I think arostilte infiltrated platos school and then got pursaided by kings to make a way to destroy agnostics. I think arostile worked for kings and separated not knowing a knowing into different categories that he taught to be both valid. I think socrates would disagree but was killed by the type of people arostile worked for(kings). I think arostlitle taught that pleause is logical. I think socrates would disagree. I think socrates walked in snow and might not have noticed but was trying not to feel pain instead of pleasure. I think arostitle taught metaphysics and that there was a thing other than matter controlling physics. I think after arostitles students destruction of babyoloyn(alexander the great) that brought together tribes that i think would show contradiction and without violence might lead to logic without contradiction that christianity was born with the metaphysics that arosotlile taught. I think the pleasure being logical was embraced and i think slavery was reenforced by killing off the people who did not follow the religions. I think many tried to gain credibility by being taught by socrates but socrates broke the chain of slavery and decided to not follow the ideas of the greek gods. I think he stood in opposition and i think socrates should not be forgotten or diminished by his slave king students of students that came from distant lands.