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INDISPUTABLE Rational Proof That God Exists (Or Existed)


Rogue Theologian
Nor the fact that something made elements above Iron without any source available to do so. You can't fuse past iron.

Actually it does happen.
If not then we wouldn't have the heavy elements at all.

The fusion takes place during the collapse and pending nova.

Iron is last element a star can produce and remain stable.
It doesn't last long......just a few million years.

Then bang!....so to speak.


You don’t get the reverence for a method that has produced practically all the knowledge we have today. Okay. What I revere are the dedicated scientists working hard to cure disease or discover something about how our universe works that we didn’t know before. They generally don’t make very much money or receive much credit for doing any of it, and yet they want to do it anyway. I respect that. Especially in a culture where money and wealth accumulation are supposedly so important.
I do not revere anything men make. Revere is short for reverence which is reserved for God. I do respect and admire many things men of science have produced. I am not sure science has produced the bulk of what we know but as It makes little difference then fine. However it has abjectly failed in the most profound aspects I have mentioned. The method of concepts like error correction you think are admirable are common to virtually every scholarly field in existence. Concepts learned about by common sense and present in all areas of life are great but nothing special in science.
I have an answer and I gave it. I don’t particularly care what you think the most important questions of life are since they’re going to be a bit different for everybody. But if you want to tell me that life cannot have what meaning we each wish to give it or that it cannot have meaning without god, then I’m going to disagree with you.
That was not my list. Here is the first one that pops up.
Is there a Supreme Being and is his name really God?
How far does space go?
Is there life on other planets?
What is the meaning of life?
What can I do to improve life for myself and others?
How did it all begin?
What was present just before the Big bang?
Why were you born?
In fact the rest of the first 12 said the same thing.
You may think the actual meaning and purpose of life is not profound almost everyone else does and it is.
You’re telling me if we just go back to how it was in the 1950s everything will be fine, millions of lives will be saved, billions of dollars will be saved, and kids won’t be on drug, so I have to wonder what you’re talking about. Sure life was great in the 1950’s if you were a white male. Not so great if you were a female (especially a colored female, a single female or a gay female), a gay person, a black person or any other minority group. What was so Christian about the 1950’s anyway? Because you said prayer every morning before school started? Anything else?
Yet again you are warping what I said into something you hope is easier to contend with. How many times is this? I never said it would be fine, I said it was better. Even if true is the emotional impact of riding on the back of a bus is not a big price to pay for saving a million babies a year, restoring tens of thousands of families to two (man and a women) parents, saving a hundred thousand teens from being pregnant, stopping 20 thousand babies from being born addicted to crack, putting 20 trillion back into where ever we borrowed it from to fund a million giveaways that increased dependence used to buy poor folks votes (much of it stolen from SS), and getting a hundred thousands kids off dope used to make them less sensitive to the BS going on around them. If Christianity was completely followed and not just a foundational concept in the 50's then even racism (all men ar born equal) and women’s rights would have been where they should have been. The gay rights agenda is going the wrong way. All this while defeating two of teh Earths greatest empires decisively. We no longer even have the moral courage or certainty with secularism to win one against a pathetic force of Jihadists that in our secular omnipotence the administration will not even call terrorist acts many times. By the way the same PC crap that produced man made disasters instead of terrorism also stopped the people who knew those Boston bombers from reporting them. Afraid of being called an Islamaphobe got 200 people messed up. Yet the thing that gets the goat is that even after it happens instead of admitting the mistake and fixing it will be explained away and made worse. This will not end well and is obviously headed in that direction at an ever increasing rate. The wreck rolls on below:


Science cures disease. Science increases life span. Science increases quality of life. Science gives us clean drinking water. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
None of this was on my list and my list whether you liked it or not was the context my statement was in.
Yeah, you know why? Because the Christian construct known as sin, ISN’T responsible for the actual cause of most of our problems. Thanks to scientific inquiry revealing the real causes of disease, we know that now.
That is like telling a child when asked why did you spank me, the ballistics of the belt. Or when a prisoner asks what am I doing in jail explaining the rigidity coefficients and tensile strength of the steel bars. Don't think that I am claiming that any disease is a specific punishment on any one. I claim that nature was perfect until it fell and God stopped sustaining it. All of creation is broken and we through rebellion are now almost always at natures blind mercy. My claims are very general and not applied to any one person.
There is no evidence of a global flood. There is no evidence that people ever lived to be several hundred years old. God supposedly made plants before the sun. I’m curious how you reconcile those things.
Where did the flood come from? Did I mention it? There is quite a lot of evidence for a flood. However I am leaning towards a symbolic understanding of the story in the last few years. The Pentateuch is in my opinion by far the least understood (interpreted reliably) of any of the Bible. It is very hard to determine what is literal and what is symbolic because there is no written history to corroborate it with. I usually only draw general conclusion from these book unless the interpretation is obvious. God did not make planet before light. Is this really what you think is an argument. If you allow that God could both produce plants and produce suns is it really an argument to suggest he is bound by photosynthesis. Not that that is even a problem as the light (not the sun) was created on day one. The exact same light that will light heaven for eternity. The sun nor even the oceans will be needed on the new earth. This is of course shocking to our finite limited minds but is it really too hard for a God that invented nuclear fusion or love and created Canis Majoris?
If there were no Christians, then someone else would have done the science.
That is the worst comeback for this I have ever heard or is even possible I think.

Islam had a great scientific day in the sun that lasted several centuries, before they had a religious reformation which changed all that. The ancient Greeks weren’t Christian and they were interested in examining and understanding the world. People want to know this stuff, regardless of their religious affiliation. Science is done by people who are apparently fascinated and awed by the world we live in. Those aren’t feelings restricted to Christians alone. I find the world and the universe to be absolutely amazing.
I never said they did it all, I said they are very disproportionately represented in the big issues in scientific history. BTW Islam only made progress because they kept alive Greek teachings and added a little to them. They were also good in medicine. It however is less than imagined because the Catholics were going the opposite direct for many years.
I don’t like to get too specific on the internet (I’m a bit weird like that) but I work in the fields of brain sciences and psychology. I don’t know how prolific I am but it’s something that’s near and dear to my heart given some personal experiences I have had which pushed me into the field. Being a bit of a nighthawk, I don’t sleep very much. I work strange hours, so I spend an hour or two here and there posting when I have so down time.
That certainly explains a lot. I am in defense technology and am not allowed or at least warned not to be specific but I see science in all its glory and miserable failure every single day.
I don’t believe aliens exist. You don't believe aliens exist. And yet here we are talking about them.
Actually aliens may very well exist. I know of nothing that prevents them from existing. When I speak negatively about them I mean any roll they have had with Earth and humanity. BY the way what is it you think about my personal testimony and that of billions of other Christians that claim to have experienced God. Are we all lying? If dear to your heart that should be of vital importance. Well Book two volume thirty seven in the bank. Next.


Actually it does happen.
If not then we wouldn't have the heavy elements at all.

The fusion takes place during the collapse and pending nova.

Iron is last element a star can produce and remain stable.
It doesn't last long......just a few million years.

Then bang!....so to speak.
Where did you come from? I thought I was in the wrong thread. You might actually want to stay in this one because I think you are right about this one, and I will correct my claim (and maybe get out of the other one where you are all over the place). It was something I heard long ago and I should have investigated further. However this does nothing to make life more probable without God.


Veteran Member
I can eliminate everything at any of those sites with a single claim. It will also demonstrate the intellectual dishonesty that exists within these theoretical fields. Without looking I will guarantee (I would bet if possible) that not one of them actually included values necessary to even get to a state where their fantasies could even theoretically even take place.

I am sure they did not include the probability of getting a universe that will even allow this or anything about life of any kind to arise in the first place. It is no less a necessity to have a life permitting universe in order to get any life out of one. I will ignore the fact that infinite natural universes are impossible and I will ignore the fact that nothing has zero causal potential. Let's say nothing can produce everything (I can't believe it has come to this). If nothing could have produced this universe then how improbable was getting one that can allow life of any kind to even have the snow balls chance in Hades of arising on its own to begin with. Since nothing is so magical it can overcome every known observation ever made then by what is it constrained. It makes less sense than it already does to say well nothing can produce this type of universe but not that one. So the number of universes possible versus the number of universes that could support life is one in infinity. In other words no freaking way. Not to mention the chance that Suns would exist with the extremely delicate mechanisms that allow carbon to be produced. Nor to mention the unimaginable probabilities involved in Chemical evolution. As for life it's self lets just look at a single aspect among millions needed to get to life.

This narrows the focus to the fact that all proteins must consist of all left-handed
amino acids. Similar to the example I gave with dropping coins, there are only two
choices, left and right hand amino acids. So to calculate the probability of creating a
single protein of 1000 amino acids would simply be 1 chance in 21000, which comes out to
a probability of 1 chance in 10301. When we take the probability of creating a single protein of left-handed amino

acids (1 chance in 10
301), and figure in the maximum possible reactions in the universe

over 15 billion years (10143), it will yield a probability of 1 chance in 10158. We can
conclude that the random chance of biological evolution to create a single protein

anywhere in the universe over 15 billion years is essentially zero.

Unfortunately or maybe (fortunately) I do not have the time to comb through the papers at your sites to find where their numbers go so horribly wrong (I did give one) so I used a pre-emptive strike that eliminates their arguments before hand.You need a universe with structure before the discussion can even occur.

Just read the first link. It describes an actual experiment where the results contradict your claims.


Just read the first link. It describes an actual experiment where the results contradict your claims.
It is not fair for you to use 1 word for every 100 I use. I type all that good stuff and you say nu-uh. I can’t keep up volume wise with you even if we use the same amount of words. At this ratio I will have to quit work and hire a court reporter.

First what argument of mine did that site counter? I gave about ten or so. I assumed it was about the left handed amino acid claim. I looked at the site and searched for left and got nothing, then for amino acids and got one thing about something else. However what I did find was these.
a number so large that it could not possibly happen by chance even once in 13 billion years, the age of the universe.
But life DID begin! Could we be missing something?
The answer, of course, is yes, we are.
Now that is science. We are so God isn’t. Glad we go that figured out.
The calculation assumes that a single specific ribozyme must be synthesized for life to begin, but that’s not how it works.
That is not what my site said. It did not even include order which makes things even far worse. It only used the number of LH amino acids for a simplistic protein.

Also see these.

RNA, in certain circumstances, forms itself into ribozymes, capable of catalyzing their own chemical reactions.[54] However, these reactions are limited to self-excisions (in which a longer RNA molecule becomes shorter), and much rarer small additions that are incapable of coding for any useful protein. The hyper cycle theory is further degraded since the hypothetical RNA would require the existence of complex biochemical such as nucleotides which are not formed under the conditions proposed by the Miller–Urey experiment.

Abiogenesis – What is the chicken and egg paradox?

One of the most fundamental problems confronting adherents to the theory of abiogenesis is the chicken-and-egg paradox. DNA depends heavily on proteins for functioning, yet protein relies upon DNA for correct sequencing. Protein cannot arise apart from DNA, yet DNA requires proteins in order to function. Thus, the difficulty is: how did two independent systems -- both of which are necessary for the sustaining of life -- arise simultaneously that rely on one another for survival and function?

Some origin-of-life researchers have suggested that proteins may not have been the first building blocks of life and that DNA may not have been the first information storage medium. In recent years, scientists have suggested an ‘RNA-world’ model in which RNA serves as the precursor to both DNA and proteins. RNA has the capacity to store information (like DNA) and catalyze chemical reactions (like enzymes).

Abiogenesis and chicken and egg paradox
Yet no one has been able to demonstrate how RNA could have formed on the early earth in the absence of living cells. And besides, the sheer instability of the RNA molecule would render it unsustainable in the long-term.

Furthermore, there is no known naturalistic mechanism from the RNA world to the current DNA-protein world that fundamentally characterizes life as we know it.

This is why your experiment like all similar ones cheated and synthesized what they needed to get started without doing anything to show that nature could have done it.

"Molecular biologist's dream" is a phrase coined by Gerald Joyce and Leslie Orgel to refer to the problem of emergence of self-replicating RNA molecules as any movement towards an RNA world on a properly modeled early Earth would have been continuously suppressed by destructive reactions.[44] It was noted that many of the steps needed for the nucleotides formation do not proceed efficiently in prebiotic conditions.[45] Joyce and Orgel specifically referred the molecular biologist's dream to "a magic catalyst" that could "convert the activated nucleotides to a random ensemble of polynucleotide sequences, a subset of which had the ability to replicate".[44]
Fantasy magic is ok but God is "right out".

There are a hundred other reasons that your experiment was a gross and optimistic over simplification but I am lazy. You gave one counter to one of my dozen or so claims and it is full of holes. That does nothing to address the rest of them nor the hundreds I did not post. I also expect you to type at least as many words as I do so exhaustion will limit your claims so that exhaustion will not prevent me from countering them.


Coincidentia oppositorum
"One only has to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet, we are here as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation." - George Wald,
"The Origin of Life", Scientific American 191:48 (May 1954).

Why did he believe that? Because of all the evidence that it was true, however impossible and improbable the statistics seemed to be.

Down in the Quote Mines - The Panda's Thumb

Besides, the chances of winning on lotto is extremely small, yet almost every week someone wins, sometimes even two or three. Improbable is not the same as impossible, and with a process where reproduction and copy mechanisms wins over non-reproduction, the favor actually is on the organic side. The issue is only about what conditions are needed.

Amino acids (Glycine) found in space: http://video.calacademy.org/details/120

Impossible? No.

Oh, wait, more amino acids have been discovered in space: http://www.kurzweilai.net/dna-and-amino-acid-precursor-molecules-discovered-in-interstellar-space
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"One only has to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet, we are here as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation." - George Wald,
"The Origin of Life", Scientific American 191:48 (May 1954).
The first part of that is an accurate scientific claim. The second part is a assumption based on preference which is not derived from it's premise even theoretically.
Why did he believe that? Because of all the evidence that it was true, however impossible and improbable the statistics seemed to be.
Now you are assuming why he assumed. It just keeps piling up.
Down in the Quote Mines - The Panda's Thumb
Besides, the chances of winning on lotto is extremely small, yet almost every week someone wins, sometimes even two or three.
No, the chances that most lotteries are won is one in one. The chances you get life form non life are similar to the same person winning 1000 consecutive lotteries. What your doing is even worse. You see a man with 100 billion dollars and assume he got it by winning the lottery 1000 times in a row. I look at the man and say well since your proposition is virtually impossible then he must have earned or inherited it. I may be wrong but all the probabilities are on my side. The chances God exists are probably greater than 1 in 2.

Improbable is not the same as impossible, and with a process where reproduction and copy mechanisms wins over non-reproduction, the favor actually is on the organic side. The issue is only about what conditions are needed.
As I explained to even get to what you need (right or wrong) there must be a series of even vastly more improbable events piled on one another as I explained in post 1080.

Amino acids (Glycine) found in space: http://video.calacademy.org/details/120[/QUOTE] How does this help? Iron and silicon exist in space does that mean the George Washington bridge self assembled. A feat far less improbable and less complex than a single cell.
Impossible? No.
In Physics it is a common practice (a rule) that anything with greater than 1 in 10^50 can be considered zero and dismissed. There are dozens and dozens of contingent probabilities that each are thousands of orders of magnitude worse and they must all be multiplied together which gives a number trillions and trillions of orders of magnitude larger. If life arose on its own it would be a greater miracle but require far greater faith given far less evidence than my faith does. This has been compared to a bunch of monkeys typing Shakespeare (it is actually more like typing everything that ever was written a trillion times). However only someone who looks through the lens of preference would find a copy of King Lear and say look what a bunch of Monkeys did, there is no human Author.

Why don't you find some life in a lab and quit woryying about one of it's vast numbers of components that no one ever said did not exist in space? If you find a rock in space it does not prove the pyramids self assembled. In fact it is of no use what so ever in the debate.


Well-Known Member
Would you please be so kind as to point me to the post where you showed the math for all probability claims?
It would be nice to get these pointers but s/he clearly demonstrated to be “intellectually dishonest”, some would even go a step further and say “intellectually challenged.”

Intellectual honesty…
… is an applied method of problem solving in academia, characterized by an unbiased, honest attitude, which can be demonstrated in a number of different ways, including but not limited to:

One's personal beliefs do not interfere with the pursuit of truth;

Relevant facts and information are not purposefully omitted even when such things may contradict one's hypothesis;

Facts are presented in an unbiased manner, and not twisted to give misleading impressions or to support one view over another;

References, or earlier work, are acknowledged where possible, and plagiarism is avoided.


Would you please be so kind as to point me to the post where you showed the math for all probability claims?

I seem to have missed it.

1. Civil war casualties, Union only: 364,000 deaths. There were 2 disease deaths for every 1 battle death. (lack of science killed twice as many as bullets designed to do so).

Twice as many men died of disease than of gunshot wounds in the Civil War. Dysentery, measles, small pox, pneumonia, and malaria were the soldier's greatest enemy. The overall poor hygiene in camp, the lack of adequate sanitation facilities, the cold and lack of shelter and suitable clothing, the poor quality of food and water, and the crowded condition of the camps made the typical camp a literal breeding ground for disease. Conditions, and resulting disease, were even worse for Civil War prisoners, who were held in the most miserable of conditions.
Civil War Medicine

364,000 total divided 66% = 240,000 (in fact 240,540 is the official number) Civil War Statistics

That is far more than the tens of thousands I had claimed but since I mistakenly included surgery deaths for no apparent reason lets pair it down further.
- 45,000 Dysentery
- 35,000 Typhoid
- 20,000 Pneumonia
- 11,000 Measles
- 14,000 Tuberculosis
- 30,000 Malaria
- 10,000 All others
75,000 killed by disease that was not contracted by non-surgical means. That is being very generous with the numbers. For example probably half the Pneumonia cases contracted it from surgery etc...
Civil War Diseases, Civil War Medicine, Civil War Nurses

Tens of thousands was a very conservative claim on my part. Since millions claimed by me from 4000 years until 1863 is very very safe I am not going through the numbers concerning it as well.

The civil war is a life long hobby.


I think you need to stop making apples and oranges comparisons between self-replicating organisms and inanimate objects. It obfuscates the discussion.

It's not the nature that is in comparison but the relative likely hoods of each. There were no self-replicating mechanisms in discussion here. It was a discussion concerning the building blocks of very complex systems. In fact the bridge is in comparison a set of tinker toys compared with life's complexity. There is no reason to think amino acids would not be found in space. The Earth exists in space. I have not the slightest idea what break through this was supposed to be but it certainly says nothing about life arising on its own. Where have you been anyway? Half my test set is crapped out, I have free time and your on vacation.


رسول الآلهة
The classic argument on whether god exist or not based on the creation of the earth. This has to be one of the more priceless moments on debate despite how old it is.
What I hate is how assured atheists are on how a god cannot be eternal when everything has a creation yet a theist believes in pre existence of matter so my question is what or who created the matter or pre existence of energy to create our universe. From this I can go on and on equally the same way they go on and on about god and his creator.
Having a creation as the result of a reaction of another creation proves nothing. Why does everything have to have an eternal start. Why does something's existence have to be the result of another pre existing object.
It is not fundamentally hard to believe that something had to be eternal. A singularity had to be eternal and this is not hard to believe. But oddly enough if a god is placed into the equation he cannot be eternal. This provides all theories for atheist and the big bang to be flawed since that means the pre existence singularity was the result of something or it was the result of the collapse of a multiplicity.
Either way an atheist or theists has equal claim to the existence or nonexistence of god.
I just do not understand why it is so hard for atheist to believe that god is eternal.
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Woke gremlin
The classic argument on whether god exist or not based on the creation of the earth. This has to be one of the more priceless moments on debate despite how old it is.
What I hate is how assured atheists are on how a god cannot be eternal when everything has a creation yet a theist believes in pre existence of matter so my question is what or who created the matter or pre existence of energy to create our universe. From this I can go on and on equally the same way they go on and on about god and his creator.
Having a creation as the result of a reaction of another creation proves nothing. Why does everything have to have an eternal start. Why does something's existence have to be the result of another pre existing object.
It is not fundamentally hard to believe that something had to be eternal. A singularity had to be eternal and this is not hard to believe. But oddly enough if a god is placed into the equation he cannot be eternal. This provides all theories for atheist and the big bang to be flawed since that means the pre existence singularity was the result of something or it was the result of the collapse of a multiplicity.
Either way an atheist or theists has equal claim to the existence or nonexistence of god.
I just do not understand why it is so hard for atheist to believe that god is eternal.

The problem is that the argument is usually framed as a form of special pleading. The "the universe must be finite, but God is infinite" argument is fundamentally flawed, since there is no reason to assume that - could an infinite thing exist - that the Universe cannot, itself, be infinite in some form and therefore not require creation.

The argument isn't one of making assertions or claims about God, but in pointing out the fallacies often evoked by such arguments. I.E: when I make this argument, I do not mean to say "The universe must be infinite, therefore God couldn't do it" or "God must be finite" or any variation on these claims, what I'm actually saying is "here is the reason why your logic is flawed and I therefore do not accept your conclusion". An infinite God isn't a problem. The problem lies in evoking an infinite being through arguing that something cannot but infinite, which is special pleading.


Veteran Member
You’re avoiding the issue and have not posted any evidence in the context this issue came with. I posted statements where a scientist opposed a SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSION for theological reasons and that is wrong and can't be made right. Especially by claiming that Francis Collins has theological convictions. Almost everyone has them and as long as they are not a factor in determining truth (or at least not denying truth) then they are no problem. If you post a claim where DR Collins employed theological preference in a scientific conclusion then he is wrong as were the ones who I posted. Until then my claim stands and his theology is irrelevant.

You didn’t post any statements where scientists said they opposed big bang because it had religious implications. You posted a wiki article which made the claim that some scientists had done so. The reality is that all scientists, regardless of theological leanings accepted the evidence for the big bang when it was presented, which is what scientists do (and everyone should do, really). Scientists are supposed to leave their biases at the door, but if they don’t they’ll be weeded out anyway by the scientific method.

Why did you not say this before I went through everything above? This is close to what I was talking about? I will look into it and respond. Keep in mind that I said if Collins used theology to derive scientific fact then he was as wrong as the statements that I provided and if this turns out to be a case of this then he was wrong. What help is that to you or what is it you are intending to show in the context of our discussion? In fact I will do so whether or not his is the case. In the condemnation of Copernicus, Galileo, and about a hundred others plus the entire dark ages the Church was completely and utterly wrong. How does this help your case? BTW he is right about one thing; evolution alone does not explain reality.

I said it all at the same time, in the same post.

I pointed it out because there are probably some things discovered in science that he may oppose for religious reasons, but like every other scientist doing their job he has to accept the evidence and leave his beliefs out of it. He can state all he wants what his beliefs are and whether or not he likes the outcome of some scientific experiment, but he still has to accept the evidence or he won’t be doing his job.

First you are assuming this based on three examples. If preference exists then there countless times the evidence did not prevail. History is full of them. Unfortunately the Catholics doing this is far more famous than the scientists doing it but it exists and has occurred constantly on both sides. You realize your argument is based on human infallibility. Talk about a sinking ship.

Those are the only examples you gave. The evidence always prevails and we’ve been over this before when you gave several examples of hoaxes and the like where I demonstrated that the evidence actually (or lack of it in some cases) did prevail.

The fact that humans are fallible speaks to the very reason the scientific method was created in the first place!

Name a better attested one. The revelation for the Biblical God is identical to what philosophy indicates must be present in a creator of the cosmos. I do not even think there is another God who claims to have created from nothing but there are many that claim falsely to have created from something else and that is known to be false. I am not talking about candidates you can invent as concepts but ones that have evidence or textual attestation. My God alone meets all the demands of reality. I disagree with your looooong claim but even if true it is much closer than any competitor at this time.

I did. I pointed out that you might be able to get to a deistic version of god, but to get to the personal, omniscient, omnipresent, loving god you believe in, who demands certain behaviors, rituals and propitiations from “his” creation requires a lot more assumption, demonstration or evidence.

Many of the gods believed in and discarded throughout human history were claimed to have created the universe and/or the earth from nothingness. So really, it’s just as likely that your version of the Christian god created the universe and/or the earth as it is that Tepeu created the universe and everything in it. (And obviously you already know that I consider the god you believe in to be a human invention.)

I will illustrate this one last time. This is probably the worst argument an atheist could make. Only things that begin to exist need a cause. God is uncaused and eternal as a concept. That concept has no need of a cause. BTW no matter what the actual case that will still be true. An infinite regress of causation is a logical absurdity and will not produce anything. If you have X then the causal chain for X ends at some point with an uncaused original cause for it, if not you will never get your X. This argument as Dawkins made it has been called the worst argument in the history of western thought concerning God.

This is the worst argument a theist can make, in my opinion. It requires you to destroy what seems otherwise to be a fairly logical argument with a fallacy wherein you have to suspend your original assertions. What you’re saying is, “Everything that exists has a cause for its existence except this one thing I believe exists which magically doesn’t require a cause to have come into existence. See how logical my argument is?” It’s not logical and it doesn’t work.


The classic argument on whether god exist or not based on the creation of the earth. This has to be one of the more priceless moments on debate despite how old it is.
What I hate is how assured atheists are on how a god cannot be eternal when everything has a creation yet a theist believes in pre existence of matter so my question is what or who created the matter or pre existence of energy to create our universe. From this I can go on and on equally the same way they go on and on about god and his creator.
Having a creation as the result of a reaction of another creation proves nothing. Why does everything have to have an eternal start. Why does something's existence have to be the result of another pre existing object.
It is not fundamentally hard to believe that something had to be eternal. A singularity had to be eternal and this is not hard to believe. But oddly enough if a god is placed into the equation he cannot be eternal. This provides all theories for atheist and the big bang to be flawed since that means the pre existence singularity was the result of something or it was the result of the collapse of a multiplicity.
Either way an atheist or theists has equal claim to the existence or nonexistence of god.
I just do not understand why it is so hard for atheist to believe that god is eternal.

I am out of time and so wish to only clarify your argument as I understand it to be in my mind. I mean to clarify the argument as it classically exists and I agree with some of your contentions.

1. God is eternal and uncaused.
2. He requires no cause because he never began to exist. It may be rejected on preference but not science or philosophy.
3. The universe the Bible posits is finite and began to exist.
4. The universe that is known in science to exist is finite and began to exist.
Other theories are at the present guesses and wishful thinking.
5. A universe that began to exist must have a cause.
6. Self-creating universes are absurd and even the theory it's self requires more faith given less evidence than the Bible requires.
7. The causal chain cannot be infinitely regressive for anything that actually exists.
8. It must arrive eventually at an uncaused first cause. God in a theists mind, nothing in a scientists mind.
9. The Biblical and even to some extent the Islamic cosmological claim accurately reflect scientific facts and reliable conclusions.
10. Reliable science ends at the big bang.
11. Yet material atheists claim God can't exist forever and needs a cause and the universe does not.

I can clarify and greatly expand any point desired.


رسول الآلهة
The problem is that the argument is usually framed as a form of special pleading. The "the universe must be finite, but God is infinite" argument is fundamentally flawed, since there is no reason to assume that - could an infinite thing exist - that the Universe cannot, itself, be infinite in some form and therefore not require creation.

The argument isn't one of making assertions or claims about God, but in pointing out the fallacies often evoked by such arguments. I.E: when I make this argument, I do not mean to say "The universe must be infinite, therefore God couldn't do it" or "God must be finite" or any variation on these claims, what I'm actually saying is "here is the reason why your logic is flawed and I therefore do not accept your conclusion". An infinite God isn't a problem. The problem lies in evoking an infinite being through arguing that something cannot but infinite, which is special pleading.

This is not what I am referring to, unless I have become confused by your words(I am on a caffeine high).
I am referring to the age old argument of an atheist telling a theists that "if god created the universe then who created god".
This reasoning is flawed because atheist do not believe that something came out of nothing just like a theist. They believe in the bing bang concept usually which states that a singularity expanding by the nature of heat(energy). This means they to believe that something pre existed. Why is it that this pre existence of energy or matter(still being debated) is eternal? Why can nothing be eternally in existence but creation itself can be eternal meaning "this created that and that created this which created that".


رسول الآلهة
I am out of time and so wish to only clarify your argument as I understand it to be in my mind. I mean to clarify the argument as it classically exists and I agree with some of your contentions.

1. God is eternal and uncaused.
2. He requires no cause because he never began to exist. It may be rejected on preference but not science or philosophy.
3. The universe the Bible posits is finite and began to exist.
4. The universe that is known in science to exist is finite and began to exist.
Other theories are at the present guesses and wishful thinking.
5. A universe that began to exist must have a cause.
6. Self-creating universes are absurd and even the theory it's self requires more faith given less evidence than the Bible requires.
7. The causal chain cannot be infinitely regressive for anything that actually exists.
8. It must arrive eventually at an uncaused first cause. God in a theists mind, nothing in a scientists mind.
9. The Biblical and even to some extent the Islamic cosmological claim accurately reflect scientific facts and reliable conclusions.
10. Reliable science ends at the big bang.
11. Yet material atheists claim God can't exist forever and needs a cause and the universe does not.

I can clarify and greatly expand any point desired.

Essentially you are saying the same thing I am saying just with Biblical perspective.

The bold letters are wrong by the way(partially). Because scientist do believe in something that is eternal and usually that is energy because without it the Big Bang theory cannot exist. But some will assert in the concept of infinite cause and reaction to make the theistic concept of an eternal god look foolish.
But whether you believe god or energy is eternal that still means you believe in something eternal which resulted in our universe. So debating either on the grounds of illogical existence is pointless. As far as creation goes, an atheist and theist have the same metaphysics.
But there probably are some atheist who believe in eternal cause and effect although I have not known of any.


Woke gremlin
This is not what I am referring to, unless I have become confused by your words(I am on a caffeine high).
I am referring to the age old argument of an atheist telling a theists that "if god created the universe then who created god".
This reasoning is flawed because atheist do not believe that something came out of nothing just like a theist. They believe in the bing bang concept usually which states that a singularity expanding by the nature of heat(energy). This means they to believe that something pre existed. Why is it that this pre existence of energy or matter(still being debated) is eternal? Why can nothing be eternally in existence but creation itself can be eternal meaning "this created that and that created this which created that".
Again, I think this is usually brought up as a response to special pleading than anything else. I think the question of "if God created the Universe then what created God" is really just a demonstration of that logical fault, and clearly illustrates that assuming the intervention of some divine agency isn't really answering the question. The response that "God is eternal" demonstrates that the claim itself is a form of special pleading, since the response that usually follows is "well, then the Universe can be eternal, therefore no act of creation is required, therefore God is not a logical conclusion".