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I spoke with jesus and his angels and saw heaven


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
yes just had a extensive evaluation by a therapist my job required me to before going back to work and i was found to be fine, i had a polygraph test as well and found to be telling the truth
A polygraph test only means you believe you're telling the truth.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
why is it so hard to believe that every word i said and every way i described it , happen?
For the same reason I don't believe you saw a fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus Rex giving a lecture on the virtues of environmental preservation. It's outlandish, and the burden of proof lies on you and you alone to prove it wasn't something mundane your mind assumed was supernatural.
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For the same reason I don't believe you saw a fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus Rex giving a lecture on the virtues of environmental preservation.It's outlandish, and the burden of proof lies on you and you alone to prove it wasn't something mundane your mind assumed was supernatural.
i can tell you have never experienced anything even close and all i can say is thats too bad. i dont need to run out of air trying to prove to anyone i know what happen i know what i saw and what i felt. i have a need you can say to tell my story to who ever wants to hear it , if people dont want to hear it i wont tell it to them. but their will be someone out their who will hear it and who has a little faith and this story will help them in some way


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
i can tell you have never experienced anything even close and all i can say is thats too bad. i dont need to run out of air trying to prove to anyone i know what happen i know what i saw and what i felt. i have a need you can say to tell my story to who ever wants to hear it , if people dont want to hear it i wont tell it to them. but their will be someone out their who will hear it and who has a little faith and this story will help them in some way
I have communed with my gods. But I am not so prideful as to expect everyone to take my word for it.


I have communed with my gods. But I am not so prideful as to expect everyone to take my word for it.

thats not being prideful you not expecting anyone to take your word for it is nothing more than you doubt in yourself or in your gods

i dont have doubt in my god and i never expect anything from anyone people make their own choices


Premium Member
i can tell you have never experienced anything even close and all i can say is thats too bad. i dont need to run out of air trying to prove to anyone i know what happen i know what i saw and what i felt. i have a need you can say to tell my story to who ever wants to hear it , if people dont want to hear it i wont tell it to them. but their will be someone out their who will hear it and who has a little faith and this story will help them in some way
I have had many experiences that involve invocation (a kind of possession) of and communication with the gods, the dead, and other spiritual beings, and I am a committed practitioner of the Arts, so it isn't for a lack of understanding that I ask you what I do. The physical aspects of your story (those describing the physical sensations you experienced) however, more so than the spiritual ones, point to the potential for some condition so it was simply out of concern that I ask if you were aware of the possibility of there being some greater cause that may warrant attention.


I have had many experiences that involve invocation (a kind of possession) of and communication with the gods, the dead, and other spiritual beings, and I am a committed practitioner of the Arts, so it isn't for a lack of understanding that I ask you what I do. The physical aspects of your story (those describing the physical sensations you experienced) however, more so than the spiritual ones, point to the potential for some condition so it was simply out of concern that I ask if you were aware of the possibility of there being some greater cause that may warrant attention.
ok i can see how that may be true but i dont think i fit that . i felt everything just like a person would awake and not under stress because i wasn't dreaming i was in a different realm fully aware of my thoughts and surroundings not just seeing my physical body but a moment i saw my spiritual body at the same time so that opens up a whole other realization to me and that is we are mind, body, and spirit. and i think their is so much more to us that we cant even comprehend

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
i just posted my story in three different post it was too large

It is unwise to jump to the least likely possibility. those suggesting some form of mental disorder are not trying to by unkind, even if they are being a bit blunt. People with mental issues see just this sort of thing all the time. It may be transient, as in your case, or may continue for days on end, as in the case of my wife's mother. A polygraph is not much better than 50% accurate in controlled studies, and is heavily dependent upon the skill of the person administering the test. That is why you cannot use it as valid evidence in a court of law. It is widely recognized as flawed. Be that as it may, it still will only tell you what you THINK is true, not what is ACTUALLY true.


Veteran Member
I have some hallucinations, especially when under the influence.

I have powerful spiritual experiences but am treating it all with skepticism now because the doctor recently diagnosed me schizoaffective.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
am experiencing an out of body experience.
I suddenly see myself in my mind or in another realm not sure where I was and still at this time not even knowing what was happening to me. but I see myself sleeping and I start to look around It’s a space with no edges, no ending, gray in color and smoke like dust floating everything Including my self Is a bland grey color, then I see an Angel come down quickly dressed in battle gear and I see Jesus gently float down to me they both have their backs to me but they were protecting me shielding me. Its only then that I realize that they were there to fight the evilness that had me the evilness that attacked me from the hole I was watching. god said to me “you must feel the ripples flow thru your body or else It won’t be any use so concentrate on feeling the ripples flowing from your center core to the ends of your body. I understood and started to concentrate on that. then Jesus had a staff and he starts to say,” you shall not pass.” as he slams the staff on the ground or spot closes to my feet I see the ripple like If you were to drop a pebble in to water the repel you would see Is what I saw and I felt It go thru my body to the very nerve endings. his back still facing me, his voice loud and strong. thunderous sounding. then the Angels descended down and they were both slamming their staff on the ground nonstop creating these ripples trying to push whatever had a hold of my spirit out of me. while they were doing this I am in awe thinking to myself I must take a good look at all this because I wanted to remember every detail, until then I didn’t know what was happening to me, but thinking this Is What It’s like when there Is spiritual warfare I was in a battle against evil. god never left my side but the Angels kept coming and going different ones sometime there were two Angels sometimes only one they were wearing short robes with golden sandals a gold belt with some kind of armor on chest they had a bow of some kind in hand they were light completed dark hair dark eyes, very handsome, muscular build. their white robes gave off a golden shimmer and their wings were beautiful very large and strong as they were swooshing back and forth up and down I reached out to touch one wing and It was just like wings of a bird soft smooth white with a golden tint. very strong I could feel the wind they would create on my face and hair. watching god and his staff I was still in amazement but still concentrating on feeling each ripple flow thru. I remember starting to think about what my body was feeling I could see myself laying their motionless and I thought I felt my body start to cramp up and I started to panic thinking that It was getting a good grip on me again and god stopped and turned to me and said to me “It’s up to u If you don’t have faith then none of this Is going to work you have to not have doubt, and I said to god. I don’t doubt you and I am sorry for losing faith you are the most powerful god and threw you all Is possible and I lowered my head in shame and asked for his forgiveness. he turned from me and started creating the ripples again .and I started concentrated harder on keeping my faith and feeling each ripple flow. his chants were louder now more Intense. god would have me turn over my physical body so that he could get to the other side It was like If my body was a big pimple and to squeeze all the ooze out of a pimple you start from the outer sides and push everything up and out. well that was what god was doing to me in a sense pushing everything out of my spirit from the center out to the ends. and I could feel the heaviness start to slowly disappears. then It got more Intense every time the staff would hit or god say you shall not pass I would see a bright light so bright I would say It was beyond bright It was beyond light It wasn’t blinding but beyond the brightest light and loud like supersonic loud boom explosions but with no blow back the feeling of each ripple flowing thru my body was like feeling every cell It’s like If I ran my hand threw each cell feeling each Individual one releasing all things attached to my spirit /body that wasn’t supposed to be their he wasn’t just targeting the evil he pushed out everything . looking around into the grey dust rippled smoke at my feet. god turns to me and I take a good look at him I see he was wearing a long rob white in color with the golden tint and sandals made of gold, a golden rope around his waist, no armor, just a staff in hand his hair was dark and wave his eyes dark and penetrating, very handsome man not as muscular as the Angels but still very strong he had no wings he was around six feet tall light brown skin he was perfect. he says to me this Is enough we are going to end this now. god starts to spin in circles that circled me making a tornado type vortex. telling me to feel everything every wind gust sending everything attached to me flying off the Angels dropping down to join in on the spinning that was so fast and so strong and only got faster and stronger I strained hard to keep the momentum going I could hear my self-yellIng bent over eyes closed concentration feeling the power of the wind. It was like being s tornado not Inside one being one. everything that was wrong lost Its grip from me I Instantly felt free from bondage. this tornado went on for about five mind so I felt. when It was over there were two Angels around me placing what looked like square pieces of wet paper or something similar they were very quickly making a barrier wall around me I remember asking what Is that they were doing and the Angels said,” nothing can penetrate thru this nothing can reach you” as they were doing that god turned to me and placed me in some kind of wooden cradle and said.” It’s time for you to sleep as he touched my forehead with his finger at least twenty times each time saying sleep, sleep, and each time he touched me I felt like I was falling into a deeper and deeper sleep but at the same time still seeing my body lay tier and also seeing my body fall into deeper sleep in this cradle loosing sense and sight of my body just becoming grey dust in the cradle. I now see god’s Angels take me up. In the cradle I ask where are you taking me?.” he says to heaven to rest he says he will not leave my side and that I am safe. so I can not only see myself being whisked up into the sky seeing myself get farther and farther away visually I gets smaller and smaller, but from the cradle I can see all around me and what I saw was
You sure it wasn't Gandalf?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member

Don't mind them. Welcome to the forum. I didn't get to read everything. It would take me awhile; but, I do know a lot of people who have experiences with Christ and heaven. I would never say scizo since religious experiences are not medical harmful. They used to once think that people with Epilepsy were possessed by demons. I went to a church a couple of years ago and had a seizure. They thought I had the holy spirit in me and try to get it from me (rather than Christ). Couldn't figure that one out.


Welcome to the forums.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
i just posted my story in three different post it was too large

Religious part aside, did you go to the doctors with your muscle cramping? That, in itself, could be an starting issue you might want to address. I don't think it would take your experiences away; but, that is what actually caught me given I have seizures and sometimes they can mirror experiences I know are from the spirits and grandmother not my imagination.

I'd check that out especially if it happens more than once. As for the religious experience, with my other post, I notice people have Jesus/heaven experiences a lot. I never had them. If I had, Jesus, to me, is just like any other person just like my grandmothers appear to me. Though my grandmothers and spirits aren't strangers in another land; so, I can have a personal relationship with them.

I follow my ancestors and family. The spirits I speak of is of our natural environment and our deceased of land, kin, history, and blood. Jesus is part of our humanity, part of a group of people's land, I don't know if he has kin still living, but his spirit in history is extensive.

What type of relationship do you have with jesus? Is it land, kin, history, blood? It couldn't be all unless you're related to him by blood. It can't be land unless that is where you are from and/or raised where is. There are many people in history but I wouldn't create a relationship with all of them.

So that's kinda confusing for me.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
i had a experience last week with an evil spirit and jesus and angels and heaven its kinda long story anyone want to hear it .

Not to pry, only respond if you want, but, were you ever involved in the occult, demon etc worship?

We might have a case of mild possession, that you overcame