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If you curse your Parents you must die?!!!


Veteran Member
We ARE living in the dark ages!

Yes there is still darkness, but many are starting to bring the light into the world, those who question the old way of thinking such as religion, are freeing many who are locked in their prison of belief.


Jehovah our God is One
Yes there is still darkness, but many are starting to bring the light into the world, those who question the old way of thinking such as religion, are freeing many who are locked in their prison of belief.

some religious beliefs are certainly a prison.

But knowing the truth sets one free as Jesus said it would "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free"

he was speaking of 'religious truth' which sets a person free from false beliefs.

But what about economical prison, political prisons, ideological prisons, philosophical prisons, scientific prisons.... all these areas spew out untruths and people get locked into them.


Well-Known Member
I'm not hiding what I think. I truly have reasons to think that. While I'm not really an expert, one of the 10 Commandments says "Do not kill". There is no getting around this law. If the ten appear to conflict (which they do in this case) then it becomes necessary to clarify their meaning. Consider the case of Jephthath in Judges 11:35. He made a vow that he would sacrifice anything that came out of his house. What in fact happened was that the person (his daughter) he vowed to offer was sent to work at the temple for the priests, never to marry or to have children. This was how a person was offered as a burnt offering, because murder was against the ten commandments. If a man could simply vow to sacrifice someone to the LORD he could then circumvent the 10 commandments, which would be unthinkable. If he could say "I vow to offer so & so upon the altar as a burnt offering," and he could get away with murder this would nullify the ten commandments. T When one of the ten commandments says 'Let him be put to death' and another commandment says 'You shall not kill' one of the ten cannot undo another of the ten. Instead they interpret one another in order to keep the meaning. Out of this comes the principle of excommunication rather than literal stoning and killing. If you think I'm putting a 'Nice face on it' I'm not.
It doesn't say do not kill, it says "Do not murder".

There is a big difference.


Well-Known Member
He, at the time, was still alive. The Law had not been completed. He had yet to die on the cross. If a Christian thinks they are still under it...then they should be trying to keep the 613 Commandments....
There is no old law. The laws in the Torah are perpetual.


Well-Known Member
If we all still lived by the bible, we would all probley be burnt at the stake by now, we just wouldn't be here on this forum, in fact we would be still in the dark-ages. We have to be careful what we drag from the past, are we dragging something that will free us, or something that will imprison us.