The stock market is the best way to fight climate change. Invest in the whole future, and you get the best results. Unfortunately, companies can't find a way to establish what they should do yet, so we can pass laws to help them when its obvious they can be helped with this.
They are also trying to create an environment to create fairness with regards to race.
They also passed an infrastructure bill which is a long-term investment in opportunity.
As for crime, I'll admit there are problems, but there is technology we should be working on.
I see the many bills that Democrats passed as efficient and aggressive to gain an edge over the future.
It's that edge over the future that could make the difference between having enough freedom and hope to make things right and having so much despair that things tunnel into darkness.
But I am creating priestcraft... That is what God is doing. I just hope that the Democrats can be used by God and the Republicans to make life better.