Grumpy Old Man
Most of the Universe is Newtonian in that most matter is moving around at speeds well short of the speed of light. Special relativity only appears different to Newtonian calculations at speeds approaching that of light.Angular momentum is Newtonian physics and was explained several hundred years ago
Where V=1/sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2)).
I thought this was a simple application of fluid dynamics under the influence of gravity countering the tendency to continue in a straight line. The word resistance strikes me as inappropriate. Resistance is force acting inhibiting forward movement, acting in the opposite direction to the movement and proportional to the forward movement squared. Whereas what we observe is a balancing of forces gravity vs centripetal force acting at rightangles to the direction of the velocity vector.– it is the result of orthogonal resistance to rotation – that must exist in order to create rotation from forces that intend to travel in a straight line.
I did write a paper many years ago in college that forces act within volumes and not plains as calculated in Newtonian physics – but the delta is miniscule for objects not near the speed of light.
Agreed see above
The interesting by product of the math is that there is another dimension to our universe
Would like to see the maths
I don't know that I am any smarter than you, we all have a pretty neat supercomputer sitting on our shoulders, but I may have a different way of analysing and interpretting the evidence.– but since you are obviously smarter than me I will not pursue such thinking.
I still suggest the current rotational velocity of our Universe, has an angular momentum associated with it. Further this must have come from the big bang so what made the proto-universe spin. I offer a plausible explanation using natural physics and you can only offer myth.
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