Sadly there are far too many people in the world who are raised to place more value on blind faith than verifiable evidence. The fact that things have gotten this far and there are still people who think the subject is up for debate suggests that the blind faith crowd is much larger than I'd feared.
This is true, although I also consider charts such as this.
If the population was only a tenth of what it is now, most of the other factors related to climate change wouldn't be as intensified as they are now. This includes the consumption of fossil fuels, consumption of meat, usage of plastic bags, and many other things that would be significantly reduced if the population wasn't so high.
I recall an article I posted a while back which also highlights an aspect of the problem that few Westerners tend to look at. It focused on a person living in India, who was middle class, working his way up, and he wanted air conditioning for his domicile. The article mentioned that India is quite hot, but air conditioners are still out of reach for most of the population to afford. But this guy and others like him are buying air conditioners and using them. All of the things that are in widespread use in the West are starting to be used in other areas of the world - and this is by design, since we wanted a global economy and a global market to sell all these things that we have come to enjoy.
People who have been living in squalor while Westerners were living it up - they want all these things too, and now some are in a position where they can afford to buy it. Many in the West have pledged to make life more livable for the people of the world. There's nothing wrong with all these people wanting nice places to live, air conditioning, electricity, internet, TV, cars, boats, vacations - not to mention meat. No one is asking for it to be free, but if they can afford it, then they're going to want it. Are we in the West (who already have these things) going to tell them that they can't have it now, because we screwed it all up?
I think that will be the tougher issue to deal with in the long run.