You hear discussion of interfaith marriages sometimes, and the pros and cons. Success stories, and regret stories.
But what about marriages in which the two people hold different political beliefs?
My husband and I do not generally agree on politics. We have a few key points we agree on, but some other things we are polar opposites on. I've always been the type to state my piece, take it or leave it, and then move on. He's the type that has to excitedly express his opinion, jump around frantically, and not let it go until he's 'converted' everyone, or made them upset and they leave. (My words tend to be "Well, I see its time for bed.") I try not to get into anything remotely political with him.
This isn't going to break us; its been this way always. But it does add certain stresses at heated times(like election years, when all the political crap is getting drug out).
I hear my great grandparents were complete opposites, politically speaking, but they just didn't talk about it, and would go off to the polls together, laughing that they were there to cancel out each other's vote.
What do you think of relationships where the couple has such different views? Could you manage it?