing a seat belt, but I wear one anyways so I won't be flung from my car or have my head slammed on the windshield should I ever be in a wreck. Self-preservation is also vital, which is why using caution when having sex is not a hole in Satanic philosophy.