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If Only We Could All Be Like This.....


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
There are many very positive things about Japanese society and culture. Mindfulness of others would seem to be among those things. It is always unrealistic, however, to idealize any culture, including one's own. Equally unrealistic is to see societies and cultures in wholly or overly negative lights.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It's a hype film.

That would be nice, but it's not realistic.

Japan isn't exactly as nice a country as people would like to think sadly.

It is hideously racist against foreigners living there, and people there are just like anywhere else, there's nothing special that can be said for the better or for the worse.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Can the Western World in general take a leaf out of Japan's book....?

My wifes mother is Japanese and so we have visited Japan on many occasions. People from Asia and generally more community minded and less individualistic than Westerners. The Buddhist religion seems very peaceful. The Japanese are very Sagacious and built their country up from the ruins of the second world war to become one of the strongest economies in the world. There are faults of course and its very easy to idealise people we don't know. Interestingly Japan is rated as one of the most peaceful countries in the world.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
From what I've read, they're overworked and academic expectations are super high, as is the suicide rate for these reasons. They also tend to be quite xenophobic and misogynistic.

True Japan has an extremely high suicide rate. I saw a documentary showing a mountain people go to kill themselves. There were even signs along the path to try and talk people out of it. The place was literally littered with bodies.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
One of the good things about Japan I really liked was during the Nagano Olympics.

The crowds at the time were extremely friendly cheering for everybody, whether you win or lose. It was a warm accommodating atmosphere, exciting, and made you feel you never wanted to leave.
Nagano was one of the most memorable Olympic games ever in modern history. Not just because of the players, but the spectators and fans. I give Japan very high marks during the time the Olympics were on.

A very special year for me, and I'm not really an Olympic games person with exception to a few events.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
True Japan has an extremely high suicide rate. I saw a documentary showing a mountain people go to kill themselves. There were even signs along the path to try and talk people out of it. The place was literally littered with bodies.

It's a forest called Aokigahara at the base of Mt. Fuji.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Japan is 13 in human development index while Australia is 2nd after Norway. USA is 10, also above Japan. You are living in absolutely the best country in the world for people to live in.

I'd really like to know why it is that no one feels safe walking the streets of Australian cities at night then....?:shrug:

If Australia is one of the best....I'd hate to see the worst! What are these stats based on?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
True Japan has an extremely high suicide rate. I saw a documentary showing a mountain people go to kill themselves. There were even signs along the path to try and talk people out of it. The place was literally littered with bodies.

Their high suicide rate has more to do with their culture of personal success and their poor view of their own contribution in the scheme of things. No culture is perfect, but I like the idea that no one steals, even when they have opportunity. Honesty is a valued quality in my book.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member

Ah...I see.

So "a long life", even though it is not necessarily "healthy"....and will probably end up in Nursing Home care (if you can call it that) is the first measure?
Australia is in the grip of an obesity epidemic that will see a good portion of the population succumb to cancer, stroke and heart disease because they will not stop consuming rubbish food.

The drug menace is causing permanent brain damage to those who get hooked, not to mention increasing the crime rate to feed an expensive habit.

Knowledge? The school curriculum is boring children to death. They are learning stuff that they will never use in their real lives. They are forced to stay at school till they are 18, mainly because there are no jobs for them. Even those who go to university for years more schooling end up unemployed or overqualified for the jobs they apply for.

"A decent standard of living"? I guess that compared to the developing world, we might appear to be wealthy. (some of us are anyway) But we have our fair share of homelessness. The cost of living is very high here, so the standard is about what you can afford, not how much your unemployment check is made out for.

I have lived in both the country and the city here in Australia.....the stats in that report are a joke.

This is why stats are not a true reflection of reality IMO.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Unit 731 - Wikipedia

They still deny this. Great society. We could learn a lot from the Japanese (sneak attack!)

No one can deny that atrocities are perpetrated on both sides of any war. Anyone who thinks that their side would never do that, is living in 'la la land.'
War is war, and justifications are made. How else could people live with themselves?

From your link....

"Unit 731 participants of Japan attest that most of the victims they experimented on were Chinese while a small percentage were Soviet, Mongolian, Korean, and Allied POWs. The unit received generous support from the Japanese government up to the end of the war in 1945.

Instead of being tried for war crimes after the war, the researchers involved in Unit 731 were secretly given immunity by the U.S. in exchange for the data they gathered through human experimentation.[5] Others that Soviet forces managed to arrest first were tried at the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials in 1949. Americans did not try the researchers so that the information and experience gained in bio-weapons could be co-opted into the U.S. biological warfare program, as had happened with Nazi researchers in Operation Paperclip.[6] On 6 May 1947, Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, wrote to Washington that "additional data, possibly some statements from Ishii probably can be obtained by informing Japanese involved that information will be retained in intelligence channels and will not be employed as 'War Crimes' evidence."[5] Victim accounts were then largely ignored or dismissed in the West as communist propaganda.[7]"

So the horrors of WW2 experimentation on human beings in Japan and in Nazi Germany, were used to bolster the biological-weapons programs of the US in exchange for not prosecuting them. Why would America want that information? :shrug: Perhaps you should contemplate that question....?

Any wonder they say that there are no real winners in a war. Its amazing what humans will justify to themselves. They will never justify any of it to God. (Matthew 5:44-45)