BTW, Jeager, how goes your recovery?
Quite well indeed!
It's a shame more "well" people don't understand alcohol addiction so I'll elaborate
just a bit.
GENETICS plays a HUGE factor in this disease that is often an inherited factor.
This genetic predisposition can "skip" a generation making the inherited factor
hard to realize. My father died of this addiction, and this condition contributed
to my mothers stroke and death. My poor sister, now about 67, is still
"practicing" as far as I know. Her hubby drank a case of beer a day, maybe still does.
Japanese, orientals, and Native Americans suffer greatly from alcohol addiction.
Recall at one time it was illegal to sell alcohol to a Native American.
There is some Native American in my genetic history but I "blame" no one
or any "thing" for my predisposition.
I cannot drink alcohol. PERIOD!
Now I've been diagnosed with diabetes. In rehab no less!
Saved my life no doubt. It's severe diabetes and I must self inject at least 3 X
a day or else........................well, you get it.
I'm o.k. with that. Did alcoholism drive the diabetes or did diabetes drive the craving
for booze? "Candy is dandy, liquor is quicker."
It matters not 'cause if I drink I DIE.
I get that.
"it doesn't matter HOW the ******* got in the river, we must get him out of the water
to help him".
(Cute huh?)
Interesting I was in rehab with ALL KINDS of people. Of course the ladies (ladies?) were
separate from the guys but we interacted a bit at lunch & dinner as we crossed paths
in the hallways. We weren't allowed to eat together either.
Most ALL the ladies were in for heroin addiction. Heroin is rampant every where
they said.
The euphoric recall with heroin addicts is even stronger than alcohol cravings.
No thanks for me as I NEVER used illegal drugs. It's a fatal trap.
I was "buddies" with a Pagan ( motorcycle gang Pagan) who had killed at least
one person in a fight.
I didn't tick him off believe me!
Now I want a Harley!!!!! NOT!