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I need help, I want to start my own religion... seriously.


New Member
Ok, it's true. I am planning on starting my own religion. As crazy as it sounds, it gets worse, the idea formed and took hold in the minds of myself and my friends during a night of drunken revelry just this last St. Patrick's Day. Normally, this would be simply forgotten drunk-talk, but somehow, this has stuck with me, and now I really want to persue this.

A little background, I live on a street nicknamed "Party Row" which is a block away from the University of Toledo campus. Our house has become rather infamous on campus, as we traditionally hold the biggest parties/keggers. The day we moved in, we envisioned ourselves as being much like the characters in the movie "Old School" and thanks to some exceptionally good PR work from myself (something I more or less did for the church before I became an atheist) we managed to make a name for ourselves.

I live with 3 other guys in a really nice 4-bedroom house. The four of us are all in early twenties, generally college age, but none of us attend the college, yet we decided to dedicate ourselves to the glamorized college life, the drinking and partying, but without all those classes or studying crap. The parties/keggers we have have started to become a 'cause' that we dedicate ourselves to, we have made it almost an art form, that we continue to perfect our skill.

The thought had at one time or another rolled around in our heads that we should start an informal frat, that, like the one in "Old School" that simply parties and gives nothing back to the school or community. However, this idea never really seemed to take root. Recently, we have been trying to secure another place to live, not far, which if we could possibly pull it off, we would move into the most infamous party house near campus, a 15 bedroom, 11 bathroom house that has no residential neighbors, it sits between a two bars on one side and a KFC & Marco's Pizza on the other. Seriously, does it get any better than that?

So with all of these possibilites running through our minds during a drunken evening together at a huge kegger we had at our current house, I of course wanted to take things a step further. What if we started our own religion? A religion based around drinking, partying, and having a good time. Could we seriously pull this off? I didn't want to create a religion who's dogma should be taken (too) seriously, but I did want to make it a real recognized religion.

So I'm curious, what exactly must one do in order to start a real religion? Like legally? What are the steps I must go through and what paperwork would I have to deal with in order to do this? Anyone know?

Of course, before I do that, I have to actually "Create" this religion, which i have been thinking about, but only have a few rough ideas. Such as a name- maybe, "The Brewish Chruch" "Beerism" or something like that? How about a holy symbol, a bottle with a circle around it? What should the commandments of my religion be? Thou shalt consume pizza or chicken wings once a week? Thou shalt do a 30 second keg stand in order to become a member?

I don't know, but I would surely appriciate some input on this matter, because I honestly want to do this, and as funny as the religion idea seems, I have a feeling it would catch on quick around here, especally with our (my roommates) powers of promoting things on campus. Plus, I think it would be fun! :jam:


Flaming Queer
i don't know about getting a new religion recognised im affraid.

why not just become a viking recreationist? that way you can drink and pillage, and say its for a cause :devil:


Well-Known Member
WillJones26 said:
A religion based around drinking, partying, and having a good time. Could we seriously pull this off? I didn't want to create a religion who's dogma should be taken (too) seriously, but I did want to make it a real recognized religion.
Sounds like hedonism or the Bacchanalia. But you guys don't run around naked devouring people very often, do you?

WillJones26 said:
So I'm curious, what exactly must one do in order to start a real religion? Like legally? What are the steps I must go through and what paperwork would I have to deal with in order to do this? Anyone know?
You can start a religion just by snapping your fingers. You don't need paperwork unless you're filing tax exempt status. I don't recommend that in this case.

WillJones26 said:
Of course, before I do that, I have to actually "Create" this religion, which i have been thinking about, but only have a few rough ideas. Such as a name- maybe, "The Brewish Chruch" "Beerism" or something like that? How about a holy symbol, a bottle with a circle around it? What should the commandments of my religion be? Thou shalt consume pizza or chicken wings once a week? Thou shalt do a 30 second keg stand in order to become a member?
Thou shalt encourage women to remove their clothing upon entering thy home? Thou shalt not pass out with thy shoes on? Thou shalt not puke in my laundry hamper?


Well-Known Member
WillJones26 said:
The IRS has a tendency to audit/fine/imprison people who claim a non-profit business that
gives nothing back to the school or community
. Anyway, I think if you did that, you'd lose a lot of the fun element.


New Member
Hahahaha! Well put, I think you are right, Faint. I didn't really know how all that worked, but I really wanted the religion to be 'official' in some way, you know?


New Member
Is tax-exempt status the only way to be an officially recognized religion by the U.S. Government? I thought that the Church of Satan refuses to have tax-exempt status, yet are they not an officially recognized religion by the government?


Deviled Hen
WillJones26 said:
Ok, it's true. I am planning on starting my own religion. As crazy as it sounds, it gets worse, the idea formed and took hold in the minds of myself and my friends during a night of drunken revelry just this last St. Patrick's Day.
Hey, it certainly worked for Hubbard. His religion, like yours, had its genesis in ethanol. ;) That, and a bet by a fellow SF writer.

I don't know, but I would surely appriciate some input on this matter, because I honestly want to do this, and as funny as the religion idea seems, I have a feeling it would catch on quick around here, especally with our (my roommates) powers of promoting things on campus. Plus, I think it would be fun! :jam:
You could always restart the Church of Beaver Cleaver. I think the local Atlanta guy finally gave that one up.

I still have dibs on the First Church of Binary Consciousness (the Digitarians).

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Sorry about my having to ask this- I'm incredibly clueless! Are you starting this more for the fun-factor, or for the tax exempt status?

Though I'm almost sure you're already aware, just in case you aren't, you and your friends can become ordained online for free.


Active Member
Having been born in Toledo Ohio, I was flabbergasted to read your post! To think that there are some such as you wandering the streets is absolutely disheartening to me!

Get your silly young mud hen butt to an AA meeting before you waste the rest of your life persuing your life wasting idea of a drunken mind numbing religion.

That being said, my dear, this too shall pass. It is all good now, but the future is at hand. Any day now, you and your friends will wake to the reality that the party is over and you must conform to the norm to some degree, to survive in this world. I think you would do better to channel all of this thinking to something more positive. I mean really, do you want your only claim to fame to be how many keggar parties you survived? I know you have more on the ball than that!

To hell with numbing your mind with booze! Get busy with the real facts of life. Study now, get the fantastic position in life, make the big bucks, help others in a tangible way, and leave the keggars to the dim wits who have no hope in life. Pray for them and for yourselves that you will never follow that path in this life. It is truly futile! What does a keggar party really produce but a miserable hangover, a clouded memory of the past night where who knows what you have done, and another day lost to the great possibilities that you are capable of?

Keggar religion?........Well that is a nice thought for the moment ......but that boat won't float for very long, there are too many holes in it! Think about it, for you are better than that, I am sure!


New Member
I'd hate to start a flame war but I must say, I am disgusted at this post. Have you no morals? Are you really so lost that you would dare start a religion based on partying and getting drunk? Such a thing is not a religion, It is a club of idiot frat boys.


Well-Known Member
WillJones26 said:
Ok, it's true. I am planning on starting my own religion. As crazy as it sounds, it gets worse, the idea formed and took hold in the minds of myself and my friends during a night of drunken revelry just this last St. Patrick's Day. Normally, this would be simply forgotten drunk-talk, but somehow, this has stuck with me, and now I really want to persue this.

Of course, before I do that, I have to actually "Create" this religion, which i have been thinking about, but only have a few rough ideas. Such as a name- maybe, "The Brewish Chruch" "Beerism" or something like that? How about a holy symbol, a bottle with a circle around it? What should the commandments of my religion be? Thou shalt consume pizza or chicken wings once a week? Thou shalt do a 30 second keg stand in order to become a member?

I don't know, but I would surely appriciate some input on this matter, because I honestly want to do this, and as funny as the religion idea seems, I have a feeling it would catch on quick around here, especally with our (my roommates) powers of promoting things on campus. Plus, I think it would be fun! :jam:
Well, I'd suggest that you start by writing a religious text of some kind. Make it pretty substantial in length, like maybe 500 pages or so. Tell people you didn't really "write" it, but that an angel directed you to an ancient record and that a divine Being gave you the power to translate it. Make it center around a population of people no one ever knew existed. Make the lives of this ancient people relevant to the lives of your followers today. Insist that the book is true, and not a work of fiction. But make sure you don't make any mistakes that would prove your story to be a hoax, because, believe me, people will do their darndest to discredit you.

If you want to be taken seriously, be sure to emphasize that you have personally been chosen by Deity to do what you're doing. You're going to want your church to be successful and not just die out after a couple of years. Be really upfront about declaring that it will one day fill the world and that you personally will not be forgotten for years after your death. Insist that people the world over will know who you were and will have very strong feelings about you -- good or bad. Then make sure it happens. You wouldn't want to end up looking like a nutcase or something.

If you really believe in what you're doing, be prepared to be persecuted throughout your life for your beer drinking and pizza eating and anything else your church teaches. Also be willing to die for what you believe -- at a relatively young age. If your religion is really worth following, being killed rather than admit your just decided to think up this new religion on a whim should really be nothing to stop you. Who knows, in another 175 years or so, you may have a following of 12 million or so people. Good luck!

Finally, if your response to my suggestions is to say that your new religions has nothing to do with "God" (i.e. gods or the divine) and is only about eating pizza and drinking beer, why call it a religion? Just call it a party and get on with it.


New Member
why not join my relgion tis good and it hath cometh we worship the nine divines if you like i will send you the first page of our good book


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
While I would question any necessity in creating a "new"religion (as opposed to merely espousing a defined philosophical perspective), you might consider a course of legitimate legal ordination, that is not only free, but fully recognized by the federal government in all states.


I am an atheist, but also a legally empowered, registered, and recognized minister of the ULC. I can marry anyone with the full sanction and of both state and federal sanction (within such laws as already established) and legitimacy. No kidding.

If you're going to attempt manipulations of U.S tax code and applicable exemptions regarding faith-based institutions and charities, you are best advised to seek professional counsel from a qualified/expert attorney in such matters.


; n.
    1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
    2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
  1. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
  2. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader."
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

Does an appreciation of booze and unfettered "partying" really define or require any endorsement as a "legitimate" religion? Do such activities require the constraints incumbent upon a professedly legitimate religion? Is this really a concept worthy of "serious" consideration? Party hard, drink yourself into the depths of utter debasement and impious revelry, and worry about "legitimizing" such conduct when it comes time to be really be fiscally and personally accountable for the otherwise short-lived intemperate indiscretions of youth.

Getting drunk and getting laid in college may have it's ritualistic precepts to both acknowledge and emulate, but hardly constitute (nor require) any religiously necessitated rationales.]