Why are people thinking we must have big corporations to run our lives? Why do we not go back to each family-supporting themself with food and being more of a society that helps each other on farms, or in small businesses that are needed to have small communities?
You need to research what farming actually is and requires. Corporation exist as subsistence farming is does not result in a healthy individual nor is it possible on most of the planet. There is also the requirement of land to yield ratios. How much land do you think it will require for 7 billion people to get enough to feed themselves? Toss in training unless you agree with Bloomberg's "plant a seed duh" farming techniques. Also consider landlocked areas and fishing. Food which requires specific climate and environments. You propose going back to a pre-industrial revolution state of civilizations and mass starvation.
Where do they get the grain from? What if the area can not support grain? In Canada the northern territories will starve as the area is not suitable for farming. Individuals are not going to drive for days to the south just to get flour. They will just move. Which in turn causes the collapse of the ore industry in the north. Which in turn means Canada needs to import ore. Ergo we are back to corporations.
Where does someone living on the
prairies get wood from?
A large portion of farms are independently owned. Where does the arable land come from for 7 billion people? Unless you proposal stealing it from existing landowners
Limited production. Kiss steel are a normal commodity good bye. Again this is nothing short of a pre-industrial revolution era and mass starvation
and so on. why the big overproduction of products?
If we where less dependent on government and rich people we would maybe live more happy feel freer?
Be free with your high mortality rate and the 16th century.