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do you come in here to preach, learn, or promote religious intolerance, maybe western hatred? I have to ask because deedat falls under religious intolerance and western hatred.
to me, they are both despicable people
deedat is a hate monger and racist, good riddance
I also condemn attacks against Christians by Muslims who come to Australia to sow the seed of religious hatred. In this regard I refer to Islamic evangelist Sheik Ahmed Deedat, a South African who, on Good Friday, spoke about Easter, indulged in bible-bashing and incited racial hatred. I am all for freedom of speech, but our leaders should show some understanding and, above all, respect for the views and beliefs of others. Australia can do without people like Sheik Deedat
In France sale and distribution of his books has been forbidden since 1994 as they are said to be violently anti-western, antisemitic and inciting to racial hate.
Deedat's multitude of videotapes