Agnostic75 said:
I reject all Bible prophecies. We are currently discussing the Tyre prophecy, and you have not provided any credible evidence that God inspired it. I will be happy to discuss any other Bible prophecies with you that you wish as long as I believe that I know enough about the individual prophecy to debate it.
1robin said:
Never claim I am biased or make decisions I am not qualified to make and at the same time tell me you reject all biblical prophecies. It just wrecks credibility.
No sensible person would compare the study of science with the study of Bible prophecy. Macro evolution is studied by using the scientific method, which is much different than studying Bible prophecy.
I usually debate issues that I am willing to debate with anyone, such as the Tyre prophecy, homosexuality, and my posts
3448, 3449, 3450, and 3496 in this thread, but you have refused to debate certain topics with experts, or even with knowledgeable amateur skeptics at other websites. Therefore, your comments are absurd.
It takes far less knowledge to adequately discuss the Tyre prophecy, homosexuality, and my posts 3448, 3449, 3450, and 3496 in this thread than it does to adequately discuss macro evolution, and many issues about biblical textual criticism.
Agnostic75 said:
You do not personally know enough about macro evolution to question it, and you certainly would not be willing to debate it with an expert who has a Ph.D. in biology.
1robin said:
Let me put it another way, you do not know enough about macro evolution for anyone to trust your opinions about it.
1robin said:
.......but I need not have as those that do are readily available.
But you are not qualified to judge debates by experts, and neither are the vast majority of people in the world.
1robin said:
I said the theory has major holes. It may still be enough to justify believing it to be true. I just have no commitment either way and see almost no reason to or relevance to compel me to do so. My consistent point has always been it is a theory that sounds reasonable but contains a great deal of faith and hurdles yet overcome.
You do not need to make a commitment since the vast majority of experts have already made a commitment. One study showed that in the U.S., 99.86% of experts accept macro evolution. Regarding science, it is reasonable for laymen to accept the opinions of a large consensus of experts pending the availability of future research, especially when a large consensus includes the majority of Christian experts.
Wikipedia says:
Wikipedia said:
While details of macroevolution are continuously studied by the scientific community, the overall theory behind macroevolution (i.e. common descent) has been overwhelmingly consistent with empirical data. Predictions of empirical data from the theory of common descent have been so consistent that biologists often refer to it as the "fact of evolution".
So even though there is a lot left to learn about macro evolution, most experts believe that enough is known about it to accept it.
What scientific evidence suggests to you that creationism, and intelligent design might be true?
1robin said:
The Apostles burdened themselves with a massive empirical burden they had every reason to avoid if their claims were false. There was no expectation of a bodily rising Christ. Even they (even though they should have) did not expect Christ to actually physically resurrect. The Jews certainly didn't. They could have very easily claimed he spiritually arose from the dead and no one could have possibly proven otherwise. However they against all logic proposed he was not in his sealed and guarded grave any longer. Why? Issues with a theft claim only adds improbability onto improbability. Good luck. I can't event think of a bad explanation.
There are lots of reasonable explanations, but you do not want to discuss them with skeptic experts, or with very knowledgeable amateur skeptics, such as the skeptics at
Biblical Criticism & History Forum - • View forum - Christian Texts and History. There are also a few Christians at that forum.
You know that biblical textual criticism is a vast field, and that very few skeptics at these forums know a lot about it. That is why you want limit your discussions about it to websites, and forums where few people know a lot about it. Since lots of skeptics elsewhere would easily be able to adequately discuss those issues with you, skeptics at these forums who do not know a lot about biblical textual criticism do not need to be concerned with their own lack of knowledge about it.