The problem is, the way I see it, is that people treat the Bible as a rule book. The Bible is not a rule book. It tells the stories of men and women who followed God. It almost all descendants of Abraham, although there are a few (Like Ruth) who are not. The Bible has poetry, written by some of those who followed God (like King David). It has allegories (like Job). Some of the writing of the Prophets is symbolic. As a Christian of Jewish background, I say this.
It's my view that Jesus' message was to get people to see beyond doing this, which when they do results in as he called it so eloquently, whitewashed sepulchers. Conforming to external rules, pointing to this, and subsequently believe this to be ones justification, stops them from dealing with the "weightier" matters of the law; that of the heart. And yet despite that, they take his words and turn them into a new form of the same thing, external codes that judge you are justified or not.
I'm coming to understand this action as simply the course that things take. People are not ready to look within, to "make clean the inside of the cup", and so they look to conform to something outside of them, to model their actions after them, and subsequently they end up self-justifying through this conformity. But the next step to take, when all this self-righteous religion fails to give what conformity cannot, Peace, is to break down these external forms to open to that internal Law. And that Law, is not a static list of rules at all! It is a living, dynamic, agile, adaptive, and evolving life that issues from the fountains of the eternal deep.
But crossing that threshold from externalized codes, Jesus' words included (despite what he teaches), to that inner knowledge requires an end to all our seeking. It requires nothing short of dying to oneself, and that includes all your beliefs you hold to tell yourself you're on the right path. I guarantee we aren't when we assume our understanding is the same as Truth itself. So most remain with their beliefs and their religions.
Destroy this temple... and what happens?