Katzpur said:
Thanks. I appreciate your taking the time to post these.
No problem, there are a lot more, I just thought those pretained most to the discussion at hand. Although Rashi has a lot more notes that are truly amazing.
Katzpur said:
I totally agree with you.
Katzpur said:
I also believe that there was more than one Creator, but as a Christian I believe that Jesus Christ was literal Creator, acting under the guidance and direction of His Father. Mormons also believe that Adam (known premortally as Michael) assisted in the creation. As far as I know, you may be right about Him counseling with ministering angels (although I am virtually certain that you and I would have a different understanding of who these angels actually were).
And you're more then free to come up with any interpretation you want. You're not a Jew, do/worship as you want. I do ask why though you don't follow the Noahite laws which were aimed for righteous gentiles like you claim to be?
Katzpur said:
Are you trying to say something to me specifically, or am I reading too much into this?
A little of both, the comment was meant to include your position as well as any other that clearly goes against the teachings of the Torah (Which includes the Oral law) as far I'm concerned. Something interesting to note is that Moses went up to get the 10 commandments and took 40 days and 40 nights, if he was just receiving the 10 commandments it would have took like 2 days, or even less, the thing is he was being taught the Oral Law and the explanations to the Torah. For example, the Schema commands us to bind a sign upon our arm and inbetween the eyes. This is a commandment, Jesus says NOTHING about this, and yet, no Christians I know even know what Tefillin is or even use it.
Katzpur said:
I'll go along with this. But I just take it a step further.
Don't take this the wrong way, but as a Torah student, I hardly think you're qualified to comment on the basics of Torah interpretation, not that I'm much better qualified. The Rebbi stated that every Jew should reach
Katzpur said:
Yes, both men and women have a human form. No two people look exactly alike, and yet I believe we are all in the image of God.
As I said, this is America and you're a non-Jew, you're more then free to do whatever you want and come up w/ any interpretations. If you're really interested in learning PM me your zip code, and I'll e-mail you the telephone number and the address and the name of the local Yesheva, you can go there and they will give you answers from books that you may have never heard of.
Katzpur said:
Yes, I know. And I see my beliefs as going back to Moses, as well.
There is a interesting concept that the holiness of people goes down as we go farther and farther away in time from the time of Moses. Hence why someone like the Rebbi, while he was the spiritual wise man of this century, if he came up with a new interpretation of something that contradicted something that Rashi or the Ramban or any other spiritual giant of the past said, he would immediately be ignored since Rashi and the Ramban were farther back in time, there spiritual holiness would have been greater. But yea, I hope you don't this as an insult, it's just that we don't really care what non-gentiles do with their interpretations of the Torah and documents. I mostly come here to read to just learn about stuff I would never ask my Rabbi about.