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I need really good information.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So I got into an argument with my philosophy teacher about evolution. She claims it cannot be proven with the scientific method. I (the only one in the class) called her out. I began to state to fossil record, and she went on something about how the first guy to propose that (which I know this can't be true because Da Vinci proposed this long before the ToE came about) was wrong about his estimations and that carbon dating is so unreliable that it doesn't prove evolution, and because things can fossilize in less than millions of years evolution is not true. She didn't give me the chance to delve deeper, but next week I am wanting to bring the big guns.
I am wondering if anyone can provide me with some very good articles about using biology, genetics,the fossil record, and anything else to support evolution.


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
It doesn't sound like your philosophy teacher knows much about the philosophy of science if she doesn't think evolutionary theory is scientific. You should point out to her that evolution is to biology what the germ theory of disease is to medicine and what the atomic theory of matter is to chemistry. You can deny the existence of germs and atoms all you want, but they're a good explaination for the observed phenomena. If she can come up with an alternative to evolution that fits the observations and makes testable predictions, then I'm all ears...


Veteran Member
Ask her how all the diversity of life arose. She'll answer: "God created them and put them here." You then shake your head in disbelief and sit down, because arguing the issue will get you nowhere. As my signature advises,


Intentionally Blank
So I got into an argument with my philosophy teacher about evolution. She claims it cannot be proven with the scientific method. I (the only one in the class) called her out. I began to state to fossil record, and she went on something about how the first guy to propose that (which I know this can't be true because Da Vinci proposed this long before the ToE came about) was wrong about his estimations and that carbon dating is so unreliable that it doesn't prove evolution, and because things can fossilize in less than millions of years evolution is not true. She didn't give me the chance to delve deeper, but next week I am wanting to bring the big guns.
I am wondering if anyone can provide me with some very good articles about using biology, genetics,the fossil record, and anything else to support evolution.

Wow, what an ignoramus. I'm guessing Christian.

O.K. where to begin.

1. Science is not about proof. It's about evidence. How could a philosophy prof not know that?

2. As soon as she says carbon dating is unreliable, you've got a YEC Christian. She knows nothing about physics. If radiometric dating (of which carbon dating is just one tiny example) doesn't work, then physics doesn't work. Radiometric dating has been calibrated against everything you can think of, from ice cores to varves. It works.

3. Does she think Biologists are all idiots? She thinks she knows more about Biology than the world's biologists?

4. If she rejects radiometric dating, then she also reject, in addition to all of Biology, all of Geology, all paleontology, archeology, and lots of physics. Probably all of astronomy and cosmology. Where on earth did you get such an anti-scientific philosophy prof?

My suggestion would be to ask her whether the scientific method works.


Intentionally Blank
There is so much good material on the web and in books, and it's really interesting. talkorigins is a great place to start. Also UC Berkeley evolution site. And PBS nova evolution. For a single book, I suggest The Greatest Show on Earth. Sheesh, what a pea brain. Where is this person teaching?


Intentionally Blank
My guess is that this ignoramus does not know what ToE actually says. Few people who disagree with it do. I advise you to research what the theory is, on wiki, then ask her what she thinks the ToE actually says. You will discover her utter ignorance and incompetence to opine on the subject. This is making me mad.


Happiness Incarnate
First, I'd like to say bravo on calling your teacher out. Ignorance like this can't be allowed, especially in an educator.

Second, document what happens. She may try to get you in trouble for disrupting class and writing down more-or-less what is said by each side will make it a lot easier to defend yourself.

That documentation will come in extra handy if this is a public school teacher because if she proselytizes, that is if she starts answering questions with "because that's how God wants it" or anything in that vein, she can and should be fired, or at least subject to disciplinary action. So if it goes in that direction you should definitely write it down.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This is a college "teacher." I already planned on using a tape recorder in her class, to have it on tape the non-sense that she teachers (more than just evolution and religion), and if it gets bad I'll have hard evidence that she is more of a propagandist than a teacher.
As for her religious slant goes, my girlfriend's uncle also teachers at this school and I am asking him what the policy is regarding such a situation, especially since it is a philosophy class and it can be dismissed as an "alternative viewpoint." But telling students that the body loses weight at the moment of death, and that is when the soul leaves the body is not an alternative viewpoint, it is horse manure.


Happiness Incarnate
Be careful using a tape recorder. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge.


Active Member
Be careful using a tape recorder. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge.

That is true. But I wouldn't be afraid to tell her you want to record such a conversation and see how she reacts to that.


Intentionally Blank
Just ask the prof whether you can record the class, (as if you needed to listen to the lecture later for pedagogical purposes.)


Well-Known Member
Usually, the college profs let you know either at the beginning of the semester or in the syllabus. Most don't have a problem with it especial considering taping classes makes for easier note taking later that night.
As for it being a philosophy class. The only philosophy class I took was only good because the guy wanted you to argue(debate) with him. We spent the entire semester arguing god theories and only one guy left because he couldn't agree with the teachings.

Whether you feel she is teaching nonsense or not, unless she is shouting you down at every comment you make, she may not be as bad as you think. Give her a chance before you condemn.


New Member
Here is something that might help for anyone trying to discredit carbon dating.

Carbon Dating is not the ultimate time teller of materials. It is in fact one of very many actually. There are many different ways of telling the age of a item.

Many different materials have their own specific method to determine their decay rates. If you will, Their own form of Carbon Dating which is not to be confused with Carbon Dating.

The fossil records are acurate. Yes they have gaps but that meens pretty much nothing. Just cause you are missing 5 pieces from a puzzle doesn't meen you don't know what the picture is that you are putting together.

One other side note....let's say carbon dating is completely wrong. That in no way disproves evolution. There is a such a vast amount of proof that it cannot be denied. It can be blindly denied but not denied if you take the time to research.

Also..not all evolution takes millions of years. In our life time we have seen evolution.

I am having a hard time remembering the name of it but there is a butterfly on an island of Hawaii. This butterfly existed how it was and that was recorded. Then, bananas were introduced to this island. Well, after a few hundreds years (500 or so I believe) this butterfly now has teeth if you will that are meant for eating these bananas as it now does.

Evolution can happen fairly rapidly....also it's not ALL random as some might believe. Evolution can be forced or helped at the very least.


Well-Known Member
Ask her how old she believes the earth is. If she says anything less than 4.5 billion years then she is probably either a YEC or seriously confused.

Ask her what she thinks happens when strains of the flu virus become immune to current vaccines. Thats pretty much evolution.


Premium Member
So I got into an argument with my philosophy teacher about evolution. She claims it cannot be proven with the scientific method. I (the only one in the class) called her out. I began to state to fossil record, and she went on something about how the first guy to propose that (which I know this can't be true because Da Vinci proposed this long before the ToE came about) was wrong about his estimations and that carbon dating is so unreliable that it doesn't prove evolution, and because things can fossilize in less than millions of years evolution is not true. She didn't give me the chance to delve deeper, but next week I am wanting to bring the big guns.
I am wondering if anyone can provide me with some very good articles about using biology, genetics,the fossil record, and anything else to support evolution.

I believe the issue is understanding the scientific method and the theory of evolution. In the scientific method you must be able to test the theory. With evolution we have collected a lot of data but are unable to test the theory. Perhaps someday we will be able to test the theory and complete the scientific method. Until then I believe she is right. It is just a play on words but correct.