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Intelligent Design is a Fact- Evolution is a Theory!


Revelation all the time
Missing link is not a scientific term. Given the preponderance of ancient life forms that have been found as fossils that are clearly transitional between the major classes of animals and plants today, arguing against evolution is not even tenable.
Experiments with unicellular or multicellular organisms have so far provided no evidence of any directionality in evolution. If such evidence comes up, the theory of how genetic variations occur will be adjusted accordingly. Its highly unlikely at this point as stochastic models does such a great job of replicating how mutations actually occur in genes. The observed fact that most mutations are neutral or harmful also tells the researchers that mutations have no inbuilt directionality. All directionality comes from the subsequent selection process among the variant descendants.

Since there exists many unicellular life forms that are very very simple and from which more complex life is clearly descendant from (from both fossil evidence and genetic and protein tree analysis), we know that life has increased its structural and functional complexity many folds over the eons, and evolution is the perfect process that can do this job.

Honestly, if I were to scrutinize this at level that creationism is scrutinized, I could, rather easily, show how this is somewhat to mostly nonsensical. I mean, we could just start with this referencing a quote where the words "missing link" are nowhere to be found. Answering to that and then the little side debate one could have for that could be short lived or 18 more pages of thread discussion. The rest of what is being said here, some of which includes terms that are not 'scientific' would allow for a field day, if you know, all we are bringing to the table is scrutiny and deeming that good / righteous debate strategy.


Revelation all the time
I wonder why so many posters select the word, "faith", instead of "confidence".
The former is typically used in the religious sense here on RF, so it connotes belief in things unverifiable.
But when used to describe scientific & mathematical knowledge, it misleads.
So why purposely select "faith", when "confidence" is more accurate?

How is it more accurate? You are making statements of connotations. Thus appealing to emotion. How about all parties who hold assumption in premises (be they theological or scientific) now get to use the word confidence, if indeed that is the 'more accurate' term. If anyone tries to say, 'that is just faith' and somehow imply 'confidence is greater, and is what we use,' then we, I dunno, ignore such people from now on?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Thought that might get your attention so before you rush to post your arguments read:

We have been designing organism for a long time through cross breeding and inbreeding species like dogs, horses, cats and any domesticated animals. It is is intelligent design not natural selection and is intended to produce an organism with specific traits.

We can now clone animals with no natural selection involved in the process to create a living organism.

We create genetically modified animals and plants in labs all the time and that food you eat today is probably a result of intelligent design that happened in a lab.

Intelligent design is not creationism. Intelligent design does not require a God or even a genius and has nothing to do with magic or super natural powers.

Intelligent design is the application of science to create living organism or modify genes and DNA to produce changes in organisms.

Intelligent Design is a Fact!

Now that we have established that ID is a fact we can start looking at how that may be the mechanism that started life on this planet.

Personally, I have no faith in spontaneous generation or abiogenesis that says life can form from inorganic materials and without that faith the Theories of Evolution fall apart.

ADDED: we have a few trolls that do not want us to discuss Intelligent Design so they tried to hijack the discussion. Just ignore them please.
I like your op. It's along with how I interpret id as it's defined, but I think the "spark" itself rose naturally giving way to more complexity.

Inorganic material btw is just as vital and revelent as to our existance. There is definitely interaction between inorganic and organic that leads to simple and complex forms.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
How is it more accurate?
Because when using a secular definition "faith", it's synonymous with "confidence".
But when the context is one of religion's relationship with science, the connotation of religious faith applies.
To use "confidence" leads to correct inference.
To use "faith" leads to conflating the basis for both religion & science.
It would be either an error or a rhetorical trick.
You are making statements of connotations. Thus appealing to emotion.
To comment upon connotations of words is not an appeal to emotion.
It's analysis of language, & consequent effects.


Revelation all the time
Because when using a secular definition "faith", it's synonymous with "confidence".

...for you. If it is truly synonymous, then it is truly an either-or proposition. Both are equally fine.

But when the context is one of religion's relationship with science, the connotation of religious faith applies.

...for you. Religion's relationship with science could plausibly allow for confidence, as the two are synonymous.

To use "confidence" leads to correct inference.
To use "faith" leads to conflating the basis for both religion & science.

...for you. Perhaps you could expound on the basis of religion and science without using the words faith and confidence? Or even with them, and we could all see if what you are purporting is fair and accurate for both.

It would be either an error or a rhetorical trick.

I see what you are currently suggesting as a rhetorical trick. One endeavor gets to use both, whenever it chooses. Likely to go with confidence, as that is more righteous (for some) and leads to justification in premises as not based on 'mere belief' but something more, such as 'valid assumptions.' The other endeavor better stick to faith, for all it has is 'mere belief' and nothing more.

...is how I read what you are conveying.


I think anyone who's ever read any Dawkins or heard him speak, already knows the answer to that. ;)
Yup, but you know how confusing it gets after a long day of sweating in the quote mine. You load 16 lies and whata ya get? Another day older and deeper in debt.
I wonder why so many posters select the word, "faith", instead of "confidence".
The former is typically used in the religious sense here on RF, so it connotes belief in things unverifiable.
But when used to describe scientific & mathematical knowledge, it misleads.
So why purposely select "faith", when "confidence" is more accurate?
Good point I'll try to keep that in mind.
I already belong to the "expose the lies repeated by desperate liars" club.
I would suggest you get yourself out of the "desperate liars" club.
What? You'd have him burn his Daft Card?
Honestly, if I were to scrutinize this at level that creationism is scrutinized, I could, rather easily, show how this is somewhat to mostly nonsensical. I mean, we could just start with this referencing a quote where the words "missing link" are nowhere to be found. Answering to that and then the little side debate one could have for that could be short lived or 18 more pages of thread discussion. The rest of what is being said here, some of which includes terms that are not 'scientific' would allow for a field day, if you know, all we are bringing to the table is scrutiny and deeming that good / righteous debate strategy.
If you could, you would and since you haven't ...
How is it more accurate? You are making statements of connotations. Thus appealing to emotion. How about all parties who hold assumption in premises (be they theological or scientific) now get to use the word confidence, if indeed that is the 'more accurate' term. If anyone tries to say, 'that is just faith' and somehow imply 'confidence is greater, and is what we use,' then we, I dunno, ignore such people from now on?
Faith is belief based, confidence is backed by evidence, at least as I understand the suggestion.


Revelation all the time
If you could, you would and since you haven't ...

I started to. You didn't address that point I raised, thus no rebuttal. I win.

Faith is belief based, confidence is backed by evidence, at least as I understand the suggestion.

Faith is trust based. Confidence is trust based. Trust is faith based. Trust is confidence based. Your personal connotations are noted.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
***MOD POST***
Everyone, please keep Rules 1 and 3 in mind while posting.

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3. Trolling and Bullying
Where Rule 1 covers personal attacks, Rule 3 governs other behaviors and content that can generally be described as being a jerk. Unacceptable behaviors and content include:

1) Content (whether words or images) that most people would find needlessly offensive, especially when such content is posted just to get a rise out of somebody and/or is not part of a reasoned argument.

2) Defamation, slander, or misrepresentation of a member's beliefs/arguments, or that of a particular group, culture, or religion. This includes altering the words of another member to change their meaning when using the quote feature.

3) Antagonism, bullying, or harassment - including but not limited to personal attacks, slander, and misrepresentation - of a member across multiple content areas of the forums. Repeatedly targeting or harassing members of particular groups will also be considered bullying.

We staff members are watching this thread. Do be sure to follow the rules. Thank you for your cooperation.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Honestly, if I were to scrutinize this at level that creationism is scrutinized, I could, rather easily, show how this is somewhat to mostly nonsensical. I mean, we could just start with this referencing a quote where the words "missing link" are nowhere to be found. Answering to that and then the little side debate one could have for that could be short lived or 18 more pages of thread discussion. The rest of what is being said here, some of which includes terms that are not 'scientific' would allow for a field day, if you know, all we are bringing to the table is scrutiny and deeming that good / righteous debate strategy.
Please scrutinize.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
in·tel·li·gent de·sign

  1. the theory that life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance and was designed and created by some intelligent entity.
No mention of God in that definition and creationism is not Intelligent Design.

  1. elief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution.
I made it clear that life can and is created by Intelligent design all the time.

It was not a semantic argument. It was showing that Creationism and Intelligent Design are not the same thing and should not be lumped together.

Thanks for the dictionary definitions, but they in no way address my point. Perhaps I wasn't clear, so I will attempt to reword.

Intelligent design as a concept has existed forever, basically. The key thing you seem to be missing there when comparing the definition you have provided, with the OP you write, is that intelligent design isn't talking about the evolution of existing life via cross-breeding or genetic manipulation, but rather the creation of life (or the universe) itself. So sure...if a scientist takes inanimate objects and infuses them with life, they could be considered an intelligent designer. Victor Frankenstein is the dramatic example, but obviously the life form doesn't need to be complex.

However, in terms of common usage, to suggest this is what Intelligent Design is falls into one of two buckets.
Deliberate obfuscation or plain naivety.


Dante Writer

Active Member
Thanks for the dictionary definitions, but they in no way address my point. Perhaps I wasn't clear, so I will attempt to reword.

Intelligent design as a concept has existed forever, basically. The key thing you seem to be missing there when comparing the definition you have provided, with the OP you write, is that intelligent design isn't talking about the evolution of existing life via cross-breeding or genetic manipulation, but rather the creation of life (or the universe) itself. So sure...if a scientist takes inanimate objects and infuses them with life, they could be considered an intelligent designer. Victor Frankenstein is the dramatic example, but obviously the life form doesn't need to be complex.

However, in terms of common usage, to suggest this is what Intelligent Design is falls into one of two buckets.
Deliberate obfuscation or plain naivety.


"when comparing the definition you have provided, with the OP you write, is that intelligent design isn't talking about the evolution of existing life via cross-breeding or genetic manipulation, but rather the creation of life"

No here is my OP:

"We can now clone animals with no natural selection involved in the process to create a living organism.

We create genetically modified animals and plants in labs all the time and that food you eat today is probably a result of intelligent design that happened in a lab.

Intelligent design is not creationism. Intelligent design does not require a God or even a genius and has nothing to do with magic or super natural powers.

Intelligent design is the application of science to create living organism or modify genes and DNA to produce changes in organisms."

I have said in my responses many times that ID does not replace some mechanism of evolution being involved. I believe in some mechanism of evolution and natural selection within a species to produce variations is an accepted science fact.