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If the soul is immortal, does that mean it has always existed?


I think the energy in the sould has always existed it was just in different forms before it took shape into the form it is now, like before it was I or you it was a part of God then it broke off and created the soul.


Well-Known Member
We are created being and therefore have a beginning. anything with a beginning needs a cause. When you were conceived (you know the cause, lol), you got your beginning. Now you are here and your soul that had its beginning when you did, will live on forever in Heaven or Hell, depending on whether you accept or reject the provison God made for you through his Son Jesus' death, burial, and ressurection. Note that God, who is outside time, didnt have a beginning, and therefore didn't have a cause, has existed eternally, but once he made the universe and set the world in motion both it and us had a cause.


Oldest Heretic
In the same way that God is immortal so is the soul as it is of God and returns to God.

Blessed are those who bring peace, they shall be children of God


Well-Known Member
As I said you had a beginning .as you had a cause, therefore your soul began when you were concieved.


Not your average Mormon
orichalcum said:
If the soul is immortal, does that mean it has always existed?
I'm going to start by substituting the word "spirit" for "soul" because the physical body and the spirit together comprise what I believe to be a "living soul." I don't believe our spirits have always existed, but I do believe that God created them prior to conception (the point in time when our physical bodies started to develop). I believe we existed in spirit form with God, prior to our mortality. While the Bible does not clearly state this doctrine, a number of verses allude to it.

Prior to the time that God created our spirits, we existed as "intelligences." "Intelligence," as used in this context, means "light of truth." It was not created or made, but is co-eternal with God. So, our spirit matter has always existed, but God organized this matter and created our spirits. When God infuses a physical body with a spirit, that spirit leaves His presence and continues to dwell in that body throughout a person's mortal life. At death, the spirit leaves the body, but continues to exist as a cognitive entity. At resurrection, it will once again rejoin the body, but the body will have, by then, been made immortal.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Does it matter? We could debate how many angels dance on the head of a pin as well. :D (We all know that angels do the cha cha)


Well-Known Member
Pussyfoot Mouse said:
Everything must have a beginning and an end.
Everything except God, as he is outside of time and has always existed. "His goings forth are from everlasting"


Well-Known Member
Katzpur said:
I'm going to start by substituting the word "spirit" for "soul" because the physical body and the spirit together comprise what I believe to be a "living soul." I don't believe our spirits have always existed, but I do believe that God created them prior to conception (the point in time when our physical bodies started to develop). I believe we existed in spirit form with God, prior to our mortality. While the Bible does not clearly state this doctrine, a number of verses allude to it.

Prior to the time that God created our spirits, we existed as "intelligences." "Intelligence," as used in this context, means "light of truth." It was not created or made, but is co-eternal with God. So, our spirit matter has always existed, but God organized this matter and created our spirits. When God infuses a physical body with a spirit, that spirit leaves His presence and continues to dwell in that body throughout a person's mortal life. At death, the spirit leaves the body, but continues to exist as a cognitive entity. At resurrection, it will once again rejoin the body, but the body will have, by then, been made immortal.
Well, God has always existed, right? He spoke the world into existence out of nothing (first chapter of John), so our spirit matter has not always existed. After that everything had a beginning, and therefore a cause. So I conclude that our spirits were caused by our conception.


Uber all member
When opinions are contested, it's a debate folks. Welcome your thread to it's new home


You cannot be promised eternity, when the eternity existed before you where born. That would mean you were before the creation


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
CMIYC said:
You cannot be promised eternity, when the eternity existed before you where born. That would mean you were before the creation
Well, I'd say your post makes for interesting thinking - but as I am just taking this as yet another little bit off 'nitty gritty' that is inconsequential to my faith, I'll just savour your comment as a mind bending thought exercise. Rather reminds me of the one about parallel lines meet at infinity...........:D


Well-Known Member
Hmm...you could be promised eternity by one that IS eternal, and that created you just a bit after he created creation. Or something like that, lol

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
NetDoc said:
Does it matter? We could debate how many angels dance on the head of a pin as well. :D (We all know that angels do the cha cha)
Silly NetDoc! If you'd read "Good Omens", you'd know the answer to that is "One, and only if it's Aziraphale, and he's doing the [size=-1]gavotte." (The only angel who's bothered to take a dance class did so waaaaay back when, so he only knows the one dance.)


Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
joeboonda said:
Perhaps he could be persuaded to give lessons?
Heheee, he's a very sweet character. I think he'd be happy to.

While I won't argue with the validity of this, in my personal version of the creation of existence, there was a void- nothing. Then, there was a huge ball of light, which began to vibrate. It shook and it shook and it shook, like a dog shaking water from its fur. All the bits of light went flying off into as many directions as there are stars. It is our goal in life (or in our various incarnations) to reconnect with other bits of light, so that we may rejoin the whole.

So, I suppose my particular belief does not say the soul has always existed, or that it is immortal. If it is immortal, it exists to a beautiful part of something bigger and even more wonderful than itself.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
in the beginning, there was the great celestial being. the celestial being was lonely, for it was the only thing in the void of nothingness. It destroyed itself, its body making up the stars, planets, humans animals, etc etc. This became the Living Force, the matter of the universe. Its soul is what brought life to these creations, and what our soul is derived from. (dont take this as the stated creation myth for Jediism, it is purely created by myself) this became the Unifying Force. So technically, yes, our souls are eternal.


i agree with idea that the soul is immortal. While There was only God when there was nothing, souls were the first beings ever to be created, and the idea that the souls were in a different form clings true too.