In practical reality, both materialism and idealism exist, side-by-side. It is not one or the other. Our sensory systems input data to the brain from physical reality. Very specific photons enter our eyes allowing us to see a thing. Our senses confirms that reality is tangible, since the same input data; same types of photons, can be confirmed independently by others. This supports the materialist POV.
However, in politics for example, even though we all have access to the same sensory input data, each political POV will interpret the same reality and/or extended reality in different ways; Climate change. This could be due to selective sensory input, based on pre-existing filter bias. We see what we want to see, and ignore the rest, so the data appears to add up to the reality we want or expect to see. This is an example of idealism. Each side has conviction, yet neither can agree, based on the same data access.
In terms of creativity, for both applied science and the arts, the created object or thesis, first exists within the mind of the creator, before it becomes part of material reality; idealism before materialism. After it becomes tangible; constructed, it appears to be materialistic, in origin, for everyone else.
Most of what we know; education, started within key individuals, before it became part of collective knowledge; Darwin's published paper. It was not obvious at first based on sensory data, nor did everyone develop it, simultaneously, from scratch, in a purely materialistic way. It begins as idealism yet confirms materialism, based on collective sensory input.
But on the other hand, if you have an idea; idealism, there are physical constraints in terms of how it can be expressed within tangible reality. We cannot build a large bridge out of gummy bears or write a song based only on noise, even if this is idealistic. It is when both idealism and the practical limits of materialism work together, that our collective knowledge, technology and art improves. Even the artist is limited to how the brain and sensory systems harmoniously coordinate.
An interesting area of human knowledge is religion. It is not easy or nor is it common to see God; materialism. On the other hand, we cannot see gravity, either. We can see what appears to be the affect of gravity on objects; second hand evidence for inference. On the other hand, we can feel gravity pulling on our body. But we can also feel God through intuitions.
Human has five external sensory systems. But we also has many internal sensory systems, that monitor the workings of the body via the nervous system. These internal sensory system monitor materialistic chemical state data associated with the internal micro and macro environments of cells and organs. These will feedback to the brain and nervous system. If we have an upset stomach we know it. Others will infer this through, via the five external system, as second hand data, such as body language and sounds.
This extra sensory data, that is conscious from within, is also materialistic in origin; provable by science. However, although materialistic in origin, the idealistic conventions of science filters this data out of the observational sphere. It is called subjective, even though this is valid data, in a material sense, as much as is external sensory data.
The difference is, this internal data is not easy to verify by others, since each brain is wired to be separate at this level. The five collective sensory systems are externally oriented and can simultaneously verified. However, these same internal senses, are often the basis for hunches and feelings, behind the creative knowledge of idealism, that can be made manifest, for external sensory confirmation. This is where idealism and materialism overlap, but are treated as separate by the idealism within extroverted science; bias filter that only allows external senses.