Looking for information about ID's science based evidences then go here;
For those who use the whine that ID has no science based evidence for their theory then check out this paper;
Mariclair A. Reeves, Ann K. Gauger, and Douglas D. Axe, "Enzyme Families–Shared Evolutionary History or Shared Design? A Study of the GABA-Aminotransferase Family,"
BIO-Complexity, Vol. 2014 (4).
When Michael Behe published
Darwin’s Black Box in 1996, he outlined irreducible complexity as a biochemical challenge to Darwinian evolution. Evolutionists responded by claiming that irreducibly complex features can be built through co-option, where a gene may be duplicated, and then the extra copy borrowed and retooled, or "co-opted," to perform some new function. This peer-reviewed research paper from protein scientists at Biologic Institute experimentally tests the co-option model, showing it's very difficult for proteins to evolve new functions.
The project began in 2011, when Biologic researchers Ann Gauger and Douglas Axe published results of laboratory experiments trying to convert one enzyme (Kbl2) to perform the function of another enzyme (BioF2). Because these two proteins have a similar structure and are members of the same family, they are thought to be very closely related. Converting one protein to perform the function of a closely related protein is the sort of change which ought to be easily accomplished under the co-option model....
....Axe and Gauger's 2011 study only investigated the evolvability of two proteins. Now in this 2014 paper, Axe, Gauger, and biochemist Mariclair Reeves, present new research on additional proteins from the same family, showing that they too are not amenable to an evolutionary conversion.....
If you feel that their research has no merit then you are free to recreate their experiment ....
This is the great thing about actual physical research.... it is repeatable and since it is fully defined in the research paper you can perform the exact same experiment.... you could also show by experiment just how they are wrong in methodology or conclusion, that is how science operates.