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If abortion were illegal


Well-Known Member
EERED said:
To try and compare the ending of abortion to the ending of contraception doesn't work, unless you consider abortion just another form of contraception.

She wasn't talking about contraception--she was talking about birth control pills. "Morning after" pills could also fit here. Anyhow, stats say that the everage woman on birth control conceives at least once per a year. she conceives, yet she does not get pregnant. The hormones from the pills she is taking destroy the zygote before it can implant in the uterus, (pregnancy), making up for their mistake by not dissolving the egg in the first place. This is essentially what the morning after pill does--it destroys the zygote before it can attach and the woman becomes pregnant.

Most of the people who are against abortion also believe that there is life in that zygote, (biologically speaking, they would be incorrect, however that is beside the point). If they want abortion outlawed, then, they would want to ban anything that threatens any possible zygote as well, right?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Sunstone said:
I agree, FlappyCat. America leads the Western World in virtually every category of sexual problem. The country could do much much better promoting responsible sexuality.
Just a thought..(of course I agree totally with what you say Sunstne), but responsible sexuality ?

I may be totally wrong and forgive me if I am, but isn't that almost an antithesis in the sexual behaviour of the young ?

The way I see it is this;

Sexuality is heavily present and used in advertisments; in entertainement (television, films). There is hardly an area in life where sex does not have some relevence; art, photography.........

The young, the teenagers, those experiencing the onset of puberty are under incredible pressures. Unfortunately 'having sex' (oh how I hate that way of puting it) is not quite the same as going into a bar and having a glass of beer (unless maybe you are an alcoholic).

Sex is one of the most 'behaviour generating ingredients' (not a good way of puting it, but I guess you can see what I mean by that).

Responsible sex, to me, implies, a) taking precautions (Barrier contraception being an essential one). Since no form of contraception is 100%, it might even be argued that using both a barier form, and another method (say the contraceptive pill) should be the hoped for norm.

Now tell that to a young man who has just seen a raunchy movie with a young lady who has been similarly aroused.....................

Errr, hang on, I must go and buy a condom.........

Good in theory; in practice ? - I'll leave you to decide.;)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Doing the responsible thing when it comes to sex isn't always easy, but it can and has been done. Moreover, I think part of a good sex education course would emphasize that unless someone is prepared to be responsible and sensible when it comes to sex, they are not mature enough to have it.

I'm in favor of sex education that starts young and emphasizes responsibility. I think it's even more important to get that message across in a day and age that sees the sexualization of everything from cars to cellphones by the media.