I see you stopped posting over there after a few posts, ..
Ajita Kesakambali and Brihaspait were charvak atheists, who refuted the vedas and relied only on the pramana of perception compared to buddhism which relied on (perception, inference) as valid means. Jainism holds three (perception, inference and testimony), while Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta schools of Hinduism hold all six pramanas as useful and reliable means to knowledge. ( perception/
pratyakṣa, inference /
anumāna, comparison and analogy (upamana), postulation, derivation from circumstances (
arthāpatti), non-perception, negative/cognitive proof (a
nupalabdhi) and word, testimony of past or present reliable experts ).
Also the charvaks rejected the teaching of reincarnation as taught by Krishna, Mahavira and Guru Nanak, and also the teaching of rebirth by Buddha.