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If god knows the future, and life on earth is a test...


Admiral Obvious
Not at all. Creating a rock so heavy that he couldn't lift it is a logical impossibility. Redefining the laws of the universe is not. If he's able to create a universe and intervene as he sees fit, it should be no trouble to redefine it. And again, it shouldn't need redefining if he knew what he was going to create in the first place.
I thought that God was not bound by logic?


Well-Known Member
I thought that God was not bound by logic?

It depends. Most theists define omnipotence as the power to do anything that is logically possible. Although, whether or not they include logical impossibilities in their definition of omnipotence, the questions in the OP are still relevant.


It depends. Most theists define (fill in the blank)omnipotence as the power to do anything that is logically possible. Although, whether or not they include logical impossibilities in their definition of omnipotence, the questions in the OP are still relevant.

Most can be a very 'un-a-countable' word.

People always define things as THEY see (a) 'fit'.
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Democratic Socialist
It depends. Most theists define omnipotence as the power to do anything that is logically possible. Although, whether or not they include logical impossibilities in their definition of omnipotence, the questions in the OP are still relevant.

while i agree with the sentiment, the question is actually irrelevant. no one has any actual knowledge of god, if he even exists. so the only answer a theist can give is what they imagine, what they believe; not anything pertinent of god himself.


Well-Known Member
no one has any actual knowledge of god, if he even exists. so the only answer a theist can give is what they imagine, what they believe; not anything pertinent of god himself.

Agreed, but I am interested in what they believe.


while i agree with the sentiment, the question is actually irrelevant. no one has any actual knowledge of god, if he even exists. so the only answer a theist can give is what they imagine, what they believe; not anything pertinent of god himself.

Unless of course you Know your Self & UniVerse as gOd.


Democratic Socialist
Unless of course you Know yourSelf & UniVerse as gOd.

at which point the label "god" pretty much loses all meaning. you are still yourself, regardless of whether you worship yourself, nothing has been gained by assuming the mantle of "god". is merely a self-granted title of self importance. and the universe is either god or it isnt, you have no knowledge that it is, believing it to be will not make it so if it is not. you have a 50-50 chance, like most everyone else.

i can take a rock from the ground, worship it, and call it god; but it will not become god by way of my worship. it either is or it isnt. if it is, then it would of been god regardless of my worship, and as it in no way made it known to me that it was god, worship was not a requirement, so the time i spent worshiping it was a complete waste of time. and if it isnt a god, then its still a rock, just a rock, a rock with way too much attention paid to it.


at which point the label "god" pretty much loses all meaning. you are still yourself, regardless of whether you worship yourself, nothing has been gained by assuming the mantle of "god". is merely a self-granted title of self importance. and the universe is either god or it isnt, you have no knowledge that it is, believing it to be will not make it so if it is not. you have a 50-50 chance, like most everyone else.

i can take a rock from the ground, worship it, and call it god; but it will not become god by way of my worship. it either is or it isnt. if it is, then it would of been god regardless of my worship, and as it in no way made it known to me that it was god, worship was not a requirement, so the time i spent worshiping it was a complete waste of time. and if it isnt a god, then its still a rock, just a rock, a rock with way too much attention paid to it.


A proper response to this post would take time I haven't got right now,
would derail this thred completely.

If you start a new thread...
I'd be happy to pontificate with you there,
when I have ample quiet time.
(which may be a couple of days)


EDIT: would you like to try a "one on one"? :flirt:
I've never done one of those in all the time I've been here. :D
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Well-Known Member
1. God knows everything, including the future
2. Life on earth is a test or preparation for the afterlife
3. God is all-powerful

Why does god bother with the test when he already knows the results?
Why does god bother with the preparation when he already knows how prepared you'll be?

Actually, in the evolutionary process, a supposed god seems to have no great preference for homo sapiens, or any other life form, except possibly bacterial life.


Democratic Socialist

A proper response to this post would take time I haven't got right now,
would derail this thred completely.

If you start a new thread...
I'd be happy to pontificate with you there,
when I have ample quiet time.
(which may be a couple of days)


i agree, shouldnt derail this thread, ill shut up and watch for a while.

dont worry about it. im not trying to dissuade you of your beliefs.


New Member
Baha'u'llah taught that man is like "a mine rich in gems of inestimable value." A purpose of this life is to develop spiritual faculties, which are like the limbs and organs needed to progress spiritually in the next world.

'Abdu'l-Baha wrote: "Consider how a being, in the world of the womb, was deaf of ear and blind of eye, and mute of tongue; how he was bereft of any perceptions at all. But once, out of that world of darkness, he passed into this world of light, then his eye saw, his ear heard, his tongue spoke. In the same way, once he hath hastened away from this mortal place into the Kingdom of God, then he will be born in the spirit; then the eye of his perception will open, the ear of his soul will hearken, and all the truths of which he was ignorant before will be made plain and clear."

He further wrote: "As to thy question regarding discoveries made by the soul after it hath put off its human form: certainly, that world is a world of perceptions and discoveries...It is similar to the condition of a human being in the womb, where his eyes are veiled, and all things are hidden away from him. Once he is born out of the uterine world and entereth this life, he findeth it, with relation to that of the womb, to be a place of perceptions and discoveries, and he observeth all things through his outer eye. In the same way, once he hath departed this life, he will behold, in that world whatsoever was hidden from him here: but there he will look upon and comprehend all things with his inner eye."


Citizen Mod
The Christ concept would also come into question. If Jesus was with God in the beginning did God know that Adam and Eve would disobey Him and did God know that he would eventually have to send his only begotten son to earth to correct human sin? Did God know that Jesus would suffer at the hands of man and that Jesus would march to his death as appointed? Is this the reason Jesus was created? I do not think that God would rely on faith for all of these things to take place and if God did have the knowledge wouldn’t this be considered entrapment for humans?


Well-Known Member
1. God knows everything, including the future
2. Life on earth is a test or preparation for the afterlife
3. God is all-powerful

Why does god bother with the test when he already knows the results?
I have always found solice in the often used saying in the bible, "how shall the created, ask the creator, why did you do it this way?"
Why does god bother with the preparation when he already knows how prepared you'll be?
See first answer!

Not to be short, but you would be 110% correct to say any answer other than this implies we know the mind of God. It would only be vain imaginiation to answer your questions.
Though, admittedly your thread will (if all so called christians were to answer) show the division among so many supposed united people under christ.
I like to think that Christ would say the christian of today has nothing to do with what Christ was all about.


Veteran Member
1. God knows everything, including the future
2. Life on earth is a test or preparation for the afterlife
3. God is all-powerful

Why does god bother with the test when he already knows the results?
God needs actual results (thoughts, words and actions) in order to judge us by, otherwise we could just say, "Lord, by what thoughts, words and actions are you judging me by ??? "Lord, you have NO PROOF !!!" The Lord needs proof in order to judge a person, just as a court of law needs proof. We are all innocent until PROVEN guilty, thus the need for this pysical mortal life.

Why does god bother with the preparation when he already knows how prepared you'll be?
Again, actual thoughts, words and actions must be recorded in heaven, in order to properly judge a person and reward them accordingly.

Mosiah 4: 30 (Book of Mormon)
But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not.
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Well-Known Member

God needs actual results (thoughts, words and actions) in order to judge us by, otherwise we could just say, "Lord, by what thoughts, words and actions are you judging me by ??? "Lord, you have NO PROOF !!!" The Lord needs proof in order to judge a person, just as a court of law needs proof. We are all innocent until PROVEN guilty, thus the need for this pysical mortal life.

Again, actual thoughts, words and actions must be recorded in heaven, in order to properly judge a person and reward them accordingly.

Mosiah 4: 30 (Book of Mormon)
But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not.


You are now defining God's motives. Just because God says we will be judged does not mean that is why God is doing it this way.
God does not tell us why he did everything the way he did it. We know MUCH of the result of what he did, but he has not told us why.


New Member
1. God knows everything, including the future
2. Life on earth is a test or preparation for the afterlife
3. God is all-powerful

Why does god bother with the test when he already knows the results?
Why does god bother with the preparation when he already knows how prepared you'll be?
God tests us because theres always more than one choice to a certain problem, he knows the results of each possible action to be taken but not exactly which one will be chosen. He gave us this choice of free will so we could decide our own fate rather than a whole nother being. The freedome to choose is he most amazing gift he's given us next to life and one that ultamatly decides our fate. Now knowing this god bothers with preparation cause its our choices that decide how prepared we are for the rapture.