I don't think Democrats understand what freedom means. Through most of history the vast majority of people were under some form of monarchy rule. They majority of humans had little freedom. Monarchies would try to control everything, including the masses, to keep themselves in power; keep the blood line pure. There was no elections. There was little chance for upward mobility for the masses, with most people, generation after generation, peasants and serfs.
Much like today. Only instead of monarchies based on bloodlines, we have corporate dictatorships based on the investment of excess wealth. We still have the 'overlords' keeping the 'peasants' poor and trapped in lives of servitude by the overlords owning and controlling the means of production, and by gleaning all the profits from these for themselves.
The USA, via the Constitution was an experiment in individual freedom. It was a new and unique type of country where the people would rule themselves. This experiment required getting rid of the monarchy and then limiting government, with checks and balances. They knew if too much power ended up in the government, there would be an urge among the connected elite to move the government toward a monarchy state; Big Brother control. That would kill the experiment. The biggest threat to Democracy is Big Government that is out of the control of the free citizens.
Sadly, they had no way of envisioning the real threat to this great democratic experiment, which was capitalism combined with industrialization. Industrial strength greed becoming systematized. Almost no government on Earth, big or small, has been able to withstand that threat. And that's true even now, when we can see the threat for what is it, and we can see it coming. The U.S. founders could see neither. And could not possibly have envisioned the power of billions of dollars to warp and corrupt government, the press, and even the minds and behavior of most Americans.
To have a free society, with only small government, the people would need to learn to be more self sufficient, more self reliant, more moral, since everyone would need to avoid the social pitfalls, that would allow the government an excuse to get too big. If you wish to be a dependent, you are forcing everyone toward the direction of lost freedom, since Government will use this as an excuse to grow.
Self-reliance and self-sufficiency are nothing more than a childish, selfish fantasy. Humans are and have always been a collective and cooperative species. Even the family farm of the founder's day was itself a collective cooperative enterprise with some form of 'government' determining all the participant's behavior. There is not and has never been any "individual freedom" that was not subject to collective limitations and controls because as lone individuals we cannot survive. We need each other for that. We need to work with and for each other's mutual benefit to survive and thrive in this world. And we Americans need to grow the F up and face the truth of who and what we are. And start working together, for everyone's benefit, and stop pretending we are lone wolves roaming the prairies, free to do and be whatever we want. We humans have NEVER been that. And we never will be.
When the Constitution was written there was no federal income tax. The founding fathers knew that freedom meant most of the money people earned should be theirs to use, and not commandeered by over bearing government, who will waste and skim or use it for political advantages; buy votes. Taxes were mostly usage taxes, such as toll roads that the Government built; turn a profit. At times of war, taxes could be raised, but lowered once the war was over. Freedom meant the people were the boss, and public servant were there, but only when needed.
This is irrelevant gibberish. The U.S. is WAY too huge and complex for any of that kind of nonsense to actually work.
For freedom to reign, what we now call social services, would need to be performed through charities. Rather than use the government to steal from Joe to give to Sue, which adds waste and takes away freedom of choice from Joe, charity allows Joe to be free to give while preserving his freedom. A Christian country made this easy, since giving was part of their philosophy. Atheism played a role in the dumb down of charity and the movement toward Big Government.
This is just the childish fantasy of "selfish freedom" talking. It has never worked in the past, and it never will in the future.
Free enterprise was also about freedom.
No human enterprise is "free". It requires an investment in resources, time, effort, and intelligence. It also requires cooperation, and that will require that there be a mutual benefit for all the participants. Why you think it's free is beyond me.
I had the choice to buy and sell which them promotes competition and efficiency.
That's true in a free market. But the only markets that are free markets, now days, are the luxury markets. Everything else is a "buy or die" market, now (called a "captive market"). Try living in the modern world without a car, or a house, or food, ora phone, or any of a hundred other things that you will need to live in a very complex, inter-dependent society f humans. And then try getting those things without having to buy them from someone. That's not a "free" market.
In a free country I should be free to chose gasoline or electric based on cost and supply and demand.
You are. But you are not free not to buy them, because you will have to have them to live in the modern world. And because the sellers all know that you have to buy them, they are not going to compete with each other to sell them to you on the cheap. They are only going to compete with each other to sell them for the highest possible profit. None of them wants to sell 100 gallons of gas for a dollar a gallon. They all want to sell one gallon of gas for a 100 dollars a gallon. Because that's where they gain the biggest profit. More buyers are not their priority. More money, is. Thinking that you could live in a free market world is another one of those idiotic fantasies that doesn't and can't ever exist. Because we humans are not self-sufficient. Especially we modern humans. And that means out markets are not free markets. They are captive markets.
Freedom also requires freedom of speech.
Humans are a collective, cooperative species. The goal of human society is therefor to enable and protect that collective, cooperative nature. This goal trumps our fantasies about the sanctity of individual freedom, because the well-being of the many is more important than the well-being of the one. Sometimes we need to keep our mouths shut for the sake of everyone else's well being. If you can't understand this, or are too selfish to accept the fact of it, then you will never really understand censorship, and why it is sometimes the right thing to do.
And your rant about the democrats is stupid and pointless.