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I oppose all torture.


Premium Member
I personally live by the dictum "Do unto others as they do unto you", I have for the past 30 years and it has never failed me. I am also an advocate of "the punishment should fit the crime" and that an evil can only be defeated by a greater evil. However, at times there are those who may do me wrong whom I deem worthy of my forgiveness, but, I will never forget.
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Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I oppose all torture. The reason why is the Golden Rule. I believe in doing to others as you would have them do unto you.
i find this thread tortue, will you remove it for me? in all seriousness if torturing me would save hundred of lifes i would approve of it.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Not really though.
you can not deny that their has been will be or atleast could be a time when torturing one person could save lives. I think torture is way over used and should require more definitive proof of its necesity then it curently has.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
you can not deny that their has been will be or atleast could be a time when torturing one person could save lives. I think torture is way over used and should require more definitive proof of its necesity then it curently has.

I think the desire to torture stems from gratification and that it procures reliable data is but a pretext.


Well-Known Member
mpst of the time yes but what about that 1 time it isnt.

what do you mean?

I don't believe that the existence of torture is for the purpose of the torturer getting pleasure out of torturing.

I believe torture is used as a means to get something someone wants.

Similar to robbing someone at gun point. "Give me your cash, or I'll shoot you"

The goal here is for the robber to obtain the cash. The gun is an incentive for the victim to cooperate.

It could even be said that robbery at gunpoint IS torture, because of the anxiety and fear caused by the threat of experiencing terrible physical pain or death.

For the most part, I don't believe those who commit torture do so for the sake of committing torture.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I don't believe that the existence of torture is for the purpose of the torturer getting pleasure out of torturing.

I believe torture is used as a means to get something someone wants.

Similar to robbing someone at gun point. "Give me your cash, or I'll shoot you"

The goal here is for the robber to obtain the cash. The gun is an incentive for the victim to cooperate.

It could even be said that robbery at gunpoint IS torture, because of the anxiety and fear caused by the threat of experiencing terrible physical pain or death.

For the most part, I don't believe those who commit torture do so for the sake of committing torture.
Yes but that doesnt mean most tortures turn out justified. i think its fine when it can save a large number of lives, but only when its justifyiable to think that it will, over whelming evidence or screaming ill never tell. Most of the time i think it fails. I think it should be saved for only dire circastances. Father Heaven disagrees with us both. He thinks its just a pretext. I agree there are too many sick *ucks who use it as a pretext. Some times i think iot doesnt matter as long as it a justifiable and produces results. I think most of the time is fear and desperation. I think this is also wrong. It should never been a desperate attempt but always a justified course of action. I think its over done, and in general wrong, but sometimes the ends do justify the means.

Now as per your gun example you gun and robber. Change the robber to a rapist. He use the gun ( a form of torture as you say) to get something he wants, in this came he wants to rape and cause pain. The rapist is looking to torture that is the end he seeks. I dont think i see your logic.
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What if someone is about to be blown up and the only way to stop that person from having their entrails splattered everywhere was to pistol whip someone's teeth out until they told you where the bomb was and how to diffuse it?

We all know how often this happens.

Also, doesn't sending a criminal to jail count as torture? Especially a Mexican/Turkish/Burmese jail?

I'd say so, especially those in solitary confinement.


Speculation is endless, isn't it? What if you pistol whipped someone's teeth out and they only told you false information because they were teed-off at you for pistol whipping their teeth out? Meanwhile, because you acted on their false information, the bomb went off anyway? Gosh. We could speculate all night. Do you have any evidence from actual, practicing interrogators that torture works best?

Hold on, hold on. Okay, what if there are three black kids who said they planted a bomb in the White House. You are somehow about to confirm that there is, in fact, a bomb, without finding it, and now you need to find it in order to defuse it. So, if you don't have the three black kids by their ankles, blaring loud country music, and electrocute them in order to get the positioning of the bomb, what if they never tell you the location and the president dies in a fiery death? See.. torture was necessary here.