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If God has free-will, then he's less likely to be attached to any single religion


Well-Known Member
If God has free-will, then the religions of the world are more like "thoughts" that he has, than religions in the way we think of them. Behind any of the religions, there would still be a non-determined conscious entity. Granted, god probably has created religions that are designed for people to take them seriously, but god's free-will means that there might always be new information to convince him of other things. Even within the religions that god made, he converses or seems to debate about various things.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think so?
because perhaps God can create truths that look to humans as being contradictory.. But I don't think this means that the followers of the religions should show skepticism. If multiple paths are present, it gives motion to the human world, and causes people to wonder farther than they would, about what god wants. The world religions seem like different colors of the same painting, like different notes in the larger musical scale


I'd like to know how various religions can have wildly different and contradictory theology and all be true at the same time. Hashem says in the Torah that there is only one G-d and he despises idolatry. He also says he cannot lie or reverse himself. How can this be true while say, Hinduism, teaches polytheism and wildly different morality?


Veteran Member
If God has free-will, then the religions of the world are more like "thoughts" that he has, than religions in the way we think of them. Behind any of the religions, there would still be a non-determined conscious entity. Granted, god probably has created religions that are designed for people to take them seriously, but god's free-will means that there might always be new information to convince him of other things. Even within the religions that god made, he converses or seems to debate about various things.
God having a free-will can never ever be any kind of reason for people having various theologies. It's the human free-will that asserts it.

This is fallacious reasoning.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know how various religions can have wildly different and contradictory theology and all be true at the same time. Hashem says in the Torah that there is only one G-d and he despises idolatry. He also says he cannot lie or reverse himself. How can this be true while say, Hinduism, teaches polytheism and wildly different morality?

God having a free-will can never ever be any kind of reason for people having various theologies. It's the human free-will that asserts it.

This is fallacious reasoning.
It's a lot for the human mind to understand , and people really don't like the idea, but I think we have to remember that we are dealing with a being that involves itself in vast creations. As long, I think, as they are individually self-consistent creations, is possibly what matters. You essentially are meant to think that this notion is false. But this gives the world more of a story. Perhaps that is a unrefined way to put it. It gives the human world more motion, than if it was all simpler. But it is also simple at the same time. Follow your religions

There is a certain 3 card Tarot that I drew, and watched, twice in a row, when I asked a certain thing about God. The difference between the two draws about this subject , was that in one draw, 2 cards were upright and the last was reversed , and the other draw had the opposite arrangement.. the first two were reversed, and the last was upright. But I will probably want to explain these things in video format, rather than in writing.

In any case, maybe not a lot of people look at the Tarot, or find it that interesting.. and some probably think it is witchcraft or something. I don't want to impose explanations (with what modest ability I have with it) on either of you. Unless it is something you think is worth examining , if you find it interesting

There are various draws I did that examine various dimensions of religion and spirituality , they are relevant as well. There are also things to be seen by just looking at the natural progression / organization of the arcana
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Well-Known Member
because perhaps God can create truths that look to humans as being contradictory.. .
Maybe, I just don't think different religions are God's making, they are man made. I think God wants personal relationship with people, not religions.
religions seem like different colors of the same painting, like different notes in the larger musical scale
Sorry, I disagree with that.


Well-Known Member
Maybe, I just don't think different religions are God's making, they are man made. I think God wants personal relationship with people, not religions.

Sorry, I disagree with that.

To be frank, I've come to question if God has had much to do with any religion.
I think skepticism is justified , regarding how it happens. Many people in history became hermits , or became somewhat isolated, because the ways of people didn't inspire them. I'm kind of like that, but I don't really try to be. People with their group-thought usually present flaws, but it might not necessarily be better to give up on their group based religion method. But I guess you will do what you prefer


Well-Known Member
^ that's right up there with:

If pizzas are round, then donkeys are more like "Thursdays," than cellos in the way we think of them.​
The universe is spinning away , and we humans are the animals who imprint little marks on time, and build a little bit of stuff from the matter we find there. That bit of time, we demarcate as Thursday , and from that piece of wood, someone makes an out-of-tune cello. The universe is the pizza of our lives, make it how you will


It's a lot for the human mind to understand , and people really don't like the idea, but I think we have to remember that we are dealing with a being that involves itself in vast creations. As long, I think, as they are individually self-consistent creations, is possibly what matters. You essentially are meant to think that this notion is false. But this gives the world more of a story. Perhaps that is a unrefined way to put it. It gives the human world more motion, than if it was all simpler. But it is also simple at the same time. Follow your religions

There is a certain 3 card Tarot that I drew, and watched, twice in a row, when I asked a certain thing about God. The difference between the two draws about this subject , was that in one draw, 2 cards were upright and the last was reversed , and the other draw had the opposite arrangement.. the first two were reversed, and the last was upright. But I will probably want to explain these things in video format, rather than in writing.

In any case, maybe not a lot of people look at the Tarot, or find it that interesting.. and some probably think it is witchcraft or something. I don't want to impose explanations (with what modest ability I have with it) on either of you. Unless it is something you think is worth examining , if you find it interesting

There are various draws I did that examine various dimensions of religion and spirituality , they are relevant as well. There are also things to be seen by just looking at the natural progression / organization of the arcana

I think tarot is nonsense, along with astrology, palmistry, phrenology, dowsing, crystals, homeopathy, fortune telling and whatever.

"It's too big for your head man!" is not an answer to my question. How can multiple religions with contradictory concepts of the deity and contradictory doctrines be simultaneously true? Hinduism has countless deities and wildly different doctrines from Judaism, which specifically says there is one G-d and worshipping any other is a death penalty offense. Either one is true and one isn't, or the deity is a schizophrenic playing games with humanity.


Active Member
If God has free-will, then the religions of the world are more like "thoughts" that he has, than religions in the way we think of them. Behind any of the religions, there would still be a non-determined conscious entity. Granted, god probably has created religions that are designed for people to take them seriously, but god's free-will means that there might always be new information to convince him of other things. Even within the religions that god made, he converses or seems to debate about various things.

You were briefly on the right track but then you went haywire!

God created free-will. Why would God not have free-will? So I agree on that!
Almost every religion has some true components of the message from God. But in most cases - it is intertwine with manmade lies.

God sent prophets to every nation, every tribe, every groups of people!

Once the prophets delivered their message and left - people (in power) corrupted the message to suit their needs. There is only one religion that claims the message has been preserved by "memorization methods" by multiple believers at a time to ensure its authenticity. We all know what that religion is!

Since some truth survived in many religion - it can still appeal to some who are ignoring the rest that are lies and continuing to adhere to that religion and feeling content.
But if you are looking for the entire truth (the actual fact) then there can only be one because you cannot have alternate facts!

ChatGPT has a vast amount of data regarding all religions and what not.
Ask ChatGPT and see for yourself what it has to say.
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Well-Known Member
I think tarot is nonsense, along with astrology, palmistry, phrenology, dowsing, crystals, homeopathy, fortune telling and whatever.

"It's too big for your head man!" is not an answer to my question. How can multiple religions with contradictory concepts of the deity and contradictory doctrines be simultaneously true? Hinduism has countless deities and wildly different doctrines from Judaism, which specifically says there is one G-d and worshipping any other is a death penalty offense. Either one is true and one isn't, or the deity is a schizophrenic playing games with humanity.
That's fine , and maybe my premise is flawed. Really what I want to do, is kind of search out for the connections between human theological activity. And I guess I don't expect it to make the easiest of sense. I sense that this thread is generally unpalatable. I'll re-frame a different variation on this topic for some other time

Really I think it's too big for my head. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think there's always a way to step back, from the activity that one see's around oneself, and see that maybe there is a much larger pattern occurring.. one that I don't understand completely, and you probably don't, and any other reader of this sentence probably does not. There is resistance to this, understandably. Maybe it isn't exactly good to think in a non-confident way, is what I'm thinking, because really 'big picture' stuff seems like in can be a waste of time to worry about. Well I work 3rd shift, and I couldn't sleep this weekend, so I was up all night listening to podcasts... 20 minutes of this, 20 minutes of that.. everyone wants to talk about 'big picture' level stuff

I think that thousands of years ago, there was probably more 'death penalty' type stuff in religion than there generally is now.. There was more severity, it seems like people were more severe with themselves and each other, at times.. that's not to say that this cannot happen today, but I think that awareness is kind of increasing. It kinds of seems like technology is causing the bubbles in-between people to pop a bit, and insulated layers in-between ideas and groups is getting melted down, in kind of an awkward and perhaps uncomfortable way

I don't know
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Well-Known Member
ChatGPT has a vast amount of data regarding all religions and what not.
Ask ChatGPT and see for yourself what it has to say.
Check out these videos...
Yeah I did ask it a few questions for the first time a month or two ago, and it was kind of a weird thing for me, so I put it down for a while, and only asked a couple things since. Kinda startling, but I don't really know if it's real intelligence or what. Is it more than a search engine, that just organizes words in a way that seems conversational.. Is that a definition of intelligence, itself


Active Member
Yeah I did ask it a few questions for the first time a month or two ago, and it was kind of a weird thing for me, so I put it down for a while, and only asked a couple things since. Kinda startling, but I don't really know if it's real intelligence or what. Is it more than a search engine, that just organizes words in a way that seems conversational.. Is that a definition of intelligence, itself

Even though its in its infancy stage - it is alreay showing its potencial. It uses transformer algorithm to process through large amounts of text data and with machine learning algorithm - it is able to process, analyze and generate responses with full context of everything it has learned. It can track relationships in sequential data - something we, humans many a times fail to properly do because it is not posible to remember a huge amount of data at any given moment by any human.
Since context is the key to correct conclusion - AI has the ability to give an educated response!
It probably will be able to help us understand and interpret our DNA data because of its ability to simultaneously perform sequential data analyzation of a tremendous amount of data.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
If God has free-will, then the religions of the world are more like "thoughts" that he has, than religions in the way we think of them. Behind any of the religions, there would still be a non-determined conscious entity. Granted, god probably has created religions that are designed for people to take them seriously, but god's free-will means that there might always be new information to convince him of other things. Even within the religions that god made, he converses or seems to debate about various things.
If God can think, recall, reason, decide, then [his] thinking equipment, equivalent to our brain, must have procedures by which it does those things. Accordingly [his] decisions would be determined by those procedures, as our own are, so to that extent they would not be unconditionally free, any more than ours are.

The alternative to having and employing such procedures seems to me to be making decisions at random (which, given a real God, is arguably consistent with the evidence).

I invite anyone arguing against God having such procedures to describe what God does instead if not randomness.


Veteran Member
If God has free-will, then the religions of the world are more like "thoughts" that he has, than religions in the way we think of them. Behind any of the religions, there would still be a non-determined conscious entity. Granted, god probably has created religions that are designed for people to take them seriously, but god's free-will means that there might always be new information to convince him of other things. Even within the religions that god made, he converses or seems to debate about various things.
You have completely made mankind and "their free-will" into God and his.


That's fine , and maybe my premise is flawed. Really what I want to do, is kind of search out for the connections between human theological activity. And I guess I don't expect it to make the easiest of sense. I sense that this thread is generally unpalatable. I'll re-frame a different variation on this topic for some other time

Really I think it's too big for my head. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think there's always a way to step back, from the activity that one see's around oneself, and see that maybe there is a much larger pattern occurring.. one that I don't understand completely, and you probably don't, and any other reader of this sentence probably does not. There is resistance to this, understandably. Maybe it isn't exactly good to think in a non-confident way, is what I'm thinking, because really 'big picture' stuff seems like in can be a waste of time to worry about. Well I work 3rd shift, and I couldn't sleep this weekend, so I was up all night listening to podcasts... 20 minutes of this, 20 minutes of that.. everyone wants to talk about 'big picture' level stuff

I think that thousands of years ago, there was probably more 'death penalty' type stuff in religion than there generally is now.. There was more severity, it seems like people were more severe with themselves and each other, at times.. that's not to say that this cannot happen today, but I think that awareness is kind of increasing. It kinds of seems like technology is causing the bubbles in-between people to pop a bit, and insulated layers in-between ideas and groups is getting melted down, in kind of an awkward and perhaps uncomfortable way

I don't know
You have a good attitude. It's okay to ask questions. The older I get the less I know, so I suspect I'll be a blithering idiot when I'm a senior. I think a certain degree of skeptical thinking is healthy.


New Member
If God has free-will, then the religions of the world are more like "thoughts" that he has, than religions in the way we think of them. Behind any of the religions, there would still be a non-determined conscious entity. Granted, god probably has created religions that are designed for people to take them seriously, but god's free-will means that there might always be new information to convince him of other things. Even within the religions that god made, he converses or seems to debate about various things.
Hi, The OT shows God had 1single religion.
Jesus started 1 single religion.
In light of 1 Corinthians 1:10=Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division)))))= 1 single religion.