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If the Gods Really Existed, Why Would They Demand Reverence?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

From my perspective, the only thing separating a God from some vast alien intelligence is that a God must be worthy of worship and reverence. How that is the case is really up to the God itself. I would say, though that any vast intelligence (divine or otherwise) is probably worth a tiny modicum of reverence on age and (and hopefully wisdom) alone.
If you look at the ancient sources than the Gods need human worship in order to have power over the cosmos. A god's strength comes from worship as human actions are a power used to keep the chaos of nature from overwhelming the order that gods represent. The gods need humans for worship in order to acquire more power and humans need the powers held within the gods in order to survive. It is a relationship that helps both sides. For the Norse view, the actions of every man is added to the well which has the power to shape the world and influence future events.


I don't think it's demanded per se, More like expected?

I mean, Isn't it kind of a given that if you experience a God/Gods then you're going to fall to your knee's in worship/reverence? For example, I'm sure if a rock was capable of conscious and semi-intellegent thought then it'd most likely revere us humans :shrug:

I personally find worship humbling, So I suppose it's beneficial in that sense.

Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

It depends what God is, exactly.

If God is equivalent to a being like us but just has a lot more power, then I don't see how it is worthy of worship. Your amoeba analogy would work well in that case.

However, if God literally is goodness, love and justice, then He is a being that is integral to our own way of life, in fact integral to our very lives themselves. To revere and worship the divine Love, the divine Good, is good in itself because through this, goodness and love abounds more and more in our own lives and in the way we treat others. Love naturally desires relationship, and to have relationship with Love itself is a beautiful thing, at least in my view.
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Possessed Bookworm
Err, this is one of those subjects where it gets very weird when you simultaneously accept two contradicting belief systems (if that's the right word). If you're not interested in spiritual rambling, skip the part marked as mystic. DISCLAIMER: For the skeptics whose fingers start itching to point out the zero proof I have for what I say in that part, I'd just like to say I know. It's NOT meant to take as a literal, objective representation of reality.

In my opinion no, they wouldn't, except possibly to provide humanity some kind of codified way of communicating with them. For whatever evolutionary reason we humans are wired to thrive on rituals. We build our lives around routines and spiritual traditions are just that. I have a hard time accepting worship for worship's sake. Why would a (possibly omnipotent etc etc) being of that magnitude need us humans to anything at all, other than some twisted entertainment? This naturally only applies to anthropomorphic gods. If the god(s) are part of physical reality (any flavour of pantheism) or simply an impersonal force (e.g. Brahman), then there is no one out there to receive the worship, making it irrelevant from the deity's perspective. It again comes down to what we humans perceive is our need.

So yeah, I really can't see any reason why any god would demand worship for any other reason than a) because we need it, b) because of some "spiritual law of nature" that simply says it has to be this way. And b doesn't exactly qualify as a proper argument, if you ask me.

<mystic, all that follows is purely subjective and should not be understood as literal reality>
I've experienced a thing or two, among them encounters with a number of spiritual beings that could or actually do qualify as gods. Because of my Christian upbringing I've of course had a relationship with "the" God, but I actually had a hard time respecting him (long story, not dwelling on that here). I've cautiously looked for a Pagan deity that could provide a more beneficial relationship and was also once approached by a being I think was the Celtic god Cernunnos. I'm not the type of person who accepts authority without question - in fact I have an ingrained instinct to rebel against it. That's why it always comes as a surprise to me when I encounter a being that carries the kind of aura of dignity that simply forces me to bow to it/them. There is no demand from their side, but for me the only reasonable reaction in the situation is to show them respect. I lack the words to describe it properly, but it feels a little bit like a part of my soul [rationalist: hmph, I don't have a soul] just knows somewhere inside it that it's the right thing to do. I know I just said a transcendent spiritual law of "thou shalt respect the gods" makes absolutely no sense, but at the same time it's very much how it feels like when you're put in the kind of situation.

And note: I'm not talking about necessarily obeying the deity in any way. I extend the same respect to any being higher than myself regardless of whether I deem it good, evil, benevolent or malevolent. If they turn out to be malevolent I might tell them to **** off, but only after properly greeting them first. :D


Veteran Member
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

I'm with the second reason. I understand that the goal of Jewish practices are to bring one closer to G-d who is the Ultimate Good through similar behavior (similarity is understood to be the way to for two things to be farther or closer together when you take away physical properties). It is beneficial to us to be as close to the Ultimate Good as we can. To my understanding, the entire system of Jewish Laws are based on this principle.


Premium Member
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

I don't think of it as worship but as respect much like parents with children they created. In fact if God really existed I would expect God to treat us like children.


RF's pet cat
Well there's so many different kinds of gods - some of which have been attributed by human minds with lots of flaws... These gods would probably want to be worshipped because of their personality defects.

However, I don't believe in a divinity that demands worship but it can be beneficial for some people, to lessen the ego, calm the mind, feel connected to something greater, etc. Worship doesn't do anything for the deity.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

I believe the true God Jehovah created us and continues to sustain our lives. As our Creator, he is worthy to receive our praise and honor. (Revelation 4:11) We belong to God. Further, Jehovah knows what is best for us, and loves us. (John 3:16) Our lives depend on our Lifegiver, Jehovah. (Psalm 36:9)
Contrast Jehovah with Satan, a wicked spirit rebel. He desires to be worshipped, not because he has done anything deserving of it, but simply for his own selfish egotism. He is like many humans, who desire power and authority over others, and will do anything to achieve it, even enslaving and murdering millions. He is prideful, arrogant, and vindictive, and cares nothing for those who submit to him, knowingly or unknowingly. (John 8:44)


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

I think we project much of our own egoistic desires onto the Gods we seek to understand, to know, and to connect with. Whether our egos want power, love, respect, justice, or forgiveness. What is important to us is how we describe how our Gods operate, as it helps us make sense in the sometimes-ordered and sometimes-chaotic universe.


Active Member
If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

Yes, it is for our own sake. We cant know how it shall benefit us untill we are in full contact with out nonphysical side.

My take is that worst thing that can happen to a conscious being is that it happens to find itself all alone in entire time and place or in the lack of these. it is some sort of hell worse than those hells that you are told to be sharing with others for commiting various sins. Human consciousness in nonphysical is a real strong factor and needs to be trained in physical life. If you have faith in god then your connection with it when in nonphysical shall bring you out of that hell of that loneliness.


Daimona of the Helpless
I think the god/human relationship more analogous to the human/dog relationship than it is to the human/amoeba relationship. A wild dog has no need of human comfort but a domesticated dog relies on its master for every little thing. In return the master derives a sense that the dog actually loves them and needs them, which can be very satisfying emotionally.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
God I believe invests him/her self into all levels of existence. At some level, maybe at at any level where God views himself separate from the whole comes self-awareness along with an ego. This ego responses to admiration.

Maybe at some levels of existence God demands reverence. However our benefit is to illicit a response. Hopefully a favorable response.

God is also fully invested in all levels of existence. So all levels exist within you as well. So you are trying to illicit an internal response. Trying to achieve a connection to this unity which is the essence of all existence.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If the gods really existed, then why would they be any more likely to demand worship and reverence from us than we are to demand such things from an amoeba? Surely, if they existed, there would be some other reason to worship and revere them than that they desired us to do so. But what could that reason be?

If we say we should revere and worship the gods for our own sake, then how is reverence and worship of them beneficial to us?

Discuss, please.

If there is a god, I don't see why it would need to have it's own ego stroked, assuming it even had an ego.

I think the anthromorphized deities are made in man's image rather than the other way around, which is why they're portrayed as petty, narcissistic, and brutal. They are the projections of man's own ego, fear, and anger.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
If there is a god, I don't see why it would need to have it's own ego stroked, assuming it even had an ego.

I think the anthromorphized deities are made in man's image rather than the other way around, which is why they're portrayed as petty, narcissistic, and brutal. They are the projections of man's own ego, fear, and anger.

My thoughts exactly.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
If there is a god, I don't see why it would need to have it's own ego stroked, assuming it even had an ego.

Same reason you need your ego stroked. To encourage good behavior.

You worship God so God will send good things your way.