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If Jesus was God, explain this verse...


On one Occasion when called Good, Jesus stopped and made the exclamation only God is Good.

On another occasion he washed the feet of his disciples.

There is no evidence of people actually worshiping Jesus while he was alive, though plenty for after he had passed.

Yet, He called himself the good Shepherd. So admitting he is good. I think he didn't want anyone calling him good, except by faith. Meaning that they really believe in his divine nature. Just calling him good, without faith is like flattery. He asked the man why perhaps to make him and us think.

The act of washing their feet was spiritually significant. As he said, unless he did so they had no part in him. But once he does so they're completely clean, spiritually speaking of course. Now, cleansing from sin is an act of God. As David said when he sinned to God to wash him from his sins in Psalm 51.

He also prepared them to preach the gospel. How beautiful are the feet ... Isaiah 52.

Other than that, we know he came to set the example of a servant. The greatest would be servant of all. Jesus served all on the cross.
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Surely, a great prophet like you has a large backlog of teachings from God you can convey at your leisure. :)

Oh I thought you wanted something specific for yourself.

You don't seem to have a grasp on what "Prophecy" means or what being a prophet is for someone who claims to be a prophet.
Do you understand what "prophecy" means or did you forget what you were asking me? Prophecy has nothing to do with teachings. And the only teachings you need to familiarize yourself for now with is the Law of Moses which you hate so much.

I'll give you some advice though, you should reconsider your attitude with me.
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
I want to express tremendous gratitude for offering this advice out of the kindness of your good heart. I thank you with all the sincerity that you've seen fit to bestow upon me. You certainly are an example of how strict adherence to Mosaic Law is the same as goodness for all on this forum to look upon and admire.

However, I wasn't looking for anything particular to me, but I wasn't looking for anything particular in general, so really any prophetic message that you received from God will serve my purposes of validation of your prophetic claims. I will, no doubt, see a prophetic message from you so wise that I will know that it could have only come from the LORD, and I will glorify God for delivering such a great prophet to me that I might be removed from my ignorance.

Again, thank you. I look forward to hearing your propheciy.
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
Yet, He called himself the good Shepherd. So admitting he is good. I think he didn't want anyone calling him good, except by faith. Meaning that they really believe in his divine nature. Just calling him good, without faith is like flattery. He asked the man why perhaps to make him and us think.

The act of washing their feet was spiritually significant. As he said, unless he did so they had no part in him. But once he does so they're completely clean, spiritually speaking of course. Now, cleansing from sin is an act of God. As David said when he sinned to God to wash him from his sins in Psalm 51.

He also prepared them to preach the gospel. How beautiful are the feet ... Isaiah 52.

Other than that, we know he came to set the example of a servant. The greatest would be servant of all. Jesus served all on the cross.

Wait. Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd?! I'm not saying the Bible doesn't have him doing it, but giving one's self honorary nicknames seems more Shaq than Christ.


Jesus in me
I feel that if we reduce God down to one mere man, then this is true blasapheming, Jesus the man only represented God, he never said he himself was God, in fact he said he cannot do anything without The Father, the Father is our Source, or Consciousness. When we ourselves are Self Realized, we then also can say that we represent the Father, collectively we are gods, like droplets of water from the ocean, but when we are Awaken we then truly realize we are the ocean.

I believe that but this is a case of Jesus being God not God being a man.

I believe you should look at the word again; it means present again. So it is that God is present again in Jesus. I know what you mean though. You think it is like a US Representative who goes to comgress and forgets to present the will of the people. A prophet is that kind of representative passing on what God has said but Jesus speaks directly with authority never having to say "God said."

I believe He did.

I believe we only represent the Father when we are God realized.

I believe this is nonsense.


Jesus in me
And by that very logic, he would no longer be "God". Because by definition God is NOT human, and cannot be subjected to human limitations. Trinity still results in paradoxical, circular logic.

I believe the object is flawwed in that it assumes that God must become human in every respect. I believe God can do what He wishes. For instance I believe He could have gone eighty days without food but any human trying that would die. As it is IRA prisoners who were on hunger strike were nearly dead after 40 days.


Jesus in me
What was Jesus?

Well in Joshua the Captain of the Lords Host appears to Joshua who bows before him in submission...the captain however does not reprove Joshua for this.

Perhaps that is who Jesus is, and the only reason he would halt worship was because his form was mortal.

I believe there is never even a suggestion that Jesus is the Captain of God.


Wait. Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd?! I'm not saying the Bible doesn't have him doing it, but giving one's self honorary nicknames seems more Shaq than Christ.

Well, the thing is, Jesus could only spoke truth. He cannot deny who or what He is. It was imperative that they knew the identity of the true Shepherd. Many antichrists have come and are here now.


Hi Shermana,
Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!
Shabbat Shalom!
Like you yourself I accept Talmud as being Torah, but not all of it.
A case in point: My Messiah Yahushua appears to reject the directive of the Rabbis prohibiting eating with unwashed hands as exhibited below:
Mat 15:1
1 Then came to Yahushua scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,
2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.
The Torah plainly dictates that the instructions of the Elders must be strictly followed right here:
Deuteronomy 17:9-11
9 And thou shalt come unto the priests the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall shew thee the sentence of judgment:
10 And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that place which YAHWEH shall choose shall shew thee; and thou shalt observe to do according to all that they inform thee:
11 According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline from the sentence which they shall shew thee, to the right hand, nor to the left.
Clearly, My Messiah Yahushua declined to follow the sentence of the Elders, and My Messiah sets aside their sentence by HIS instruction to HIS Disciples:
Matthew 15:20
20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
Accordingly, right here the Torah determines the fate of someone like Messiah Yahushua who has set aside a decree of the Torah given by the Elders:
Deuteronomy 17:12
12 And the man that will do presumptuously, and will not hearken unto the priest that standeth to minister there before YAHWEH thy ELOHIM, or unto the judge, even that man shall die: and thou shalt put away the evil from Israel.
My question for you is this: Do you believe that Yahushua transgressed the Torah by rejecting the sentence of the Rabbis, and do you believe that Yahushua was worthy of death for that sin? If not, why not?
Thanking you in advance should you be moved to reply, I am,
Sincerely, Latuwr

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Hi, KB
Yes, I am a parent. And your analogy does not fit.
And here is the reasons why.

Father God is the Creator of of our existence. He created us as gods.
As gods (lower case g) we become separated from the Father spiritually, being that we have independence, and separation is defined as death.

Adam and Eve expelled/separated from the Father in "Gen_3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Question? How could Adam or Eve know good and evil if Eve, as the story goes, had not eaten of the fruit?

Did they know good and evil before? What instance can you note that they did before the fall?

The reason your analogy does not fit is because I am not the creator therefore, I can only become a co-creator of what had been already created.

As in, "seed after its own kind".

So, logic tells me that unless the creator recreates a body (vessel), out of what exists already, from the original marred vessel,(all of humanity) and this time a perfect vessel (Jesus)fit for destruction, and offers mankind Jesus as the sacrificial offering in place of the marred vessel, than all that is lost is Jesus and not mankind.

That is the only possible way the Father could redeem His creation.

Perfect analogy is of Abraham Issac's substitute. The ram in the bush is Jesus. Issac is representative of mankind, that normally condemned by separation, was the object of the sacrifice.

And you are right, Elohim is a loving creator, so much that He gave His only....I emphasize "only".....begotten Son, because Jesus is the only one of all mankind condemned, to redeem that which was lost.

When these three words "That which was lost" are taken in general, then mankind in general was lost by the creation and was in need of redemption.

Mankind is not one, as in a few, but all were lost. So all must be redeemed.

That is how I see it, for attempting to live a just and righteous life could never gain the excellence of perfection because of our flawed state.

Blessings, AJ

Hi AJ, thanks for responding. I think maybe I should try to clarify a little further. First, it was Elohim who planned and consigned ALL of mankind to be bound by the slavery of sin:

Rom 7:14
(14) For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin.

Rom 11:32
(32) For Elohim has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that He might show mercy to all.

Do you see that AJ? Elohim is the One who shut mankind up under the slavery of sin, by creating us FLESH. Adam and Eve were created FLESH, and the FLESH cannot and will not OBEY (Rom 8:6-8). It is impossible to do so. Please consider how Adam and Eve were created:

Gen 2:25
(25) They were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed.

Adam and Eve were created "naked." What is nakedness? Isn't it the shame of being "sinful:"

Hos 2:3
(3) Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst.

Rev 3:18
(18) I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

Rev 16:15
(15) Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

Adam and Eve were like two little innocent children who knew not their right hand from their left, and this is why they felt no shame:

Jon 4:11
(11) And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?

If you do not know good from evil or have a knowledge of it, there is no shame. It is only when a command is given, and THEN, through disobedience, comes the knowledge of good and evil, exposing the shame of their nakedness. This is what happened to Adam and Eve. When the command came, their naked FLESH would not submit, and they sinned, all according to the PLAN of Elohim. Now, when they sinned, their eyes were OPENED, and they realized the shame of their nakedness:

Gen 3:5-7
(5) For Elohim doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
(6) And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
(7) And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

They didn't BECOME naked after they sinned, they were naked BEFORE they sinned, and the sinning made them aware of it. It is sort of like where Paul states that before the Law, sin was in the world, but it was not imputed, just as a sinful nature was in Adam and Eve (they were naked), but they didn't realize it until they actually sinned (broke a given command).

This sinning made them to be LIKE Elohim, to KNOW good and evil (Gen 3:22). Before they sinned, they did not have that knowledge, but after sinning, they did, and they realized they were naked.

So what is my point?

Most believe "God" created Adam and Eve with "no inclination" to sin, and with their OWN free choice, decided to be disobedient. Now, this disobedience then is transferred to mankind by their act, and creates a necessity of someone without sin to pay for this disobedience, so that all can be forgiven. So "God" now needs to send his only son to fix this mess that Adam and Eve caused, and have him die in the place of all sinners and if a sinner believes that "God" is doing this "dying in their place," they will be forgiven and saved, and redeemed from the death penalty caused by all their sins.

On the other hand, very few believe the actual Truth concerning Elohim's PLAN. The Truth is that Adam and Eve had no "choice," but to sin. Elohim planned that fleshly mankind FIRST experience the sin of the "flesh" so that we could LEARN to become LIKE Him, to know good and evil, and then choose the good. IF, Adam and Eve had not eaten from the tree they were commanded not to eat, they would have FOILED Elohim's plan. You see, ALL of mankind was subjected to be disobedient, so that Elohim could show us mercy, and DELIVER us OUT from our sinful ways. This IS the redemption found in Messiah Yeshua, that He TAKE AWAY your sinful ways, and cause you to turn from that former way, INTO a life of obedience. And as Ezekiel states, when a sinner turns from his iniquity, none of his former sins will be remembered, and Yeshua came to bless us in TURNING us FROM our iniquity:

Act 3:26
(26) Unto you first Elohim, having raised up his Son Yeshua, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

This IS the redemption that Elohim is performing, through the shed blood of Yeshua, and in it, we who have been bound under the slavery to sin, are set free from that old way of life. We ALL as sinners did slay Him (with the help of wicked men), and shed His Righteous and Innocent blood, and this act by us should CUT us to our hearts and make us realize that we can no longer dwell IN sin, sacrificing Him, and shedding His blood. This is the Gospel and the Message that was FIRST delivered to the Saints. KB


I want to express tremendous gratitude for offering this advice out of the kindness of your good heart. I thank you with all the sincerity that you've seen fit to bestow upon me. You certainly are an example of how strict adherence to Mosaic Law is the same as goodness for all on this forum to look upon and admire.

However, I wasn't looking for anything particular to me, but I wasn't looking for anything particular in general, so really any prophetic message that you received from God will serve my purposes of validation of your prophetic claims. I will, no doubt, see a prophetic message from you so wise that I will know that it could have only come from the LORD, and I will glorify God for delivering such a great prophet to me that I might be removed from my ignorance.

Again, thank you. I look forward to hearing your propheciy.

I'll let you know if I get anything specific to tell you. Probably not going to happen though.

I'm not sure what exactly I could tell you that would "Validate" me in your own terms since you are writing your own rules on what constitutes such validation. Personally I don't really care if I am validated by you. I'm just responding to your claim that you're a prophet and that I'm wrong for claiming the defense of the Law to be speaking for God.

Nonetheless, interesting you are so quick to demand validation from me and not-so-subtly mock me but you got so furious and had a big tantrum when I asked validation or even an explanation of your own or doubted your claims. You kept dodging the question each time and made a personal swipe when challenged. It's almost funny.

Yet more example of your blatant hypocrisy.
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
I'll let you know if I get anything specific to tell you. Probably not going to happen though.

I'll pray that God gives you a message to bestow upon me.

I'm not sure what exactly I could tell you that would "Validate" me in your own terms since you are writing your own rules on what constitutes such validation. Personally I don't really care if I am validated by you. I'm just responding to your claim that you're a prophet and that I'm wrong for claiming the defense of the Law to be speaking for God.
My concern here is that you might be "writing your own rules" as well. Many people who have come before you have experienced the phenomenon of dreams, and some of them have claimed to have been given a message from God. Shall we accept beings as prophets blindly as you seem to advocate in your own case? Or, perhaps is it a better course to use all of our rational capacity to root out false claims and teachers?

Nonetheless, interesting you are so quick to demand validation from me and not-so-subtly mock me but you got so furious and had a big tantrum when I asked validation or even an explanation of your own or doubted your claims. You kept dodging the question each time and made a personal swipe when challenged. It's almost funny.

Perhaps you should post the exact "tantrum" you speak of so that we can determine whether I was as irrational as you implied with that word. :)

I didn't ask you for a validation of any sort. I merely requested any prophecy which should be a routine request of a prophet. While you certainly have the right to resist any request put upon you, it is natural for any critical thinking adult at this point to believe you have things to hide and that your accusation against me of dodging was only made to hide this instance of your own dodging deep into your subconscious.

Yet more example of your blatant hypocrisy.

Thank you for this!
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
And if you deny it, we can always settle it Elijah style.

What did you mean by this? Are you suggesting we figure out who the true prophet is by calling down fire from heaven instead of reasoning? Have you ever successfully called down fire to this point? :)


What did you mean by this? Are you suggesting we figure out who the true prophet is by calling down fire from heaven instead of reasoning? Have you ever successfully called down fire to this point? :)

Not by calling down fire, but the way I suggest each time I'm dealing with an irrational person who claims to have the Spirit or something is that we each ask for God to put the speaker of falsehoods to shame and silence, and/or grinding poverty. Most of the time they back down, and that's the main goal, simply to get them to back down and whimper.


it is natural for any critical thinking adult at this point to believe you have things to hide

Why would you think I have something to hide? If anything I hide the fact that I've had such dreams until my hand is forced like with your post that accused me of such and such while you claimed to be a prophet. It's rather simple, I don't get such dreams whenever I want, I get it when it comes. And its rarely.

You on the other hand have in fact dodged pretty much every question I asked you on your "Ask a prophet" thread. I KNOW you have things to hide. Such as why you repeatedly dodged my question of whether you think it's wrong to condemn someone for stealing....

And I can only wonder why you're so adamant about condemning people who want to angrily condemn murderers and rapists.

Shall we accept beings as prophets blindly as you seem to advocate in your own case?

Ummm no, I'm not advocating whatsoever. YOU are advocating that. You are an expert in slimy projection, that's for sure. Where did I advocate that you blindly believe anyone who claims to be a prophet. You're the one who had a fit when I denied your claims of prophethood. And then you went ahead and accused me of falsely speaking for God. So I merely said what I did as a reaction to what you said. You not only put vicious words in my mouth that I did not say or remotely imply, I even said I don't care if you accept my claim, but you are obviously trying to cover for your own hissy fit when people ridiculed YOUR claim to be a prophet.

No I don't advocate anyone simply believing my claim. I merely claimed it in response to your claim.

I hope you understand now.

Or, perhaps is it a better course to use all of our rational capacity to root out false claims and teachers?

That's exactly what I advocate, and that's exactly why I dismiss and deny your own claims of prophethood which you essentially demanded others accept in your other thread.
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Here's your thread, Mr Prophet, where you are "Claiming to be a representative of God".

As anyone can see, anyone who remotely challenges your claim or even asks you to provide specific examples of what you think constitutes your propethood gets an angry, hostile reply, or an outright ignoring.

Perhaps you'd like to examine your reply to someone who denied your definition of Prophecy. Not unfriendly and condescending whatsoever.

We all obviously have free will, but your primitive concept of omniscience would never allow room for such a free will. Your formulation of God must necessarily know the future. It doesn't take a genius to see the philosophically untenable position that results where free will and a future that is already written coexist.

The path that God has set for us to be able to return to him is our destiny, but this is not something God is willing to force upon anyone. Perhaps you are waiting for another lifetime.

In fact, the poster even calls you condescending in the next post. And it gets much better than that.

Also in fact, I initially asked you a polite question and you responded with:
Originally Posted by Shermana View Post
What is your definition of "prophet"? In my religion, future telling is a major part of the job in pretty much every case.

Do you feel that because you speak for what you believe is philosophic Truth that this is what makes one a "prophet"? Or do you believe you are actually communicating the will of a higher Sentient Being?

It does not surprise me that many primitive fundamentalist religions characterize prophecy as future telling, just as it does not surprise me that many primitive fundamentalist religions characterize faith as blind belief which is afraid to understand itself. Both are misunderstandings caused by delusion.

You not only ignored my question, but called my religion primitive, afraid to understand itself, and caused by delusion. The fact is, I came in asking you a nice question to explain yourself, and you responded insultingly about "my religion". It's that simple. You struck first. You shot the first shot. Deal with it.

Then, you insulted me and my beliefs even further and ignored my question a second time, when I asked for clarification again and wiped off your initial insult, and you essentially refused to address what I said. "You stopped learning years ago".

Originally Posted by Shermana View Post
Thank you for calling the entire religion of Judaism a delusion, now would you like to explain your definition of prophet or not? Feel free to explain why your definition is not "primitive" but mine would be.
I didn't call any religion a delusion in itself. I merely identified that fundamentalist religions carry with them a few common delusions.

"Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." -Friedrich Nietzsche

I do not care to explain anything for a being who has demonstrated for me (and no doubt, many others) time and time again that he is unwilling to understand anything. Debating you is a waste of time.

I am seeking serious discussion with beings actually interested in learning. You stopped learning long ago.

The fact is that you behaved like a, well forum rules prevent me from saying.
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breaking the statutes of my local municipality
Why would you think I have something to hide? If anything I hide the fact that I've had such dreams until my hand is forced like with your post that accused me of such and such while you claimed to be a prophet. It's rather simple, I don't get such dreams whenever I want, I get it when it comes. And its rarely.
I forced your hand? How so? Certainly not to force your coming out as a prophet! That was a step on your part that honestly surprised me. I was only after the truth all along. The situation at hand is that I pointed out the irony of how I was the publicly professed prophet of us two, yet, you were the only one of us two to publicly claim to be able to give "God's opinion" on matters without rational explanation. I was NOT drawing attention to your not being a prophet. I was drawing attention to your tendency to ignore rationality when you perceive it to be not in your favor.

You on the other hand have in fact dodged pretty much every question I asked you on your "Ask a prophet" thread. I KNOW you have things to hide. Such as why you repeatedly dodged my question of whether you think it's wrong to condemn someone for stealing....
Yet, despite the things that you suspect that I hide, you are the one attempting to divert attention from the fact that you've claimed to be a prophet and now can't muster a single prophecy. Lots of people hear things in their dreams. Were I to hear something in my dreams, after waking I'd question it rationally as to whether the message I perceived had the spirit of truth. You are different. I would bet that as long as the voice you are hearing agrees with you, you question nothing. And if you think your dreams come from God and feel no responsibility to question them, maybe you'll wake up one day and need to kill John Lennon.

I've consistently said that acts and words do not equal good or evil. It is always the motive behind the act or words which make them such. You've not given me sufficient information to judge the action of condemnation in question. If the purpose of the condemnation is to serve the condemned, that they'd be freed from selfishness by seeing an example of compassion and joy, than this is a condemnation I cannot condemn. However, if the purpose of the condemnation is to serve the condemner, that the moral ineptitude of the condemned be used as a platform upon which the condemner exalt himself, THIS I DO CONDEMN. I have made every effort to make this answer as forthright and thorough as possible and consistent with everything I've said.

Ummm no, I'm not advocating whatsoever. YOU are advocating that. You are an expert in slimy projection, that's for sure. Where did I advocate that you blindly believe anyone who claims to be a prophet. You're the one who had a fit when I denied your claims of prophethood. And then you went ahead and accused me of falsely speaking for God. So I merely said what I did as a reaction to what you said. You not only put vicious words in my mouth that I did not say or remotely imply, I even said I don't care if you accept my claim, but you are obviously trying to cover for your own hissy fit when people ridiculed YOUR claim to be a prophet.

No I don't advocate anyone simply believing my claim. I merely claimed it in response to your claim.
You used your claim of prophecy as an excuse against my protest that you get to posit "God's opinion" in debate without rational support. Now you are skipping around giving a single prophecy in support of your claim of being a prophet. You are just leading me on a merry chase as a distraction from the fact that you have no reasoning, evidence, or support for anything you say. I request evidence on anything you say--then you claim prophethood excuses you from this request. I request evidence on this prophethood--you refuse on grounds that I don't pre-accept you. How can we ever escape this debate black hole of irrationality you are hell bent on pulling us into?

I hope you understand now.
Circular reasoning is not a terribly difficult concept to grasp.

That's exactly what I advocate, and that's exactly why I dismiss and deny your own claims of prophethood which you essentially demanded others accept in your other thread.


Now you are skipping around giving a single prophecy in support of your claim of being a prophet.

I said when I get one I'll give one.

I request evidence on this prophethood--you refuse on grounds that I don't pre-accept you.

I refused nothing. I said when I get one I will give it to you. You demand in on command. You act as if prophecy is something I can put a quarter in a machine and receive. Maybe that's how you derive YOUR prophethood from, but if I don't give it to you immediately because I haven't received something to tell you, you think I am refusing. I never said prophethood excuses me from this request. You can't win arguments so you resort to straw men and twisting what a person says. Your dishonesty precedes you.

I would bet that as long as the voice you are hearing agrees with you, you question nothing.

And if you think your dreams come from God and feel no responsibility to question them, maybe you'll wake up one day and need to kill John Lennon.

No actually it's said some very disturbing things which I'm not going to share with you.

I questioned them for a long time.

It's VERY interesting how hostile and insulting you are to other people who claim some form of prophecy. Believe me, I'm not about to go kill anyone because of what I hear in a dream. You on the other hand, I would worry about since you like to put words in people's mouths like "You would murder me if you had the power".

I guess this relates to why you refused to even address any questions of why you considered yourself a prophet in the other thread. Basically what your claim of prophecy amounts to is you thinking you speak for God because you think you have the right idea. How would you even determine whether it has the "Spirit of Truth" exactly? If it agrees with YOUR confirmation bias? Who gets to define who has the Spirit of Truth? If it agrees with your own confirmation bias?

Ultimately, it appears you simply can't stand the idea of anyone opposing or questioning your own line of thinking.

You used your claim of prophecy as an excuse against my protest that you get to posit "God's opinion" in debate without rational support.

In addition to your claim of being a prophet. I'll bet you don't even know how to interpret dreams yet.
You are just leading me on a merry chase as a distraction from the fact that you have no reasoning, evidence, or support for anything you say.

You should change your name from "Prophet" to "Projection", you can keep the first 3 letters. It's about the only thing you know how to do. Everything you accuse me of fits yourself to a tee. When you can't actually dispel what I say, you accuse me of not having reasoning or rationality or support. What exactly would I support my views with? What are you supporting your views with? What are you supporting your dismissals and assertions and denials with? Nothing. You have nothing. You have nothing but dismissal and nuh uh in your arsenal. It's a sad case, it really is. When you accused me of having something to hide, that's exactly what you did. Then you accuse me of doing so.

I have made every effort to make this answer as forthright and thorough as possible and consistent with everything I've said.

And every effort you have demonstrated that you want people to not condemn others for murder and rape and theft.

I was drawing attention to your tendency to ignore rationality when you perceive it to be not in your favor.

You are the one who ignores rationality, and then calls things irrational that disagree with your confirmation bias. How do we decide which one of us is the irrational one here? Again, playing chess with a pigeon perfectly applies to you. You'll think you're right and "rational" no matter what. It doesn't matter what the other person says.

The only thing you've drawn attention to is your woeful lack of honesty, civility and ability to debate.

Meanwhile, you didn't give a single prophecy in your "ask a prophet' thread. As I demonstrated, you angrily refused to even answer civil questions and then insulted me and my beliefs before I said anything remotely insulting to you.

If you understood how it works, you'd know it's just something you can give on the spot on demand as you're expecting and demanding.

Circular reasoning is not a terribly difficult concept to grasp.

Indeed, which is why you're a master at it.

Very much so right.
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