There is too much hatred and bigotry on this site. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, bashing Muslims, bashing Jews, etc. It's way out of hand here. In one thread, you have a poster accusing transgender people of being mentally ill sexual predators and in another, you have a poster going on an anti-black racist rant (with a "like" from a staff member, no less!). And that's only what I've seen tonight. It's getting to the point where I do not feel this is a welcoming or respectful message board. I have more productive and respectful discussions on Facebook. At least there I do not have to pretend to be nice to people who obviously see me as subhuman.
This site needs to change and do better. I really don't want to leave this site as I have friends here and good memories, but I often find myself angry, hurt and sad reading posts on this site. I really wonder why I bother when this place can be so toxic. I just wanted to air my concerns. It's something that's been on my mind for awhile.
As the guy on a supposed anti black rant .. first a black man accused my nation and race out of the blue .. I wrote very reasonable replies and apologised to him 3-4 times on behalf of Indians who may have hurt his sentiments -- I called my countrymen idiots, morons and mentally retarded.
If this seems racist .. I apologize to you.
But I ask you why do the moderators allow such a thread to be created in the first place? Who would not react if they saw someone accusing his countrymen in huge fonts?
Sorry for your distress but I would do what I did hundred times over.