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Intentionally killing 8 year old girls is funny


Well-Known Member
If I am reading this correctly:
  1. They were talking about the pager attack ...
  2. They were snickering ...
And boastfully laughing.

  1. At first you thought they were not aware of the eight year old victim ...
I wasn't sure and I was wondering about this.

  1. Then they mentioned it ...

  1. They you thought the intentional killing was funny ...
I won't assume that the first word was a Freudian typo, and that you meant to type "then", but I am curious - was it a Freudian typo?

In the last OP paragraph I included the comment that "I don't think it's funny". I posted this thread in the "current events" section of the forum; I'm not a "current event".

So, a few questions:

  1. Was the flow of discussion such that it was clear that they thought the collateral dammage was funny?
Technically a loaded question; although there might be no dispute that her killing was collateral damage (and the adult casualties were intended targets), it wasn't explicitly established that they deemed her to be collateral damage.

I presume that the targeting of any child wasn't the intent, but I'm not going to dehumanize her killing with such dismissive rhetoric; you can do that if that's what you wish.

I would say that from the flow of the discussion, once they expressed that they were aware that an 8 year old girl was killed as a result of the attack, then continued to joke and laugh about the attack without expressing even the smallest amount of remorse for her killing from this attack, that they thought that it was part of what was funny to them, since they expressed no empathy at all for it. When they were briefly addressing it, all they had was this purely insensitive, sociopathic, "**it happens" attitude about it.

If they would have expressed some sort of empathy and regret for this tragedy, I would not have considered starting this thread.

  1. How did you surmise that that the killing of an eight year old girl was intentional?
They were asserting that this pager attack was the work of Mossad, and they were acknowledging that this 8 year old girl was killed by the attack.

There are 4 categories of manner of death - natural, accidental, homicide, and suicide; her death was not natural, accidental, or a suicide; it was a homicide.

When I was drafting the thread, I wanted to avoid being vague (in leaving open the possibility that the situation was accidental), so I didn't want to just title the thread starting with the word "killing...." I wanted it to be clear that it was a homicide, which (I guess you could say) grammatically calls for the use of the word "intentional" since that's what homicide means.

By "intentional", I don't mean to imply that she, herself, was specifically targeted; as I stated earlier, I don't presume that the specific targeting of any child was the intent.

If anyone, whether it's Israel's Mossad, or anyone else, wants go after their adversaries, I'd much rather they do it by "surgically" targeting their adversaries than massively broad indiscriminate destruction and killing, like Israel was in Gaza. I'll give the Mossad credit for at least trying to be surgical in their efforts to target their adversaries.

This thread isn't about that, though; it's about a couple of radio hosts, right here in the US, in the nation's capital, having such an callous disregard for the intentional killing of a little girl by laughing about the overall situation which included it, in a way that I think they'd never ever do for anyone else anywhere else in the world.

Had there been no child victim, and they were snickering, laughing, and joking around about the Mossad getting their targets the way they did, I wouldn't have been driven to post this thread, and I probably would've been grinning a little along with them, but not because I condone this overall conflict and what has happened that led up to it, going back to the mid-20th century.

I'm trying to determine whether your entire post was an ugly distortion or just some of it.


Veteran Member

They're looking at a company based in Hungary, which was licensed by a Taiwanese manufacturer to make the pagers.

So, it's not clear exactly what this company actually is, but some of the information on the website was phony. And even though they had a license to manufacture the pagers, they're saying that they were just an intermediary with no manufacturing or operational site in Hungary.

So, where were these pagers actually made? Nobody seems to know.

If nothing else, at least this goes to show that international transactions need to be more closely monitored.
There's also a story out claiming the company that made the pagers was actually setup by israel itself for the sole purpose of manufacturing these booby trapped beepers and trick hezbollah into buying them.

And once again they cite "anonymous insiders". So pretty much unverifiable, like much of the other claims out at the moment.
There's plenty of weird things going on in any case... It should not be that difficult to trace an electronic product to its manufacturing site. The fact that this trace seems so blurry, with every supposed partner involved claiming that they didn't come from them, is suspect at best.

Then there's also the walkie talkies.... These walkies are models of a Japanese company. However, these specific models have been out of production for 10 years already, according to said Japanese firm.

The plot thickens.


Well-Known Member
As much as I find this booby trap operation as a whole to be despicable, I don't think it's useful or productive to misrepresent it either.

It is just plain incorrect to state that killing and 8-year old was "intentional".
Yes, I don't think it was intentional in the context of specifically targeting a particular little girl; to repeat what I said in my previous post:

They were asserting that this pager attack was the work of Mossad, and they were acknowledging that this 8 year old girl was killed by the attack.
There are 4 categories of manner of death - natural, accidental, homicide, and suicide; her death was not natural, accidental, or a suicide; it was a homicide.
When I was drafting the thread, I wanted to avoid being vague (in leaving open the possibility that the situation was accidental), so I didn't want to just title the thread starting with the word "killing...." I wanted it to be clear that it was a homicide, which (I guess you could say) grammatically calls for the use of the word "intentional" since that's what homicide means.
By "intentional", I don't mean to imply that she, herself, was specifically targeted; as I stated earlier, I don't presume that the specific targeting of any child was the intent.

The focus isn't about that, though; it's about the callous disregard of these radio hosts here in the US, in the nation's capital.


Well-Known Member
Hardly weird in light of Palestinian childern used historically in suicide bombings by these people.

Israel isn't engaged in the same way as your attempt to paint them as being.
This happened in Lebanon, not Palestine. Did the parents of this 8 year old girl send her off to get killed in an exploding pager attack? Did they know that these pagers were rigged to blow up?


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
There's also a story out claiming the company that made the pagers was actually setup by israel itself for the sole purpose of manufacturing these booby trapped beepers and trick hezbollah into buying them.

And once again they cite "anonymous insiders". So pretty much unverifiable, like much of the other claims out at the moment.
There's plenty of weird things going on in any case... It should not be that difficult to trace an electronic product to its manufacturing site. The fact that this trace seems so blurry, with every supposed partner involved claiming that they didn't come from them, is suspect at best.

Then there's also the walkie talkies.... These walkies are models of a Japanese company. However, these specific models have been out of production for 10 years already, according to said Japanese firm.

The plot thickens.

I read in the article that the walkie-talkies might have been cheap knockoffs, not actually manufactured by the Japanese firm in question. But the Hungarian company seems like some kind of empty shell.

It was clearly a very diabolical plan. They said the reason Hezbollah was using pagers was because they considered cellphones too vulnerable, as Israeli intelligence made deep penetrations into their communications networks.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Hardly weird in light of Palestinian childern used historically in suicide bombings by these people.

Israel isn't engaged in the same way as your attempt to paint them as being.
Anyone who kills, abuses, exploits, etc. children are horrible ********. Doesn't matter whose kids. Doesn't matter who's doing it, be it IDF, Hamas, etc.


Well-Known Member
No matter how you wish to approach this, it ultimately comes down to what the word "intentional" means.
Potential collateral damage is not intentional

Also, your grenade example is not a proper analogy either.
In your example, you can see the dude standing a crowded place. At this point, the collateral damage is no longer "potential", it is a certainty.
Furthermore a grenade as a weapon is also intended to kill / damage within a rather wide radius. It is literally designed for shrapnel flying in all directions.

None of this was the case here.
Nope... when acceptable loss of innocent life is baked into the equation, it IS intentional. The fact that I saw my uncle in a crowd means NOTHING, since I STARTED off deciding a certain number of dead innocents was acceptable. It just means that seeing him in a crowd didn't STOP me from taking action, because avoiding innocent deaths was never my goal. By blindly sending out pagers, the tactic was designed to send shrapnel flying in all directions.