Human nature. Though, I doubt that this will be a suitable enough answer, I believe it to be the core issue. Believers are human too and are full of flaws.
Some of us in fact, acknowledge how imperfect we are and this contributes partially to our beliefs and commitment to acknowledge our own sinful behavior and repent of it.
Contrary to what the dude in the video suggests - I am aware of God watching and holding me accountable to my actions. Therefore, when I knowingly sin, I struggle with it. I look internally and question why I'm acting in such a way. This doesn't mean that I'm strong enough to always resist temptation, but, I'm certainly aware that when I do wrong in the presence of God and others, I'm accountable unless I feel remorse for my actions and make efforts to improve.
Most in my peer group who identify as Christian believe this way.
I didn't find anything in the video to be profound or telling. I think this line of questioning is par for the course with many believers. It's part of our spiritual development and growth.
But the question was WHY?
Why do you prevent yourself/have self control from doing what your religion considers sin - in front of your children, or loved ones, or people you want to respect you, - BUT you WILL do those same "sins" in front of your God? of whom you said - "I am aware of God watching and holding me accountable to my actions."
Why do you feel enough SHAME in front of a human you care about - that it prevents you from committing the "sin,"
but have NO SHAME doing those same "sins" in front of your professed GOD?