False, as such claim is also by the Orthodox Church (including the Coptics), the Anglican Church, the Moravians, the LDS, and by several Scandinavian Lutheran denominations. See:
Apostolic succession - Wikipedia [scroll down to #5]
I don't think the LDS makes such a claim. Their inspiration came supposedly from an angel, in the 19th century. And, yes, the Lutherans have a succession claim from the time of their leader, Luther, a follower of the false prophet Paul, whose church of the tares (Matthew 13:39-42) followed closely after time frame of the followers of Yeshua, but there was around a 1600 time gap. As for the Orthodox, yes, their Eastern Roman church, followed the succession of their founder, the Pontifex Maximus, Constantine, who as head of the Roman Empire and their pagan religion, was in charge of the gods, and the calendar, as he inherited that position from Julius Caesar, who had usurped the position from the head pagan priests. They have a Pontifex Maximus, a pope, whose "authority" comes from the "beast", by way of the "dragon" (Revelation 13:3-4) who claims to be a successor of the "worthless shepherd", Peter (Zechariah 11:17), but the bishops of Rome, whether Eastern or Western, never had such a position until after Constantine set up his Roman church. As for the "apostolic" succession set up be the self professed apostle Paul, such a nomination of leaders, apostles, and teachers, by the false prophet Paul, is not only against the teachings of Yeshua (Matthew 23:8-10), but has led to a cascade of "rotten fruit", (Matthew 7:16-20). You can build a "house" on "sand", but it will eventually "fall" if it is not built on heeding the testimony of Yeshua, and not one of nailing that testimony to a cross. (Matthew 7:24-27).