Some of the ancient Greeks accepted common descent, but my main interest is that millions of conservative Christians living today reject common descent.
You have so many posts and I have so little time this will be hit and miss. Sorry. You missed the point here. My point was that long before Christians were trying to make Genesis line up with Darwin they included interpretations that allow for at least some common descent and especially a very old universe. They did not do so because they were trying to jive with modern science because there was no modern science. So despite what you think (and I imagine your wrong in many cases) the bible has always had interpretations that allowed for common descent and an old universe. Your confusing iron fisted Catholic dogma with scripture, and the imprint it left on Protestantism with what that bible actually says.
Regarding the story of Adam and Eve, the issue is not just what the Bible says, but also what it means since the story can be interpreted literally, or as an allegory, or myth, just like the stories of the flood, the Ten Plagues, and the Exodus. Millions of American Christians interpret the story literally, and reject common descent. It is only to those Christians that my arguments about common descent pertain to
. Whether allegory or literal we are al guilty of sins and stand condemned. The standard is perfection. I have as of yet not met anyone who met it. It is quite clear in present time that man can become totally depraved on a societal level so the flood stories lesson is valid. There is a growing amount of evidence for the exodus so I think a literal interpretation is reasonable. I agree some common descent has occurred, I am skeptical it is a explanation in totality for genetic reality. For example all the major body plans appeared in a geological instant of a few ten million years without any predecessors known. The theory has merit and holes. I really wish you would read that book I suggested you would be far wiser for having done so.
You sometimes questioned common descent from an entirely scientific perspective. My position is that you do not know enough about biology to make such a claim based upon your own personal knowledge, and that also goes for most creationists who reject common descent.
The holes I mention in some kind of totality theory called common descent are 95% from scholars in those areas. I did not invent them. For example the burgess shale that proved what I stated above was found by one of the most prominent Paleontologist named Walcott. He found 60,000 fossils that proved all major body types exploded on the geological scene. He sent them to the Smithsonian. That is where I got that. However it gets even more interesting. The president of the Smithsonian believed in gradual evolution. Made one announcement and promptly buried all 60,000 of the most important fossils ever found in backrooms and closets. They were only rediscovered by a student many years later. So much for scientific integrity. That story gets even weirder and Steven Gould gets involved and makes the treachery even worse. I can tell you the whole thing sometime if you want.
Another point I did not make up is that the original tree model for evolution that was very consistent with common descent was eradicated by the bush of evolution which was supplanted by the forest model of evolution by evolutionists, not by me.
I wonder how many more days, weeks, or months you will want to discuss common descent since so far you have wasted a lot of your time discussing it, and have not accomplished useful for the purpose of helping to convert skeptics to Christians, or helping to strengthen the faith of Christians. For a busy person, you frequently waste a lot of your time.
If that was my intent I would have wasted a lot of time as I have never seen anyone on any side ever convert in this forum. One of my purposes is to dispel the myths the media feeds about how omniscient science is for the new Christian that may be troubled by an issue. I was initially confused by many things and found professional debates resolved most of my questions. I am hoping to do the same in an informal setting and judging by your over optimism about your "victories" I am undeterred in that quest.