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If you found Nessie...

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
If you found the Loch Ness monster, and had the chance to prove to everyone that it existed, and show them where it is, would you do it, or would you let her continue to be a rumored legend?


Enlightner of the Senses
Leave her be, im not that self oriented to go to the press or anything :) Prob tell people i know though. It would cause unnessissary suffering for the creature.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Wow, both sides of the story in the forst two posts! Thanks, guys. Jerry, would it bother you if she was expoited to the point of causing her misery once people found her? Just curious.


Miss Independent
She recieves no glory by being proven to exists. Why are we referring to Nessie as a 'her'..LOL. Only man will recieve attention an applauds for such a discovery. Let her be.

Its not that she is eager to be validated to exist. :)


Forum Relic
Premium Member
I would leave it be. The last thing I'd want is for scientists to take it out of it's home and poke and prod at it in their lab.


Well-Known Member
wel depends
if i care about schotland if i care i won't so they can exploit toerists
if i need money or fast fame i will
if nessie harmed anyone i will
if nessie was sentient/saved my life i won't

ps if you make it known to the whole world they won't allow test (it has protected status)

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Of course that would bother me. I suspect we would see an outpouring of support for strong protection.

I'm sorry. After I wrote it, I realized that was poorly worded. I didn't mean to imply that you would be that cold as to not care about something like that. I just wondered whether the possibility of that would factor into your decision, or whether you would hope that it wouldn't come to that, and it was worth the risk to solve the mystery for everyone.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
The way I see it, somebody would inform the world eventually. If I could steer the process in a responsible manner to ensure protection, that would be better than if some get-rich-quick person beat me to it and got the creature hurt or worse.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
The way I see it, somebody would inform the world eventually. If I could steer the process in a responsible manner to ensure protection, that would be better than if some get-rich-quick person beat me to it and got the creature hurt or worse.

OK, that makes sense. I can't disagree with that. :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The scientific study of Nessie would be HUGE!, a biological gold mine!, and proof of her existance would spur public interest in ecology, paleontology, evolution and the study of Biology in general. Plus, it would have a positive effect on Green legislation in general.

On the other hand, if no-one stepped in, Loch Ness would soon be covered shore-to-shore with tourist, news and research vessels of all descriptions, and the region innundated with a hundred thousand more of same.

I'm pretty sure, though, that Scotland would immediately enact tough protective legislation to protect this new, natural wonder.

I'm leaning toward discrete notification of the scientific and environmental communities, who could meet with the Scottish government to ensure no harm came to Nessie when word got out.
If s/he's really in there it's only a matter of time before she's discovered. She can't hide forever from modern technologies.
Man has found the need to **** of animals all the time. I for one, do not want to **** Nessie of. We treat animals bad as it is, why add to it?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
How about you mball?

I would like to think that I would let it go, and not make it known to the world, but Wandered Off makes a good point that I'd feel bad if later someone else did "out" her to the world, and bad things happened to her. I think Seyorni had a pretty good solution, too. Basically, my first concern would be Nessie herself, and secondarily, the world's curiosity.

On the other hand, my desire for wealth might override my principles. I doubt it, as it has never done that to this point, but there is the very slight possibility, considering I am human, after all.


Enlightner of the Senses
I would like to think that I would let it go, and not make it known to the world, but Wandered Off makes a good point that I'd feel bad if later someone else did "out" her to the world, and bad things happened to her. I think Seyorni had a pretty good solution, too. Basically, my first concern would be Nessie herself, and secondarily, the world's curiosity.

On the other hand, my desire for wealth might override my principles. I doubt it, as it has never done that to this point, but there is the very slight possibility, considering I am human, after all.

Yeah to be fair Wandered off's point is good. But id imagine public exposure would inevitably be damaging regardless of whether I exposed her or not. With somthing as big as the loch ness monster, the person who makes the discovery is hardly going to maintain any real control for long. Best thing would be to leave her be, maybe throw people off the scent if you feeling especially nice.:p My curiosity may lead me to investigate it further myself though :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If she's in there she's going to be discovered, sooner or later. The question of weather or not to announce her discovery is out of our hands. The only question is how to protect her from the hoards of tourists, scientists, journalists and the casually curious that are sure to be drawn to the loch.

Personally, I'm thinking of leasing Urquhart (sp?) castle and converting it into a souvenir shop and restauraunt.
I bet I could clean up! :angel2: