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In My Opinion


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
There is a huge difference in the following scenarios:

1) "I've thought about this and IMO @Sunstone is vapidly trolling this forum. What do you think?"

2) "I an blessed with divine insight that nobody else has and it says that @Sunstone is a vapid troll. But that is just my opinion."

3) "You are a complete idiot if you don't think that @Sunstone is a vapid troll, but that is my opinion".

In my opinion, the first is welcome debate. The second is proselytizing. And the third is being a vapid troll.
There is another option, which is actually fair, and keeps to the forum rules...

Which is regardless if someone claims divine knowledge, and then justifies stuff with religious documents... No one should be allowed to troll, including moderators. :(

A debate isn't about asking nice questions of each other, it is two independent opinions battling in a civilized way...

The amount of debates on here, where they've been rude to me, i've said 'that isn't civil' and my thread is stopped, because i started the debate...

Actually don't feel entitled to even post fairly on here really, and it is meant to be a public forum for religious debate.

As for being sent from Heaven and actually knowing what I'm talking about how does that become a reason to proselytize; simply wanted to debate their religious beliefs based on their religious texts, and due to actually knowing the topic, willing to back it up from many angles.

Literally find this thread bullying as people don't want to be challenged, and because someone is willing to debate articulately, fairly, and including 'In my opinion' to keep within the forum rules, now get bullied by the whole group for caring. :cry:

In my opinion.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
The forum moderators have stated in the past that no where in our posts did it state it is our own opinion...

So to keep to the policy the moderators have imposed, many of us are doing what has been stipulated as a forum rule.

Personally find it ludicrous to have to stick it on each post, and especially when it is only a question; yet so scared of having posts deleted just for expressing our opinions on here, post it every time to be sure.

In my opinion. :innocent:

To be clear, it is not forum policy to qualify every post with 'in my opinion.' There are many here who post without doing so that have ne'er broken a rule.

If you feel you have to stick it on each post, you might want to take a look at your posting style or the content you post instead of pointing the finger of blame at forum policy and moderation.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
It is extremely biased to treat someone who simply studies all theologies, as being bias because they talk on many different religious concepts, and beliefs.

In my opinion. :innocent:

I can think of a few here that simply study all theologies, myself included. But there is a difference between "talk on many different religious concepts, and beliefs" and "bases their beliefs on many different religious concepts and beliefs (and perhaps a movie) and presents the as universal truth."

I can assure you that no member of the staff is biased against someone who "simply studies all theologies" and "talk(s) on many different religious concepts, and beliefs."


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Which is regardless if someone claims divine knowledge, and then justifies stuff with religious documents... No one should be allowed to troll, including moderators. :(

In my opinion.

I would think if one has divine knowledge, one would make it known in his/her actions and/or reasoning rather than claiming divine knowledge on a religiously themed forum, trying to support their claim through scripture (and movie references) and passing it off as a universal truth.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I usually have no issue with qualifiers such as 'in my opinion' or 'as I see it' when expressing personal truths in posts in this forum or any other. In fact, I use them quite often when sharing my personal truths resulting from personal experiences that cannot be tested using the scientific method and encourage others to do the same when expressing ideas about belief or personal truth.

But there are times with which I take issue where such qualifiers are abused, in cases where people use these in an attempt to present their personal truths as universal, preemptively excusing themselves from presenting any evidence to support their claim, especially in the case of creating a thread in a debate forum, or to insult a person or an entire group of people.

Hecks, there are more than a couple in this forum that either have this as their signature or tack it on every post they make. I see this as an excuse to post whatever nonsense one wants without having to support anything one says.

Thoughts? Rants? Comments that are in your opinion?

In my opinion.
"IMO" is useful to show that one isn't presenting opinion as fact.
I don't see it being used for any other purpose.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
you might want to take a look at your posting style or the content you post
That is basically saying don't be you, and come across like you actually know the topic; which has also been stated a reason for me getting points, that i act like i know what I'm on about...

So now i put 'in my opinion', since that way I'm stating these are my own assessments of the given information....

Which also isn't acceptable, and you wonder why I'd like to kill my self half the time.... Honestly thought sharing in this world would be easier. :(
no member of the staff is biased
Seriously that is such a silly statement, I've been accused of not being Dharmic or being too Dharmic, not being Abrahamic or being too Abrahamic...

Many people are bias as they're trying to pigeonhole people into a religious category...

Even this thread which you're having a go at me for, is you thinking I was trying to convince Judaism to be Christian or previously Dharmic to be Abrahamic...

When neither is where I'm coming from, as an Arch Angel sent from Heaven I'm trying to get people to realize their own religious concepts, and then to show they're all One.
I would think if one has divine knowledge, one would make it known in his/her actions and/or reasoning rather than claiming divine knowledge on a religiously themed forum, trying to support their claim through scripture (and movie references) and passing it off as a universal truth.
You really don't get what is going on, the world has been convince to follow lies for thousands of years, where we're just about to remove everyone, and i've been given one last chance to reach out to people, which I've known since birth...

Then spent my life reading religions in the hopes some people might listen, there isn't anyway to turn the world around, and the forum is a means for me to politely test this hypothesis.

Having been signed off suicidally depressed since realizing what i was told as a child is in the Bible... The forums were a way to share without having to go out into the world anymore; as i can't handle all of this in the slightest.

Thank you for the help, going to go meditate and cry. :(

Peace B with U

In my opinion. :innocent:
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
That is basically saying don't be you, and come across like you actually know the topic; which has also been stated a reason for me getting points, that i act like i know what I'm on about...

So now i put 'in my opinion', since that way I'm stating these are my own assessments of the given information....

Which is fine, unless you are starting a debate under the premise of your own assessment and passing it off as universal truth, or disparaging or insulting a person or group of people based on such an assessment.

Seriously that is such a silly statement...

Of course it's a silly statement as you quoted it. I'll thank you for not quoting half sentences out of context with the intent of changing my meaning moving forward.

Even this thread which you're having a go at me for, is you thinking I was trying to convince Judaism to be Christian or previously Dharmic to be Abrahamic...

If you go back and reread the thread, you made this thread about you, not me. While admittedly you, in part, inspired a few statements, the thread was a generalization of anyone who hides behind qualifiers with ill intent or in the interest of circumventing the rules.

You really don't get what is going on, the world has been convince to follow lies for thousands of years, where we're just about to remove everyone, and i've been given one last chance to reach out to people, which I've known since birth...

Then spent my life reading religions in the hopes some people might listen, there isn't anyway to turn the world around, and the forum is a means for me to politely test this hypothesis.

Having been signed off suicidally depressed since realizing what i was told as a child is in the Bible... The forums were a way to share without having to go out into the world anymore; as i can't handle all of this in the slightest.

Thank you for the help, going to go cry for the rest of the day.

Peace B with U

In my opinion. :innocent:

I'm not sure if this is a call for attention or if you are genuinely this sensitive. Honestly, if you are that sensitive about having your motives or intent challenged, this forum might not be the venue for you to share your claims and views. You may wish to think about taking a break from the forum.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Of course it's a silly statement as you quoted it. I'll thank you for not quoting half sentences out of context with the intent of changing my meaning moving forward.
You're just arguing, and not listening properly, it was contextual to what was stated....

It was shortened to show the simplicity of that part of it was generalized, and flawed from its offset.
the thread was a generalization of anyone who hides behind qualifiers with ill intent or in the interest of circumventing the rules.
Every time i've been charged with breaking rules, i've apologized in the site feedback section, and explained where any confusion lies....

Literally trying not to break rules, put my points across clearly, without personal statements, and debate huge flawed concepts of religious institutions in comparison to their texts.
unless you are starting a debate under the premise of your own assessment and passing it off as universal truth
This is a religious forum, loads of people do that all the time, that is the whole point...

Fair enough some people try to claim objectiveness by quoting scholarly opinion; yet they will pick what suits their own assessment of universal truths.
disparaging or insulting a person or group of people based on such an assessment.
Firstly I never mean to be insulting to the person, yet merely the faulty religious beliefs, that can be justified by not only their text, yet a majority globally to confirm it is a universal truth commonly understood.

Disparaging statements of a whole religious organization being misguided is what religious debate is about, it isn't to compliment each other....

Yet even within that I'm generally not making audacious statements that the whole is totally the wrong way, as that isn't beneficial to redirecting someone to a slight adjustment of their current beliefs.
I'm not sure if this is a call for attention or if you are genuinely this sensitive.
Firstly on somethings can cope with debating religious topics; yet this is a personal vendetta about my own character, which is approximate to internet bullying by quite a few on here...
if you are that sensitive about having your motives or intent challenged
Don't mind having my motives challenged, which from birth was to save the world through fixing global religions as prophesied...

With the backup plan if it fails, we just remove humanity and keep who we like.
this forum might not be the venue for you to share your claims and views.
Been on this forum 14 years of debating people, and it is the optimum place to get the point across...

Don't expect people to accept it, yet did expect it was a place to debate fairly, and even paid because thought the rules would protect everyone; clearly that isn't the case, as personal biases have now become a majority from me challenging mods opinions, and them taking it personally. :(
You may wish to think about taking a break from the forum.
Thank you for making people feel welcome; not sure where i've upset you personally, yet if you let me know, will apologize and try to rectify the situation.

In my opinion. :innocent:
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I usually have no issue with qualifiers such as 'in my opinion' or 'as I see it' when expressing personal truths in posts in this forum or any other. ...

But there are times with which I take issue where such qualifiers are abused, in cases where people use these in an attempt to present their personal truths as ...

Thoughts? Rants? Comments that are in your opinion?

In my opinion, the term "personal truths" is sloppy at best.